Nov 17 2005, 11:31 AM
I've looked everywhere, but cannot find any mention of what would happen if one inserted so much cyberware into a character that his essence would drop to 0 or even become negative.
As far as I can see essence loss also reduces Magic and Ressonanse and makes a character harder to heal by magic, but no other effects are mentioned.
I guess most of you here on the forums have played SR3 and some of the earlier editions too, I however had a brief courtship with SR1 back in the days and have no idea if complete loss of essence has any effects at all comparable to Cyberpunks Cyberpsychosis.
Can anyone enlighten me??
Nov 17 2005, 11:35 AM
With Essence of 0 you are just plain dead (or a cyberzombie owned by a corp)...
Nov 17 2005, 11:43 AM
i am told that it says on page 62 what happens at 0 essence. unless it's a major departure from SR1-3 (what are the chances of that?), you die at 0.
Nov 17 2005, 11:44 AM
QUOTE (Elve @ Nov 17 2005, 06:35 AM) |
With Essence of 0 you are just plain dead (or a cyberzombie owned by a corp)... |
CyberZombie..... great!
So no cyberpsychosis in shadowrun then.
And yes it says on page 62 that characters can never have Essenceof 0 or less. If they do, they die!
Nov 17 2005, 01:43 PM
And if you're a cyberzombie, you die a horrible death of cancer a few months afterwards, instead of dropping dead immediately, though one could argue that a cyberzombie who has had everything but their brain replaced with metal wouldn't (given that brain cells don't reproduce often enough to go cancerous, right?)
Nov 17 2005, 02:12 PM
Uhm...never heard of brain-tumors? o_O
Nov 17 2005, 02:16 PM
You can think of your body and your spirit as roommates. Getting Cyberware is like your body constantly playing deathmetal polka, never bathing, leaving dishes in the sink, regular noisy nookie...
Eventually, your spirit gets fed up and moves out...
Cybermancy is like handcuffing your spirit to the bathroom drainpipe while the body takes up necrophiliac bestiality.
Nov 17 2005, 03:19 PM
QUOTE (buddha @ Nov 17 2005, 07:31 AM) |
As far as I can see essence loss also reduces Magic and Ressonanse and makes a character harder to heal by magic, but no other effects are mentioned. |
It makes your body harder to heal with mundane medicine, too.
Your Essence level also determines if a vampire regards you as a juicy 14-ounce steak or a partially-eaten piece of Slim Jim.
Nov 17 2005, 03:49 PM
I believe the expression goes something like: at essence 0 you are "more machine now, than man: twisted and evil."
Nov 17 2005, 04:09 PM
Someone shoulda offered Anakin just a
little more cyber so he could completely burn out. Woulda prevented a lotta trouble.
Nov 17 2005, 04:20 PM
QUOTE (Azralon) |
Someone shoulda offered Anakin just a little more cyber so he could completely burn out. Woulda prevented a lotta trouble. |
He didn't need any powers to murder the lawful ruler of the Galaxy which was the only bad thing he ever did.
Cyberzombies are prone to cancer but cancer can be treated. With the ammount of cash the Corp would have had to plop down just to make the cyberzombie it is going to get the best medical treatment possible. The real problem with cyberzombies is the tendency to get lost in the details and just die for no reason at all.
Nov 17 2005, 04:34 PM
QUOTE (nick012000 @ Nov 17 2005, 07:43 AM) |
And if you're a cyberzombie, you die a horrible death of cancer a few months afterwards, instead of dropping dead immediately, though one could argue that a cyberzombie who has had everything but their brain replaced with metal wouldn't (given that brain cells don't reproduce often enough to go cancerous, right?) |
Most nerons don't
normally reproduce. However cancerous cells are, you know,

As well i believe that hippocampus neurons can replace, but i'm not certain about specifics there.
But brain cancer usually doesn't start with a neron, but instead in the glial cells which actually make up about 90% of your brain. They are the support structure for nerons.
Nov 17 2005, 04:37 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
Most nerons don't normally reproduce. However cancerous cells are, you know, abnormal. As well i believe that hippocampus neurons can replace, but i'm not certain about specifics there.
But brain cancer usually doesn't start with a neron, but instead in the glial cells which actually make up about 90% of your brain. They are the support structure for nerons. |
It's spelled "neuron," you mron.
Nov 17 2005, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (Azralon) |
QUOTE (blakkie @ Nov 17 2005, 12:34 PM) | Most nerons don't normally reproduce. However cancerous cells are, you know, abnormal. As well i believe that hippocampus neurons can replace, but i'm not certain about specifics there.
But brain cancer usually doesn't start with a neron, but instead in the glial cells which actually make up about 90% of your brain. They are the support structure for nerons. |
It's spelled "neuron," you mron. |
Nov 17 2005, 08:58 PM
QUOTE (buddha) |
I've looked everywhere, but cannot find any mention of what would happen if one inserted so much cyberware into a character that his essence would drop to 0 or even become negative.
As far as I can see essence loss also reduces Magic and Ressonanse and makes a character harder to heal by magic, but no other effects are mentioned.
I guess most of you here on the forums have played SR3 and some of the earlier editions too, I however had a brief courtship with SR1 back in the days and have no idea if complete loss of essence has any effects at all comparable to Cyberpunks Cyberpsychosis.
Can anyone enlighten me?? |
I thought it mentioned somewhere that the less Essence you had, the less human you became, & the less attached to the (meta-)human race. I don't know if there's an actual page number for that or not.
I think it's probably up to the gm. We're using it in our upcoming game.
Nov 17 2005, 09:09 PM
QUOTE (Valentinew @ Nov 17 2005, 04:58 PM) |
I thought it mentioned somewhere that the less Essence you had, the less human you became, & the less attached to the (meta-)human race. I don't know if there's an actual page number for that or not. |
You're pretty close to quoting the exact phrasing.
QUOTE (p64) |
The more cyberware a character has installed, the more “inhuman” she becomes. Overly-cybered characters tend to become a bit detached, and the empathy between them and other metahumans suffers for it. |
There are no hard game mechanics to reflect this flavor text, to my knowledge. One would think the best place to find it would be the social modifiers table (p122)... but nope. Closest thing is "Character/Subject is physically imposing in some way."
Like (far too) many things in SR4, that flavor text's effectiveness is based solely upon GM discretion.
Nov 17 2005, 09:16 PM
of course there were rules for essence and social interactions in sr3.
Nov 18 2005, 01:48 AM
I'd never force social penalties on someone just for having low essence. If someone gets a lot of cyber installed and has trouble relating to people, it's probably because they feel different and superior. Still, that's an RP decision for the player to make. I have no problem with someone going down to .01 essence and still relating to humanity at large.
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