Oct 2 2003, 03:39 PM
I have seen several posts and mentions of Immortal elves in the Shadowrun World. However I have never seen anything on how they became immortal. Any one know? Also whats the deal with Dragon-kin elves?
Hot Wheels
Oct 2 2003, 03:48 PM
Well you take a mommy elf, and a daddy elf who love each other very much.....
Oct 2 2003, 04:34 PM
Ancient History's site (here
specifically)for info on the immortal elves and others.
QUOTE (Hot Wheels) |
Well you take a mommy elf, and a daddy elf who love each other very much..... |
...and they share a special kind of hug.
Ancient History
Oct 2 2003, 06:09 PM
Mommy Elf is boffed by Daddy Dragon in Elfin form...well, maybe. I suppose it doesn't matter if Daddy Dragon is in Troll shape or elf shape of ork shape or...
Arcanum V
Oct 2 2003, 06:21 PM
You find an elf and kill it, but make sure you don't let its head come away from its neck, or it's over! If the elf heals, it's an Immortal.
Then you cut off its head and take the Quickening!
Oct 2 2003, 06:31 PM
Har har har. Seriously though, I did look at Ancients site. While he does mention Immortal elves and were they first appear in books he does not explain (as far as I know) why they are immortal. If the info is there can some one give me a title to look under?
John Campbell
Oct 2 2003, 06:40 PM
QUOTE (Arcanum V) |
Then you cut off its head and take the Quickening! |
Does this technique work for learning other metamagics, too?
Arcanum V
Oct 2 2003, 06:44 PM
I get the sense you don't know about the Shadowrun-Earthdawn connection. . .
Shadowrun's Immortal Elves are leftovers from the last Awakening, the era in which the Earthdawn game takes place. They were enormously powerful then, and they're even more powerful now that everyone else (except dragons) had to start over learning magic. They're immortal because they were born that way (possibly from the aforementioned dragon-elf union) or they mastered incredibly powerful magics in the last Awakening.
Oct 2 2003, 07:54 PM
QUOTE (Stormdrake) |
Har har har. Seriously though, I did look at Ancients site. While he does mention Immortal elves and were they first appear in books he does not explain (as far as I know) why they are immortal. If the info is there can some one give me a title to look under? |
It's in the -free- Dragons of Earthdawn sourcebook. Some Great Wyrms altered/created specials elves for their service, but as always rebellion pif paf freedom, pif paf what are we doing now ? Asserving other, yeah good idea
Ancient History
Oct 2 2003, 08:38 PM
A little bird told me they asked somebody who asked Lou Prosperi that said the dragon-kin elves in the Wyrm Wood were IT, and that they didn't have deformations liked the Denairastas' 'cause the dragon(s) made a deal with Jaspree and Astendar.
Oct 3 2003, 12:38 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
A little bird told me they asked somebody who asked Lou Prosperi that said the dragon-kin elves in the Wyrm Wood were IT, |
*Ring ring*Hello? Blood Wood technical help desk, Ehran speaking. How may I help?
Ummmm IT?
Try to even break 4:00:00
Ancient History
Oct 3 2003, 03:40 AM
Yes. It. I-to-the-t. Captialized. For emphasis like. Go bugger a dictionary for exact definition.
Oct 3 2003, 04:45 AM
Main Entry: (2) it
Pronunciation: 'it
Function: noun
Date: 1842
: the player in a game who performs the principal action of the game (as trying to find others in hide-and-seek)
So, they're Elves that perform the prinicipal action of 'the game'.
On a serious note, after reading Ancient's site I can't see how anyone would have any questions about Immortal Elves. It certainly brought me up to date on them. Especially now that he has that handy link the Dragons sourcebook.
The Jopp
Oct 3 2003, 06:23 AM
For a misguided moment i thought this was a serious thread, my mistake, carry on.
Oct 3 2003, 12:07 PM
No mention of the Wheel of Life?
Path of Lords (Earthdawn), Path of Righ (Shadowrun).
Ancient History
Oct 3 2003, 01:19 PM
I mentioned it on my site. If you mean "do regular elves reincarnate," well we only have one or two instances of it, so it seems to be pretty damn rare.
Oct 4 2003, 10:56 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
A little bird told me they asked somebody who asked Lou Prosperi that said the dragon-kin elves in the Wyrm Wood were IT, and that they didn't have deformations liked the Denairastas' 'cause the dragon(s) made a deal with Jaspree and Astendar. |
Thanks for the "little bird". I asked Marco Soto, in charge of Living Room Games answers, who asked Lou Prosperi.
Okay what is about the Little Birdie that I hear Ancient and others mention. And is there a way that I can get my own little birdie to be an informant?
-I'm a shamanic physical adept decker who follows Horse, I deck tortoise style!
(Yes, I'm the only person in the crew that figured hmmm maybe we should have a decker.)
Ancient History
Oct 4 2003, 03:26 PM
"Little Bird" is a phrase I use for when somebody tells me something that sounds reasonable and true, but with which a grain of salt must always be taken (because I'm an untrusting bastard), but whom I don't want to offend by putting out their name/handle.
Oct 6 2003, 01:00 PM
QUOTE (Hot Wheels) |
Well you take a mommy elf, and a daddy elf who love each other very much..... |
Bugger! You beat me to the sarky comment there Hot Wheels.
Seriously though, its all connected to the 4th World AKA The Age of Heroes (Earthdawn currently published under license of WizKids by Living Room Games). To unravel the mystery check out all the old archives here at Dumpshock going on about Dragons/Immortal Elves and Earthdawn cross-overs. Alternativeely take the easy route and visit Ancient's home site. And if you're really dedicated get your mits on the old FASA 1st Edition Earthdawn sourcebooks like Blood Wood.
Watch the trees - my theories will be proven out. The Trees! The TREES!, I tell you!
Oct 6 2003, 01:41 PM
A tree hit me the other day. I have a big cut on my arm. YES, IT HIT ME!! I'm NOT so clumsy that I'd walk right into a damn tree!! It ATTACKED me!!
Sorry, that just reminded me of that...
The Sleep-Deprived One
Oct 6 2003, 02:45 PM
I think someone has already done that -- taken every aspect of EarthDawn and converted it wholesale to SR.
The T'Skrang and similar oddities "spiked" later.
And only a few characters had any idea of the parallels.
Granted, this was a house game I heard about some years ago.
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