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Full Version: Does the Shamanic Mask still exist?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I remember when I first stared playing SR the idea of the Shmanic Mask intrigued me. I love the idea of your features taking on the aspect of your totem according how powerful your spell was.

I guess it's different nowadays. Kinda hard to take on the aspect of the Stars or Moon somesuch like that. Is it mentioned?
Yep still exists, shamen can choose to have it.
I allow it a 5 point neg quality for any one with a mentor spirit.

as to the odd ball mentor spirits. How that looks is between you and your god.
(I go for pretty light show around the character.)
I find it easier to say that any spell used over force 5 has a resulting "mask" if the character has a mentor spirit, or else it causes a blue haze around the spell caster

causes the players to think twice about the idea of constantly using magic at high levels in public
at force 5 the average person (stat of 3) with no perception skill already has a very good chance of noticing (it's a threshold 1 test, with 2 dice).

if we're talking public, it's a fair guess you're looking at 10 or more people, in which case that makes 20 dice, and only one success needed.

so, i don't think the shamanic mask is really all that necessary to make it noticeable, as it's already quite obvious by the time you're looking at force 5.
Depends on how the GM handles the group, but if it is a group roll there is only a maximum +5. You need an quite perceptive adept/mage (say Int 4, Perception 5) actively heightened alert [IMO concentrating on only a small number of people] acting as the rep for the group get 17 dice (w/o shaman mask). Not that that shouldn't be enough, but it the situation can easly slip way.

Convert that into a club scence. Now you have mage/adept as an astral perceiving bouncer. It's his job so if it's something other than a dive he's likely something like Int 5, Perception 6. Someone with the caster would have to do something very stupid or look largely out of place to give the +3. Barring the no Etiquette, low Cha Uncouth troll tagging along that should be fairly rare. wink.gif

So i'd give at least -2 distraction from all the people, and at least another -2 for interfering sensory (lots of different emotions rolling off that crowd). Unless they have another 5 Teamwork folks all astral perceiving they'll get another -2 for crappy light. So that's 5+6+2+2-2-2+5-2 = 14 dice for a solid pro bouncer team getting what i'd call a slightly generous ruling.

That's still looking ok to catch the Force 5 fool, and even Force 2 it looks like he might get away with it nearly 1/2 the time if he isn't careful about where he casts. But there are more metamagics to come, and i'll bet one of them will allow turning down visibility of casting. That is also assuming that the GM doesn't allow something like a Palming or Infiltration Opposed Test if the caster first identifies the likely spotters.
It's his job so if it's something other than a dive he's likely something like Int 5, Perception 6.

What in the what now? Average professionals only have stats and skills of 3. If this is a super swank club, the hired monkey could possibly be expected to be rolling with an Int of 5 and a perception of 3.

11 dice is the kind of thing that important security lynchpins of groups with a professional rating of 4 or 5 have. Unless this "club" is in fact the Red Samurai's Officer Club, those numbers are crazy high.

QUOTE (Jaid)
at force 5 the average person (stat of 3) with no perception skill already has a very good chance of noticing (it's a threshold 1 test, with 2 dice).

if we're talking public, it's a fair guess you're looking at 10 or more people, in which case that makes 20 dice, and only one success needed.

Possibly, but I'd apply the -2 dice 'distracted' modifier to anyone who was just going about their daily business.
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