Dec 20 2005, 07:58 PM
So, the synaptic accelerator is better in every possible way except for cost, right? Synaptic accelerator is even cheaper (essence-wise) than half the cost for wired ref, so it doesn't even matter if you're going for cyber with a little bit of bio, or bio with a little bit of cyber.
Essence cost is lower. (regardless of one or the other being halved, up through and including betaware) Of course, once we get up to betaware wires 3 become more expensive than synaptic 3, making them inferior in all conceivable respects.
Availability is equal or lower (depending on rating)
Deltaware wired reflexes can be cheaper in terms of essence than synaptic, but only if you're a mostly bio character and your cyber-essence is being halved, and at that point level 1 becomes highly comparable, level 2 has some trade-offs, and level 3 wired is just absurdly expensive for a minor essence-savings.
I'm sorry if this is a slightly disorganized rant. It just seems odd for one reflex system to be so much better than the other, with price being the only balancing factor. At least with 3rd ed wired/boosted/reflex/synaptic/MBW there were enough compatability options that each configuration had pros and cons, completely aside from price.
So I ask again, am I missing something?
Dec 20 2005, 08:01 PM
actually, SA isn't better than wired. it's the same, +1 reaction, +1 pass, costs more $$, uses less essense.
Dec 20 2005, 08:03 PM
If it gives the same effect but costs less essence, in my book, that's called better.
edit: Maybe I should explain myself a little more. Equivalent levels of both systems give the same bonus. Wired can be turned off, but there's no rules (yet) for wired-jumpiness, right? Or did I miss them?
I don't mean to downplay financial cost as a balancing factor, but my groups generally play campaigns that last years, and take a long-view with their characters. Money comes and goes, and will do so many times in a runners career (if they're lucky enough to live that long) Essence, you get 6 points. Ever. You can never get it back. That makes it ultimately priceless.
Dec 20 2005, 08:11 PM
during char gen, you can have at most 250K. we have 2 sams, one has SA, some other cyberware, and minimal gear (he ran out of money). the other sam has wired, more other ware, and more gear.
it depends what else you want to buy. I'm sure Sam#2 is going to try to save up for the SA upgrade, just as Sam#1 will be adding more ware when he can. In the long run there's no difference.
Dec 20 2005, 08:20 PM
A comparison to show what is being discussed.
Lv. 1
Synaptic 80,000
(16BP) 0.5 Essence
Wired 11,000
(2BP+change))2 Essence
For 8x the cost you get 1/4 the Essence loss.
Lv. 2
Synaptic 160,000
(32BP) 1 Essence
Wired 32,000
(6BP+change) 3 Essence
For 5x the cost you get 1/3 the Essence loss.
Lv. 3
Synaptic 240,000
(48BP) 1.5 Essence
Wired 100,000
(20 BP) 5 Essence.
For 2.4x the cost you get a little less than 1/5 the Essence cost.
The problem is that Synaptic scales in a linear fashion, while Wired gets weird.
Of note, with Wired 2 and mostly bioware, you are saving 1/5 of the cost, only costing an extra .5 Essence. 25 BP can mean a lot elsewhere.
If you are going for lv3 than you must go with synaptic though, unless you have trouble with math or are a sucker for not having any Essence left for anything else.
Wired 3 is way to expensive, and probably costs to much Essence.
There is a tendency to go with cyber at character creation though, due to 6BP being much different than 32 BP at character creation. They eat up bigger pieces of your pie. For lv2 enhancement, you can use 1/10th of your BP allotment for money, or 1/2. That limits your additional gear quite heavily.
Dec 20 2005, 08:29 PM does upgrading work? You know, the "essense hole". Do you have two "essense holes" for cyber and bio? I'm guessing my answer to this is "wait for another book, sucka!" but maybe there's a quote I've missed.
Dec 20 2005, 08:31 PM
since total essense loss is cyber essense + bio essnse (with the smaller of the 2 being divided by 2), I assume you only have 1 "hole", and that you just recalcualte total loss (since going from Wireed to SA might change if bio loss is less than essense loss) and figure out if your hole is filled or not.
