Race: Ork (20 BP)
Physical Condition Monitor: 12 boxes
Stun Condition Monitor: 10 boxes
Starting Nuyen: 5,000

Qualities: (total +10 BP)
+ Guts (5 BP)
+ Toughness (10 BP)
- Addiction (Moderate, Alcohol) (+10 BP)
- Addiction (Mild, Simsense) (+5 BP)
- SINner (regular UK citizenship) (+5 BP)
- Sensitive Neural Structure (+5 BP)
Attributes: (200 BP)
Body: 7 (9)
Agility: 3
Reaction: 5 (7)
Strength: 5
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 3
Logic: 3
Willpower: 3
Edge: 3
Initiative: 8 ( 10 )
Initiative Passes: 1 (3)
Essense: 2
Active Skills: (150 BP)
Firearms Skill Group: 4
Dodge: 2
Heavy Weapons (Machine Guns): 4(+2)
Throwing Weapons: 3
Unarmed Combat: 3
Athletics Skill Group: 2
Perception: 2
Ettiquette (Military): 2(+2)
Leadership (Tactics): 2(+2)
First Aid (Combat Wounds): 1(+2)
Pilot Ground Craft (Wheeled): 1(+2)
Knowledge Skills: (18 free BP)
[Professional] Military Service: 5
[Academic] Military History: 3
[Interest] Soccer: 3
[Interest] UK Politics: 2
[Interest] Global Conflicts: 3
Language Skills:
- English: (N)
- Spanish: 2
Commlink (Erika Elite, w/Iris Orb OS and a Sim Module)
Cybereyes (rating 2) w/Image Link, Eye Recording System, Low-light Vision,Thermographic Vision, Flare Compensation and Smartlink)
Sound Link
Aluminium Bone Lacing
Touch Link
Wired Reflexes 2
Gear: (30 BP, 150,000

Ares Predator IV (w/10 additional clips of explosive rounds and a Quick Draw holster)
FN-HAR (w/Integral Smartlink, Imaging Scopes and 10 clips of regular rounds)
Ingram White Knight (w/Integral Smartlink and 2 100-round belts of regular rounds)
10 High Explosive Grenades
Urban Camouflage suit [8/6]
10 Simsense Recordings
Big bottle O'whisky (sp?)
Legal SIN and legal licenses to drive, for all cyberware and to use both weapons
Fake SIN (rating 3)
Wire Clippers
Gas Mask
Medkit (rating 4)
Basic DocWagon Contract (1 year)
Middle Lifestyle (3 months)
Contacts: (10 BP)
- Bartender (Connection 3/Loyality 2)
- Arms Dealer (Connection 4/Loyality 1)
Note: Natural Low-Light Vision lost due to implants.
Combat Hacker Archetype
Race: Human (0 BP)
Physical Condition Monitor: 10 boxes
Stun Condition Monitor: 10 boxes
Starting Nuyen: 4,500:nuyen:
Qualities: (total +5 BP)
+ Codeslinger (Spoofing Commands) (10 BP)
- Addiction (Mild, Alcohol) (+5 BP)
- Scorched (+10 BP)
Attributes: (210 BP)
Body: 3
Agility: 4 (6)
Reaction: 4 (5)
Strength: 3 (5)
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 4
Logic: 5
Willpower: 4
Edge: 2
Initiative (Matrix) (Wired Reflexes): 8 ( 10 ) (9)
Initiative Passes (Matrix) (Wired Reflexes): 1 (3) (2)
Essense: 1
Active Skills: (170 BP)
Automatics: 4
Blades: 3
Dodge: 3
Throwing Weapons (Knives): 2(+2)
Gymnastics: 3
Infiltration: 2
Perception: 3
Ettiquette (Military): 3(+2)
Electronics Skill Group: 4
Cracking Skill Group: 4
Knowledge Skills: (27 free BP)
[Professional] Military Service: 3
[Interest] Russian Politics: 2
[Professional] Engineering: 4
[Professional] Military Matrix Security Procedures: 4
[Academic] Matrix Theory: 3
[Street] Vory Politics: 2
[Street] Vory Safehouses: 3
Language Skills:
- Russian: (N)
- English: 4
Commlink (Transys Avalon, w/System 5, Firewall 5, Signal 5, Response 5 a Hot Sim/BTL Module)
Cybereyes (rating 2) w/Image Link, Eye Recording System, Low-light Vision,Thermographic Vision, Flare Compensation and Smartlink)
Sound Link
Muscle Replacement 2
Touch Link
Wired Reflexes 1
Gear: (19 BP, 95,000

