First off thx for all the help with my first SR4 sammy char. GM is fine with what i chose cyber/bio wise, and it will be a week before we start proper, and i need a hand with an idea i have.
Ive read a lot on hacking, and to be honest its not the sort of thing this char is really into (i mean hes not going to want to spend ages searching the matrix for stuff, or flopping around on the floor when actions going on when he could be happily giving people grief or creating large red mists of chunky salsa ) . Having said that i was reading through and thought it would be interesting to have some electronics skills that may prove useful.
Initial idea was to get the Hardware and electronic warfare skill. Reasons being that this would allow me to break into cars, bypass locks, and jam signals to security systems/make meeting areas secure etc.
Now i did realise that this would require some decent hardware and programs type stuff... but having read a lot of the hacking threads im not sure it will work at all like that.
So i suppose i have two main questions:-
1) without hacking skill is it impossible to break into cars/buildings in 2070?... i would really hate playing in the new wifi world if without a hacker present you are incapable of doing the most basic of breaking and entering stuff.
2) if you did have 2 "electronics" type skills what would be the most useful ?( doesnt have to be 2, but remember this guy is a Sammy, and doesnt want to spend lots and lots of skill points in this area)