Dec 20 2005, 09:18 PM
I'm not fully versed in SR4 yet, but one of the long standing benifits of bioware in previous editions was that it couldn't be easily detected by conventional cyberware detection systems (it required blood tests and intensive medical examination).
Unless that's changed in SR4, wouldn't that be another benefit?
Dec 20 2005, 09:25 PM
Method, you're really not helping to refute my argument of "OMG WR is teh sux0rz SA rulz OMGWTFLOL"
I'm trying to come up with a good reason to get WR instead of SA,
other than just being cheap. I suppose if upgrading is completely trivial that's enough of a reason, but I just don't like the idea that one type of reflex enhancer seems totally superior to the other and that all experienced runners will eventually have SA; that WR is, essentially, the mark of a "n00b" who hasn't made enough money to buy himself the good stuff yet.
Dec 20 2005, 09:31 PM
that is the only reason to get it. It's cheper, thus you have a lot more money and/or BP to put into other things.
But less essense to put into other ware.
with SA, you can have more ware, but you probably can't afford it.
Dec 20 2005, 09:50 PM
Dec 20 2005, 10:30 PM
So, basically you're flat-out agreeing with me. Wired Reflexes is the mark of an amateur. Basically a gutter punk who runs to put food on the table, and that anyone who makes it to the "super-wham-a-dine pro" level would trade them in for some decent 'ware.
If that's the answer, that's fine. But finance and performance both go into establishing who will use what type of gear, and that creates a setting. I'm sorry if you don't think I can "grow as a role player" because I'm trying to figure out the changes to the SR4 setting. Or, in your words, I'm trying to figure out "what would be right for the character", depending on the resources and professional level of the character. And yes, that is a balance of performance (i.e. which thing is better) and cost.
It seems to me that you either didn't read the entire thread, or you're trolling, but that's just my opinion.
Dec 20 2005, 10:49 PM
wired 2 costs 32K, and is 12R. That's 6 months at an average lifestyle, or close to 3 years at low.
32K is enough to buy assault rifles, body armor, and goggles with smartgun links for a dozen guys. It's not chicken feed.
I wouldn't call a guy with wired 2 that an amateur or a gutter punk. An amateur or gutter punk doesn't has very little or no cyberware.
If someone did crawl up out of the gutter, they probably started with wired, and they will probably upgrade to alpha, then beta, and maybe SA eventually.
but since it's pretty easy to spend 250K on gear and still "only" have wired, I wouldn't call a guy with wired an amateur, just as I woulnd't call a mage without a Force 6 power focus an amateur. sure, the mage wants one, and is working his way towards one, he's just not there yet.
heck, wired 2 to SA 2 is about 150K. IK think very few runners would be able to save that kind of money, there'd always be something else to spend it on.
I'd say for RP purposes, guys from the street, and guys from thecorps will have wired. street guys can't afford better, and the corps want to save money also. some corp guys might have SA, like all equipment it should be justifiried. And a street guy with SA should have a backstory of a great score where he made bank. But Wired, at least IMO, is notthing to snear at.
Dec 20 2005, 10:57 PM
If most of your money goes to bioware, wired reflexes I alpha are just double the essence cost of synaptic, and will fit into the budget much more easier. Might need replacement later, but increases your likelihood of survival by giving you other upgrades faster.
Dec 20 2005, 11:04 PM
QUOTE (TeOdio) |
It isn't about what "is" the best option. It's about what would be right for the character. If you view your character as a bunch of stats that's what they come across as. Sorry about that rant, but it burns me up to see these X is better than Y arguments. |
of course, the charactes will.
I mean, would any of them carry a light pistol when they are going up against a squad of cybered up trolls? heck no
IRL, car enthusiasts, gun collectors, etc, will argue the merits if their favorite toys, so would shadowrunners. and runners would be much more passionat about it, if they are wrong, they die.