Survival Knife
10 Throwing Knives
AK-97 Carbine (w/Integral Smartlink, Gas Vent-III and 10 clips of regular rounds)
10 High Explosive Grenades
Leather Jacket [2/2] or Lined Coat [6/4] (depending on mission)
10 Vodka Bottles
2 Fake SINs (rating 2)
2 Fake Licenses (AK-97 Carbine) (rating 2)
Hardware Kit
Wire Clippers
Respirator (rating 5)
Middle Lifestyle (1 month)
Analyze 5; Browse 3; Command 5; Edit 4; Scan 6; Armor 5; Attack 5; Decrypt 6; Defuse 3; ECCM 6; Exploit 5; Medic 3; Spoof 6; Stealth 4.
Contacts: (10 BP)
- Vory Fixer (Connection 4/Loyality 2)
- Mr. Johnson (Connection 3/Loyality 1)
Tech-Wiz Archetype
Race: Dwarf (25 BP)
Physical Condition Monitor: 10 boxes
Stun Condition Monitor: 10 boxes
Starting Nuyen: 2,100:nuyen:
Qualities: (total +20 BP)
+ Photographic Memory (10 BP)
- Addiction (Severe, VR Games) (+20 BP)
- Low Pain Tolerance (+10 BP)
Attributes: (195 BP)
Body: 3
Reaction: 4
Strength: 3
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 4
Logic: 6
Willpower: 3
Edge: 3
Initiative (Matrix): 8 ( 10 )
Initiative Passes (Matrix): 1 (3)
Essense: 3.7
Active Skills: (162 BP)
Pistols: 2
Perception: 3
Ettiquette (Matrix): 1(+2)
Mechanic Skill Group: 4
Armorer: 2
Locksmith: 3
Electronics Skill Group: 4
Cracking Skill Group: 4
Knowledge Skills: (30 free BP)
[Professional] Engineering: 5
[Academic] Mathematics: 5
[Academic] Physics: 5
[Academic] Chemistry: 3
[Interest] VR Games: 6
[Street] Vory Safehouses: 3
[Interest] Conspiracy Theories: 4
Language Skills:
- English: (N)
- Latin: 2
Commlink (Fairlight Caliban, w/System 5, Firewall 5, Signal 5, Response 5 a Hot Sim/BTL Module)
Control Rig
Ultrasound Sensor
Cybereyes (rating 2) w/Image Link, Eye Recording System, Low-light Vision,Thermographic Vision, Flare Compensation and Smartlink)
Cyberears (rating 2) w/Ear Recording Unit, Sound Link, Audio Enhancement rating 2, Select Sound Filter rating 2 and Spatial Recognizer
Fingertip Compartment
Touch Link
Gear: (28 BP, 140,000

Yamaha Sakura Fubuki (w/Integral Smartlink, Quick-Draw Holster and 400 regular rounds)
Armor Vest [6/4]
20 VR Games
Miracle Shooter (6 months subscription)
Fake SIN (rating 3)
Fake License (Yamaha Sakura Fubuki) (rating 3)
Hardware Kit
Industrial Mechanic Kit
Aeronautic Mechanic Kit
Ground Vehicle Mechanic Kit
Armorer kit
Hardware Shop
Keycard Copier (rating 4)
Autopicker (rating 4)
Lockpick Set
Maglock Passkey (rating 4)
Monofilament Chainsaw
Sequencer (rating 4)
Middle Lifestyle (3 months)
Analyze 5; Browse 5; Command 6; Edit 5; Scan 5; Armor 3; Attack 3; Encrypt 5; Decrypt 6; Defuse 4; ECCM 4; Medic 5; Sniffer 5; Spoof 5; Stealth 3; Track 4.
Contacts: (6 BP)
- Blogger (Connection 1/Loyality 1)
- Fixer (Connection 3/Loyality 1)
Note: Natural Thermographic Vision lost due to implants.
Thief Adept Archetype
Race: Human (0 BP)
Physical Condition Monitor: 9 boxes
Stun Condition Monitor: 10 boxes
Starting Nuyen: 2,000:nuyen:
Qualities: (total +5 BP)
+ Adept (5 BP)
- Allergy (Sunlight, Mild) (+10 BP)
Attributes: (220 BP)
Body: 2
Reaction: 4
Strength: 2
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 3
Magic: 5
Edge: 2
Initiative: 8
Initiative Passes: 1
Essense: 6
Active Skills: (166 BP)
Clubs (Batons): 3(+2)
Dodge: 2
Pistols (Tasers): 3(+2)
Throwing Weapons (Grenades): 2(+2)
Climbing: 3
Escape Artist: 3
Infiltration (Urban): 5(+2)
Palming: 4
Perception: 4
Ettiquette (Steeet): 2(+2)
Negotiation (Bargaining): 1(+2)
Hardware (Maglocks): 3(+2)
Locksmith: 3
Knowledge Skills: (24 free BP)
[Professional] Corporate Security Procedures: 4
[Professional] Security Systems: 4
[Interest] Fine Wines: 3
[Street] Safehouses: 4
[Street] Seattle Museums: 4
Language Skills:
- English: (N)
- French: 3
- Japanese: 2
Adept Powers:
Enhanced Perception: 3
Improved Ability (Climbing): 3
Improved Ability (Infiltration): 4
Improved Ability (Palming): 4
Improved Ability (Clubs)): 2
Improved Senses (Thermographic Vision and Direction)
Gear: (8 BP, 40,000

Stun Baton
Defiance EX Shocker (w/Integral Smartlink, Concealed Holster and 20 taser darts)
Raecor Sting (w/Concealed Holster and 10 clips of regular rounds)
10 Flash-Bang Grenades
Chameleon Suit [6/4]
Armor Vest [6/4]
Novatech Airware Commlink (w/Iris Orb OS, AR Gloves and Subvocal Microphone)
Tag Eraser
White Noise Generator (rating 5)
2 Fake SINs (rating 3)
2 Fake Licenses (Raecor Sting) (rating 3)
Hardware Kit
Glasses w/Low Light, Image Link, Flare Compensation and Smartlink)
Keycard Copier (rating 6)
Autopicker (rating 6)
Lockpick Set
Maglock Passkey (rating 4)
Monofilament Chainsaw
Wire Clippers
Sequencer (rating 4)
Gecko Tape Gloves
Rappeling Gloves
Grapple Gun w/Microwire Rope
Low Lifestyle (5 months)
Contacts: (6 BP)
- Fence (Connection 3/Loyality 3)
- Fixer (Connection 4/Loyality 2)