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Full Version: Maybe I missed it, but
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I did a search in my SR4 pdf and it only came up with one hit for "Shedim" in the history section. Did they go away, get shelved until the magic book comes out, coming out with the new critter book, or did I just miss the mention of them? Inquiring minds want to know...
They're still around. There's so much going on in the SR4 world lately that they've kinda ended up on a back burner for the time being, but they're still lurking.
Shedim are a magical threat, and a non-human one at that. If SR4 mimics previous editions, Shedim would appear in either the Magic Book, the Paranormal Animals Book, or the Threats Book.

The Magic Book is entitled Street Magic.
The Paranormal Animals Book is entitled Running Wild.
The Threats Book hasn't been announced yet.

But the Shedim would logically fit into one of those, we'll see where Fanpro can fit them in. While it would be nice to see them earlier in that list, remember that non-human threats never made the Grimoire in previous editions - so don't start holding your breath now.

Well i wouldn't count Insect Spirits as a human threat, though. biggrin.gif
And those were in MITS.
The Threats book will obviously be called Threats III. wink.gif
QUOTE (Darkness)
Well i wouldn't count Insect Spirits as a human threat, though. biggrin.gif
And those were in MITS.

Well, they are summoned by humans and thus use human magic (and human magic rules). No Shadowrun rules book has ever satisfactorily addressed the magic of non-humans. The Naga, the Dragons, the Shapeshifters, even weirdos like the Merrow. Shadowrun has a lot of magically active stuff in it that isn't human and probably doesn't follow human magical traditions, and those have never gotten any ink.

YotC didn't even commit to saying whether the Shedim had a magical tradition or whether they snuck into our world through other means.

Well, given that Shapeshifters can be generated without changing the core magic rules in SR3, it seems likely that they follow the same traditions as the rest of the society they join.
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
Well, they are summoned by humans and thus use human magic (and human magic rules).

.. influenced by the Insect Queen/Mother who gives the shaman in Question his power. The same Queen then takes control after being summoned, and is even able to render the shaman powerless, if she wishes so.

To me that simply is an alien entity using humans as henchmen for their plots, but YMMW of course.
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