Dec 20 2005, 11:06 PM
I read the thread, but don't take my post as an attack you personally. Would someone with the money want the bio, hell yeah! But even a pro may have got wired 10 years ago and didn't feel the need to strip them from his bod for new bio. All I'm saying is that it shouldn't even matter if a player decides to go with either the bio or the cyber. To sit there and number crunch the benefits of both just seems boring to me. Like I said, some of my players do it, but it definitely isn't my style. And I would be bold enough to say that if you build your character around the numbers instead of building the numbers around the character, yeah a person could grow a bit in their ability to keep me entertained when I run my game. Now if your argument is that no "prime time" Street Sam would ever use Wired Reflexes because they are inferior (as the argument seems to be), I would have to ask you if every one of your Top Shelf Street Sams are going to end up cloning the same ware just because it is "better"? You start a game with a character, and though I'm not big into too much background, it is a good idea to have a concept. Right? Maybe the top flight Sammie you got yourself created is "creeped out" by bio. I mean, you can have a million reasons to choose one or the other, but just to base the decision on stats makes me sad.
Lord Ben
Dec 20 2005, 11:16 PM
Given unlimited money SA is a better deal. Given unlimited essence WR is a better deal.
At character creation I can run out of money faster than essence so I bought WR. Now that I've played for awhile and have something like .3E left I'm looking to upgrade my WR to SA.
Dec 20 2005, 11:24 PM
QUOTE (ogbendog @ Dec 20 2005, 06:04 PM) |
QUOTE (TeOdio @ Dec 20 2005, 04:50 PM) | It isn't about what "is" the best option. It's about what would be right for the character. If you view your character as a bunch of stats that's what they come across as. Sorry about that rant, but it burns me up to see these X is better than Y arguments. |
of course, the charactes will.
I mean, would any of them carry a light pistol when they are going up against a squad of cybered up trolls? heck no
IRL, car enthusiasts, gun collectors, etc, will argue the merits if their favorite toys, so would shadowrunners. and runners would be much more passionat about it, if they are wrong, they die.
Yeah but in real life, you have people argue about which guns/cars they prefer purely on ascetic reasons as well. Plus there is a wide variety of differences in real life gear to make a person prefer one or the other. A Shadowrun 4 gun has much fewer variables. So people just judge them on how much damage can they do vs the cost. Then they whip out the old abacus to see which one is the "best". I mean, look at the argument of the thread, the stats for the wares are pretty few. Cost, benefits, essence cost, availability. But there is nothing to say how it "feels" to have either one. No testimonials by hardened street vets. Nothing, just stats. So when you try to figure out which one is better OOC I think it's silly. It would make a great "roleplay" argument between two street sams to argue the virtues of either one for various non game related reasons. As a GM, you like to see variety, and when players put too much emphasis on the numbers you can come up with a lot of clones.
Player 1 "I play a hermetic Mage"
GM "Cool, what spells do you know?"
Player 1"Invisibility, Stun Bolt, and Heal"
GM "OK, what about you player 2."
Player 2 "I play a Shaman"
GM "What spells do you have?"
Player 2 "Um, Invisibility, Stun Bolt, and Heal"
GM " No one wanted to sling a Fireball, eh ?"
Both Players in unison "No way, look at that Drain Code!"
GM stabs himself with pencil.
Dec 20 2005, 11:37 PM
and if the mages casts fireball and it's at such a low force it does no damage, or the drain is so high the mage flops over unconsious. how much fun is that?
In our group, we have one guy with wired, one with SA. we have 2 mages, the only over lap is improved invisibility, Increased reflexes, and heal. He has the stun touch spell, and several elemental, while I have stun bolt, mana bolt, and stun ball. I have influence, he has Increased will.
and all of us are the sorts to number crunch and min / max, at least to some degree.
Dec 20 2005, 11:51 PM
Dec 20 2005, 11:58 PM
ah, but that guard could very well be unconcious had you used stunball instead.
and silently, without damaging equipment in the area (often these can be important to a shadowrun's success or failure).
sure, fireball is great from the perspective of a mage who's going to be in a lot of street fights. but for someone who's expecting to need to quietly take out guards (such as, say, a shadowrunner) for the least expenditure of energy, stunball is clearly the weapon of choice.
i mean, really, for a shadowrunner, if you need to intimidate people with a show of force that fireball creates... well, that's not a good sign, IMO. in fact, i'd rather just have grenades in that situation, personally.
Dec 20 2005, 11:58 PM
why do I feel like you are trying to help me have more fun? I'm quite happy not having fireball. the other mage has it, and the samouri has an Ares Alpha with a GL.
