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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Wounded Ronin
Hi guys,

It's been a while since I've posted on DSF. That's because I'm doing Peace Corps service in the Federated States of Micronesia for the next two years, and as no one out here plays Shadowrun and the internet connection is finnikey I left all my sourcebooks in the US.

Thing is, I'd been playing and GMing SR for years before now. I think that as I played more and more SR I wrote less and less because all my "creative" ideas ended up being translated to RPG scenarios.

Now that I haven't really done any RPG gaming for a while, I found that I started to write a longish short story...and that while it's not a Shadowrun story per se it's inspired by Shadowrun, the 80s, and it kind of reads a lot like a SR campaign that I might have run would. Depending on how you look at it, you could see it as kind of a reminiscient tribute to years of doing SR 2nd and 3rd edition.

When it's done, I might post it here. It's supposed to be funny, so hopefully it might entertain someone.

Sorry for a rambling post.
Musashi Forever
Hey, I look forward to it.

Does the Peace Corps still exist in the SR world? I wonder.

If they do I bet they have a militant faction. nyahnyah.gif
Kyoto Kid
I have the Peace Corps, along with several other (meta)humanitarian concerns both real and fictional. Just because the world's gone to HiaHB since the awakening doesn't mean these organisations still won't be around.
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Musashi Forever)
Hey, I look forward to it.

Does the Peace Corps still exist in the SR world? I wonder.

If they do I bet they have a militant faction. nyahnyah.gif

Heh, depends on how far you want to "disutopian"-ize it. The oath of service for the Peace Corps still includes upholding the constitution and something about defending the US from enemies "both domestic and foreign". It's the same oath of service for the military.

So, luckily for me, I haven't seen any enemies out here, either domestic or foreign. rotfl.gif

That being said, however, I think you really could run with an "evil" Peace Corps in a Shadowrun setting, and have it be extremely funny.
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