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Full Version: looking for online group
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Looking for online group.

I'm based in the philippines.

Most of my books are for SR3 and only have the core book for SR4. Willing to play either one.

Time maybe a slight issue though. My work is on a rotating shift which usually changes weekly. But I have access to the internet both at home and at work.

You can mail me at or reply here.
Since there is only the core book out for SR4, I am not surprised that is all you have.

If you are ok with playing by post (a rather slow going gaming medium) there is a new recruitment thread over in the Welcome to the Shadows section. It's SR3 based, with a few special rules.
Other Play by Post (and occasionally chat based game) recrutiments start up in the Welcome to the Shadows section every one or two weeks typically. So you may want to browse that every once in a while.
Currently there are only three SR4 games I know of running there, but they are all filled.
Thanks for the fast reply. smile.gif
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