And it fits my concept. he did security at a walled residential area before he lost his sin in the crash, so collateral damage was a concern.
you seem to think that peole who min/man are all a bunch of number crunching power gamers who should just try to be more like you, we'd have so much more fun that way.
what's really funny is after complaing about everyone else looking at the numbers to much, you just pointed out that 3 boxes of drain is only -1 die. well, it's actually sweat breaking out all over your body, a feeling of tiredness, stumbling when you walk, a feeling of ennui, etc. it's not just '-1 die per 3 boxes', stun damage is DRAINING you physically. Heck, physical drain is worse, even if you can just whip out a healing spell and take care of it.
treating drain is just "-1 die per 3 boxes" and not roleplaying it's effects ranks up there with jumping off a cliff in DND because you have the HP, you can take the fall and walk away.
EDIT: I read read this and I realize this could be read as an attack by me on you, esp that last paragraph. That was not the intent, everyone has fun their own way. You evidently prefer less worry about stats than my group (and there is nothing wrong with that), and preferred the older versions of SR where there were more differences between the different initiaitve enhancers. SR4 is certainly simpler, but it lost some flavor.
Dec 21 2005, 01:06 AM
Sr4 has flat out made it so bioware is the cutting edge.
Compare muscle replacement to muscle toner or augmentation:
Muscle Replacement lvl 1=5k 1 essence
Muscle toner+Aug lvl 1=15k .4 essence
Dermal Plating 1= 5k .5 essence
Orthoskin 1= 30k .25 essence
See the pattern here?
I really do think you are stretching yourself thin if you get Synaptic Accellerators though in most cases. Just get WR2 and upgrade later.
Dec 21 2005, 01:14 AM
Synaptic Accelerators are about on par with what other pieces of 'ware cost in 2070. Wired Reflexes does not, it's crazy crazy overpriced because it has a
legacy cost.
If you drop Wired Reflexes down to 11,000
and 1 Essence per level, it comes out about evenly with the Synaptic Booster.
Grade/ Type / Cost / Essence
Norm / Wired / 11k / 1
Alpha / Wired / 22K / .8
Beta / Wired / 44K / .7
Norm / Synaptic / 80K / .5
Alpha / Synaptic / 160K / .4
Beta / Synaptic / 320K / .35
Yeah, that would make a good deal of sense. As is, Wired is so crappy on the
/ Essence cost ratio that you would never ever get an enhanced grade of Wired. Ever. I mean, even with the severe cost reduction I'm talking about, there's still not a good reason to ever have a Delta Grade set of Reflex Wires, but I'm willing to accept that.
The problem isn't that Synaptic Boosters are too good. The problem is that Wired Reflexes is crummy 20 year old tech that is still being offered for no discernable reason.
Dec 21 2005, 01:15 AM
Alpha/Beta/Delta only applies to cyberware, not to Bioware. And Synaptic already counts as Cultured, so you couldn't get it re-Cultured to reduce Essence costs.
Ed: Nevermind. I suppose I can't read to save my life. That puts a whole new spin on everything.
Dec 21 2005, 02:45 AM
QUOTE (ogbendog @ Dec 20 2005, 06:58 PM) |
EDIT: I read read this and I realize this could be read as an attack by me on you, esp that last paragraph. That was not the intent, everyone has fun their own way. You evidently prefer less worry about stats than my group (and there is nothing wrong with that), and preferred the older versions of SR where there were more differences between the different initiaitve enhancers. SR4 is certainly simpler, but it lost some flavor. |
No offense taken bro. Just voicing a long standing beef I've had with the state of role playing for years. Like I said, as a GM, I don't care how my other players go about it, as long as they are having fun. But to answer Jaid's question (he is absolutely correct in pointing out that any shadowrunner worth their salt should have quieter stun spells), but my argument is why? Did the character start out knowing they were destined to have to be a stealthy sneaky B and E sort of guy? What if the mage was a flashy street mage that liked pyrotechnic flair was the only mage the Johnson could hire in a pinch. I'm not saying "clones" can not be distinct and have different personalities. It's just when almost every Street Sam I've ever ran has Wired (or Synaptic Boosters) and smart links it starts feeling a bit like D and D. The Shadowrun System (Especially 4th Ed) gives a player so many options its nuts. I just don't want it to degenerate into getting "the best" option or it will be like 3rd Ed all over again where everyone had Form Fitting Body Armor like they sold it at an Az-Mart Blue Light Special.
