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Full Version: Is assensing LOS?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
It seems like mana spells, which are described as targeting the aura of the victim, could use assensing as LOS. Ideas? Opinions? Something I missed?

I don't think this would work for physical spells, though. It seems like they require you to see the target physically.
Yes, astral sight counts as sight for LOS, even for physical spells.
Assensing counts for LOS. However, you also have to be on the same plane as the target to hit them with a spell. So while astrally perceiving, you'll be able to cast spells on pretty much anything you can see, but while projecting you can only hit other astral forms with your magic.

QUOTE (JBlades)
It seems like mana spells, which are described as targeting the aura of the victim, could use assensing as LOS. Ideas? Opinions? Something I missed?

I don't think this would work for physical spells, though. It seems like they require you to see the target physically.

"An astrally perceving (or otherwise dual natured) magician can cast spells on a target in either the physical world or in astral space." p.173

The only thing that limits your choice of what type of spell you can cast is what plane they're on. If they have a physical form on the physical plane, then they're fair game for a physical spell, even if you had to go on the astral to get LOS to them. If your target's on the astral plane, then it's mana spells only.

(Not this is also how ritual spellcasting works. The spotter only needs to be able to astrally percevie the target, but there's no limitation anywhere that says that you're limited to mana spells when working a ritual spellcasting.)
Thanks for the help! I knew there was something like that, and if anyone would know, it would be Dumpshockers! smile.gif
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