1) Do Mentor Spirits help in resisting Drain? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, since it says they help with 'casting', but don't see anything more definitive, and with how 3rd Edition allowed it, have to ask. The fact that Concentration as an Edge is so expensive, tends to agree with the No answer.
2) Power Foci, do they help in Drain? I see that Spell Casting Foci do, but see nothing to suggest Power Foci do...
3) Do Power Foci increase your Magic Rating to determine Physical vs Stun drain? Again, I assume not, since it later says it applies to 'Magic Tests', but the wording does leave room for questioning.
I have a guy that wants to see just how strongly he can resist Drain. Aiming to survive a Force 12 FireBall with only Light Drain (3 or fewer boxes) that he can 'Heal'.
PS. Lookng for legal Min-Max advice here, not people telling me about 'theme' and 'role' playing. I'm currently under the impression that the best Drain resistance you can get at Char-Gen is 14 for Attributes, +2 for Concentration; +3 for a SpellCasting Focus for 19 total.