That being said, that's just a gripe from me, and I know not everyone plays like that, and no one wants to be accused of playing like that. I'm not even saying min/maxing is a bad thing. Some people do not like playing a less than perfect character, and that's cool as well. But please, try playing a Troll Mage that thinks heal spells are for pansy Elves, or a Cutting edge Street Sam that thinks Synaptic booster sand Wired Reflexes give you cancer so he goes without. It's just a different path to kind of force you to "think outside the box" so to speak.
Hey and thanks for starting this topic. I know I took it off in another rant, but it really got me thinking. Thanks to everyone else who's read my inane ramblings and have replied back as well.
Dec 21 2005, 02:57 AM
I've never really had a problem with not picking up the best gear (I am anti-Predator!), but every mage has had manabolt as far back as I can remember. It's like "Ok, I picked up manabolt, now I can start picking spells."
But I really, really, really had to focus in order to build a character without the Athletics skill (in SR3 anyways). That skill's a killer when you don't have it!
Dec 21 2005, 03:02 AM
not having SR3 athletics would be almost weird i think.
i mean, let's look at it this way:
can your character:
or anything else like that. if so, they should have the (SR3) athletics skill.
honestly, i think it's only reasonable to assume you have at least a little bit of athletics skill in every character.
Dec 21 2005, 03:05 AM
But on the other hand, if you're ever in a situation where it's going to be crucial, you usually want it high!
That ends up sucking up valuble build points!
Dec 21 2005, 03:08 AM
I'm more of a Street Shaman type of guy so I may be misinformed about this stuff but why not just get a level or two of Muscle Toner instead of the Essence hog of Wired Reflexes?
Dec 21 2005, 03:31 AM
Though FrankTrollman's point of view is certainly valid, what we're doing in the game I'm running is changing Synaptics as follows:
Synaptics (Our House Rule)
Synaptics are 1.0 / Level for Essence and 80k. Bonus is +0 Reaction / +1 Init Pass per level.
Chart Looks like this afterwards:
Name N-Cost N-Ess A-Cost A-Ess B-Cost B-Ess D-Cost D-Ess Bonus Wired 1 11k 2.0 22k 1.6 44k 1.4 110k 1.0 +1/+1 Syn 1 80k 1.0 160k 0.8 320k 0.7 800k 0.5 +0/+1 S1R1 90k 1.3 180k 1.04 360k 0.91 900k 0.65 +1/+1
Wired 2 35k 3.0 70k 2.4 140k 2.1 350k 1.5 +2/+2 Syn 2 160k 2.0 320k 1.6 640k 1.4 1600k 1.0 +0/+2 S2R2 180k 2.6 360k 2.08 720k 1.82 1800k 1.3 +2/+2
Wired 3 100k 5.0 200k 4.0 400k 3.5 1000k 2.5 +3/+3 Syn 3 240k 3.0 480k 2.4 960k 2.1 2400k 1.5 +0/+3 S3R3 270k 3.9 540k 3.12 1080 2.73 2700k 1.95 +3/+3
W1R1 21k 2.3 42k 1.84 84k 1.61 210k 1.15 +2/+1 W2R1 45k 3.3 90k 2.64 180k 2.31 450k 1.65 +3/+2 W3R1 110k 5.3 220k 4.24 440k 3.71 1100k 2.65 +4/+3
W1R2 31k 2.6 62k 2.08 124k 1.82 310k 1.3 +3/+1 W2R2 55k 3.6 110k 2.88 220k 2.52 550k 1.8 +4/+2 W3R2 120k 5.6 240k 4.48 480k 3.92 1200k 2.8 +5/+3
W1R3 41k 2.9 82k 2.32 164 2.03 410k 1.45 +4/+1 W2R3 65k 3.9 130k 3.12 260k 2.73 650k 1.95 +5/+2 W3R3 130k 5.9 260k 4.72 520k 4.13 1300k 2.95 +6/+3
As you can see, Syn3/RE3-Normal (+3/+3) costs 270k and 3.9 essence. Wired-3-Normal (+3/+3) normally costs 5.0 and 100k. Syn3/Rea3 is 170k more expensive, but you save 1.1 essence-ish.
Syn3/RE3-Normal 270k/3.9 vs Wired 3-Delta 1000k/2.5.
Now, Syn3/RE3-Beta(1080k, 2.73) vs Wired-3(1000k, 2.5) is the only area where it gets wonky. But, then again, the essence is split between Bioware and Cyberware, so at least part of it will be halved.
Edit: Credit for this chart goes out to Nick -- thanks for doing the math and formatting it.
Dec 21 2005, 04:14 AM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
not having SR3 athletics would be almost weird i think.
i mean, let's look at it this way:
can your character:
run climb swim jump
or anything else like that. if so, they should have the (SR3) athletics skill.
honestly, i think it's only reasonable to assume you have at least a little bit of athletics skill in every character. |
Here's a character that may not have athletics at all (A Troll for example). He lives in Seattle, but has never gone swimming, the public pools are too full of Norms that gawk and stare, and would you want to swim in the water surrounding Seattle. He can run, but never learned how to "sprint" properly (ie uses Athletics to Boost his run). Climbing seems pretty silly for him too cause everywhere he goes he can take the stairs or ride an elevator. Plus Rock Climbing is for the Hick Trolls that live out in the Salish. Since he never took Track and Field in high school (let alone probably went to high school), he can't jump for crap either. He can, however, punch people to death with his fists, and has learned some stealth and electronics busting into Coffin Motels and mug unsuspecting and sleepy norms. A few years later he's become a Shadowrunner, but you know what? He still hasn't actually learned any athletics. He may regret that later, but's that's just how it happens some times.
Dec 21 2005, 04:14 AM
QUOTE (TeOdio) |
[/QUOTE] But please, try playing a Troll Mage that thinks heal spells are for pansy Elves, or a Cutting edge Street Sam that thinks Synaptic booster sand Wired Reflexes give you cancer so he goes without. It's just a different path to kind of force you to "think outside the box" so to speak. |
They will be dead, inside the box.
Dec 21 2005, 07:01 AM
QUOTE (Squinky) |
They will be dead, inside the box. |
Dec 21 2005, 08:00 AM
Good questions Moon-Hawk, one we asked ourselves on our character creation process. We asked the same question about Muscle Replacement and MuscleToner/Augmentation. In SR3, the difference was one was 'natural' and one was 'augmentation', I've not seen the rule, if it exists, that says the same in 4th edition. The wording on page 338 actually suggests that they are both Augmentation now.
The only answer we came up with was that "Bioware is the next step in augmentation.", meaning, it's suppose to be better. It's just better, technology has improved, and cyberware is old-school, and only useful for non-bodily improvements such as a commlink and datajack. Eventually, everything cyberware can do, bioware will do better. And I imagine that when this Edition's version of StreetSamuraiCatalog/Man&Machine comes out, you're going to see all new Bioware that supports that, such as a whole collection of eye-enhancements, audio-enhancements, etc.
What I don't understand though is why everytime someone asks a mechanic question, someone always replies "but it's about roleplaying, what would your character have?" How freaking annoying. It has nothing to do with that, it's a question about mechanics, not "which should I get", but "why is one better than the other". Just because we ask questions doesn't mean we need help deciding how to roleplay, and just because we min-max our numbers for our characters doesn't mean our characters are any less roleplayed than the person who ignores the numbers.
Dec 21 2005, 11:55 AM
QUOTE (TheHappyAnarchist) |
A comparison to show what is being discussed.
Lv. 1 Synaptic 80,000 (16BP) 0.5 Essence Wired 11,000 (2BP+change))2 Essence For 8x the cost you get 1/4 the Essence loss.
Lv. 2 Synaptic 160,000 (32BP) 1 Essence Wired 32,000 (6BP+change) 3 Essence For 5x the cost you get 1/3 the Essence loss.
Lv. 3 Synaptic 240,000 (48BP) 1.5 Essence Wired 100,000 (20 BP) 5 Essence. For 2.4x the cost you get a little less than 1/5 the Essence cost.
The problem is that Synaptic scales in a linear fashion, while Wired gets weird. Of note, with Wired 2 and mostly bioware, you are saving 1/5 of the cost, only costing an extra .5 Essence. 25 BP can mean a lot elsewhere.
If you are going for lv3 than you must go with synaptic though, unless you have trouble with math or are a sucker for not having any Essence left for anything else. Wired 3 is way to expensive, and probably costs to much Essence.
There is a tendency to go with cyber at character creation though, due to 6BP being much different than 32 BP at character creation. They eat up bigger pieces of your pie. For lv2 enhancement, you can use 1/10th of your BP allotment for money, or 1/2. That limits your additional gear quite heavily. |
Why do I even need to buy the book?
Eventually you guys are going to post the entire book soon.
So far I have the magic list and other tid bits.
Dec 21 2005, 03:12 PM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
What I don't understand though is why everytime someone asks a mechanic question, someone always replies "but it's about roleplaying, what would your character have?" How freaking annoying. It has nothing to do with that, it's a question about mechanics, not "which should I get", but "why is one better than the other". Just because we ask questions doesn't mean we need help deciding how to roleplay, and just because we min-max our numbers for our characters doesn't mean our characters are any less roleplayed than the person who ignores the numbers. |
Exactly. This is why I got so crotchety.
But TeOdio, maybe I took your remarks a bit too personally. Not my intention to
back at you. But what I mean is, the characters in the game are all going to be aware of the same stats that we are. Not in the same numerical terms, of course, but these points will be debated in character as well as out, and I'm trying to get a sense of who, in the shadow community, will use what types of gear.
Now excuse me while I rant like an old man on a porch: Back in the previous versions, even though there were even more augmentations (reflex enhancing or otherwise) there were so many extra rules in play that none of the enhancements could ever be considered flat-out better than any of the others (not counting money). There was always some tradeoff, be it reaction vs. extra dice, or bio vs. essence, or compatability with other ware, or upgradability (like boosted reflexes), or brain damage (like MBW). There was always something to give the shadowrunners something to argue about, in character, without resorting to made-up flavor text. Not that flavor text is bad. Flavor text is good. Repeat, GOOOOOD! I miss the two or three posts of runners argueing over every piece of gear, and I still use my SR1-3 books because most gear got a full page write-up the first time it was introduced into the game, and aside from the stat blocks, most of it is still perfectly valid. Well, it was through 3rd, anyway. I'm losing the point.
My point is, it seems like the simplified system doesn't have room for as many different peices of gear without one totally trumping the other. Simplification and streamlining are good, I guess. I don't really like that bioware is now different from cyberware because, um, well, because it's "squishy", and for basically no other reason. <---(please nobody take this as anything but humor and point out to me non-squishy bioware, I already know there is)
Maybe I'm just masochistic, but I like some complexity, and I'm trying to decide if I think they've oversimplified. Some of the stuff works SO much better, I won't deny that for a second, but other areas seem over-simplified. Oh well, I guess the supplements will take care of that, right?
Okay, I've made my point, I'm sorry. I promise I won't post again until I have something new to say.
Dec 21 2005, 04:08 PM
I like the idea that bioware is better, because it's newer. But wired is still cheaper, which does make sense. NOt everyone uses an Ares Alpha, it's hte best assault rifle, but not everyone can afford the best, or even wants the best.
What would be nice is a quality that you perfer older tech, or non-optimal gear. like Delusion: the AK is the best assault rifle.
or you need a GM that will give you extra karma for roleplaying such things. Or as a player, you need to not care if you are being sub-optimal, and have other players that don't care also.
I did up a mafia guy once, he carreid an SMG, a Remington 990 shotgun, a remington roomsweeper, and an Ares Predator. For melee, he had a club (baseball bat). Sure, an Area Alpha would have been better than the SMG or the shotgun, but he used the "traditional" wpns of the mob.
Dec 21 2005, 06:15 PM
They come right out and say in the augmentation chapter that Bioware has all but replaced cyberware in 2070. Cyberware is old school. If you have the cash, you go bioware. It's just better.
The old cyberware stuff is still around because A: some of it does things that bioware can't do. Cybereyes, for instance, have cameras that record what you see, and storage memory. Commlinks aren't bioware, and If they made bioware commlinks they'd really be conversion into technomancers. You can't make a bioware cybergun. B: people have old stuff. Many people don't have the money fro the new tech. Many people still have cyber from when there was only cyber around, or when bioware wasn't competitive.
Admittedly, I find it kinda funny that Deltaware wired 1 is worse in both cost and essence than normal grade synaptic accellerators. Yeah, no one will be installing that shit anymore. Then again, who ever got deltaware wired 1 anyway? By that point, it was either delta wired three, or move by wire. Yes, delta wired three is much worse than normal Syn-acc 3. Poor, poor bastard who got that installed, thinking it were cutting edge.
What we really need is the bioware equivalent of the sensitive system flaw. Doesn't take well to bioware implants, cyber is just fine. That'll give a dude reason to take the old school tech again. Course, you could also get both and have problems getting any augmentation at all. Which is why those flaws should give fewer points back to mages.
Dec 21 2005, 06:35 PM
Actually Wired Reflexes are optimal if you can't afford the extra cost of bioware. I usually use Wired when I make sammies and use the bioware when I cyber up mages, technomancers, and adepts. The sammie doesn't care too much about the essence cost but the extra money he spends on bioware means he doesn't get as many toys. And sometimes he really needs those 13000 nuyen pieces of armor that protect against everything. Or better yet an army of drones and smart weapon platforms to increase his firepower.
Dec 21 2005, 06:39 PM
yes, but high grade wired reflexes is sub-optimal because when you multiply the cost according to grade, it is more expensive the normal syn-acc, but still costs more essence.
Dec 21 2005, 06:58 PM
Well, I can justify either this way.
Long-term? Syn Accel.
Short-term/One-shot? Wired Reflexes.
If the game is going to go on for a good, long while, then grab up the Bioware. It's more Essence-friendly.
If the game is only going to last a few runs or the character is only going to be around a short while, grab up the Wired Reflexes.
As an addendum to the long-term game; make sure the GM has a rather lenient approach to upgrading Bioware. There aren't rules for it yet, but I'm sure there will be with a future supplement.
Dec 21 2005, 09:10 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
Well, I can justify either this way.
Long-term? Syn Accel. Short-term/One-shot? Wired Reflexes.
If the game is going to go on for a good, long while, then grab up the Bioware. It's more Essence-friendly.
If the game is only going to last a few runs or the character is only going to be around a short while, grab up the Wired Reflexes.
As an addendum to the long-term game; make sure the GM has a rather lenient approach to upgrading Bioware. There aren't rules for it yet, but I'm sure there will be with a future supplement. |
Actually I think you have that backwards. In a long-term game you will have the time and money to upgrade your wired reflexes with better stuff whereas in the short term you only have what you have. So I'd say that in some cases, such as where you want better gear other than cyber/bio, you are better off in both cases with wired or else you synaptic in the one shot so you can cyber up more.
Besides in a one shot drugs are WAY more effective than just about any cyber/bio you could get. I'd rather one shot that troll that takes Nitro, Jazz, and Kamikaze in combat because he has just as many passes, gets massive bonuses to his stats, and he gets something like 12 boxes of high pain tolerance. I'm Invincible!...until my drugs wear off. But it's a one shot so who cares?
Dec 21 2005, 10:14 PM
No, short-term is Wired because you want all the toys and goodies now instead of several runs from now.
And long-term is Syn Accel only if your GM is fine with upgrading Bioware. It doesn't say anywhere that you can't, but it doesn't make specific mention of it like it does with Cyberware.
Dec 21 2005, 10:24 PM
Why do I even need to buy the book?
Eventually you guys are going to post the entire book soon.
So far I have the magic list and other tid bits. |
I think in the time it would take you to reproduce the book from our postings here, even working at a minimum wage job you could have earned enough to buy your own, and one for all of us.
Actually, why don't you get on that? I could use a burger and an extra copy