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Hope this post isn't too long. Thought i'd throw in an old adventure written after seeing a particular episode of Ghost in the SHell: SAC tv series. It's full of typos and poor grammer ... but was written rapidly shortly before a game. I have a few more of these, and may post them if they're wanted.


Offshore Extraction $150,000 Neg Type: Extraction
Start Date: ASAP Closes: 30days Timeframe: 1 week
Task: Rescue captive from hostile militia (Carribean League)
Suggested Skills: Rigger / Infiltration

Client: Private Client
Reputation Area: Extraction / Rigger

A Carrib-based entrepeneur, Guy Richie, hires the runners to rescue a young kidnap victim from Nuvilunio Pirates, stationed on an abandoned Oil Rig used by rogues and mercenaries as an illegal port-of-call, called Long-Leg City. The kidnapped is the Alice Boon, daughter of rich Texas Amusement Park Mogul, Frank Boon, grabbed by Novilunio pirates while vacationing off of Jamaca and the Cayman islands. Currently the CAS government is working with the Jamacan authorities to get her back, but the response has been slow (The country has started to ask for funding to help their investigation). Guy discovered her location through his Carrib networks, and has decided to rescue the girl to get any rewards he can (he figures she’d be worth a good million ... but he won’t tell the runners that). The pirates only have a vague idea that the girl’s family are rich, and are trying to work out what to do with her. She’s currently in Nuvilunio’s quater of the Long-Legs City.

Long -Leg is controlled by an Ork called Onefoot, his Hougan Crone and a small army of thugs. Long-Leg City is considered to be a free port of call for all pirates and smugglers. It’s policed by a group affiliated with Novilunio, who punish any persons who break the rules of Long-leg (usually being thrown to the megladons). The rules are simple: no serious fighting between gangs (fists and knives are fine), and free trade. It’s the kind of place a crew and kick back and relax and try to sell their goods. It costs Y100 per person to come abord, no questions asked. However, the dockmaster will keep an eye on those coming aboard to check for ‘undesirables’.

Long-Leg has a number of distinct areas: The Harbor, the Market, the Hostels, Inner Rig, the Upper Rig and the Tower. Both the Inner and Upper rig are strictly out of bounds, and are patrolled by Novilunio pirates.

The Harbor
The Harbor lies underneath the oil rig, and comprises of jury-rigged platforms for docking. It costs Y1000 to berth here. Otherwise, the boats can sit out away from the platform, and the crew come arrive in dingies. There is a jury rigged structure here that houses the Dock Master and his four guards.

The Market
The Market is the communal place for pirates the set up market and sell their goods. There are also groups who have sent permanent shops and stalls here, usually selling food and alchohol (most of the profits go to Novilunio). A popular drinking tavern is the ‘Red Osprey’, that has chairs and tables overlooking the view from the platform - while they are here the owner, Mulligan, will point out the Crone who is standing out on the tower. There’s always a sense of excitement in the Market, and drinking and fist fightin’ are common events. There are always 1d6 guards about in the Market.

The Hostels
This is the place to catch some sleep in a ‘cosy’ bed, at the price of Y50 a night. Private rooms can cost up to y100 per night. The Hostels are below the Market in what used to be Staff rooms.

The Inner Rig
This is the deep lower section of the Rig where most of the oil-retraction machines operated. Some of it’s used for storage, the rest has been blocked off to prevent ‘vagrants’. Most of the Nuvilunio pirates don’t like going down there alone, as rumor persists that’s it’s haunted, or that there’s ‘something’ down there. There’s usually a only few guards patrolling the storage area, and none in the deeper section (it’s too ‘creepy’). There’s also the ‘dungeon’, where Nuvilunio keep their undesirables and hostages in terrible conditions - always watched by two guards. Currently it’s housing a number of slaves-to-be, including Alice Boons friends Sarah (an ork) and Eddie (a Carribean) who were with her when kidnapped. A power generator is also found down here that supplies electricity to the Upper Rig. It’s behind lock and key in a secure place - only the maintenance staff have it.

The Upper Rig
The Upper rig is the crew area for Novilunio, and has their barracks. Additionally, the group have a number of weapon systems here for firing against attackers - surface to air missiles, anti-aircraft guns and cannon. Alice Boon is being held here in a room converted into a cell behind the barracks - Onefoot doesn’t want the merchandise harmed during her stay. She has two guards watching her door at all times. Lastly, there is a helicopter platform that has a Hughes SeaStallion stationed on it. The upper rig is permenantly guarded, and especially the access stairs to it. A security camera watches the stairs that is monitored by the security room above the stairs.

The Tower
This is the haven for Onefoot and Crone, accessible through the barracks in the Upper Rig. The two have a commanding view over the entire rig. A matrix terminal and deck can be found up here and a large satellite dish. A large radio and comm suite is also available. It is guarded by two men stationed infront of the access stairs, and there’s usually 2d6 guards around up there.

Secrets of Long-Leg
* There is an access tunnel leading from the Inner Rig to Upper Rig that by-passes the security room. Not many know about it, except the maintenance staff who use it as a short-cut. If the runners manage to get plans of the platform they can discover this.
* There are access hatches from the Harbour to the Inner Rig. Most are welded shut, however, with the right tools they’d be openable.
* Many doors have been welded shut to create no-through areas. Some have even been mined or boobytrapped to prevent intrusion.
* Crone is a Houngan Voodoo practicioner, with the Loa of Ghede. Her room is covered in Voodoo paraphanalia, including bones and skulls. Onefoot doesn’t like it much and stays away from her room. Her proper sanctum, however, is deep in the Inner Rig where she keeps the bodies of the recently dead. Should anyone discover the room, her watcher warns her and she dispatches the person promptly (moving through the secret access tunnel). Otherwise, her zombie guards usually do a good job in finishing the intruder. Should Onefoot discover this horrid tomb, he’d probably throw her from the platform (otherwise, her magical skills are too valuable).
* The entire upper tower has a rating 6 ward.
* Alice Boon has a watcher spirit that will warn Crone if she escapes.
* The Upper Rig has an anti-air launcher (AV Missle) and also a Minigun that can be rotated for anti-air fire.
* The armoury includes five shoulder-fired rocket launchers with HI-EX rounds.
* A crane overlooks the rig from here, and has a permanent guard with binocs and a Remington 550. In the event of an emergency, another will climb to the top of the Tower.
* When Alice is rescued she begs for the runners to rescue her friends in the Inner Rig, and says that she will see them rewarded for their rescue.

Nuvilunio Guard
4 3 4 2 3 3 6 3
Skill: Firearm 4, Armed 4, Unarmed 3
Gear: AK-97 [38c, SA/BF/FA, 8M w/1 extra clip],
(3 in 6) Colt [11c, SA, 6M], knife, transciever

Nuvilunio Sniper
4 3 4 2 3 3 6 3
Skill: Firearm 4, Armed 4, Unarmed 3
Gear: Remington 750 [5m, SA, 7S, Imagescope1]
(3in6) Colt [11c, SA, 6M], knife, transciever

Nuvilunio Soldier
4 3 4 2 3 3 6 3
Skill: Firearm 4, Armed 4, Unarmed 3
Gear: AK-97 [38c, SA/BF/FA, 8M w/1 extra clip], knife
(2 in 6) Flack Jacket (5/3)
(2 in 6) Anti-personel grenade
(2 in 6) Offensive grenade
in the event of trouble, some will have:
Defiance Shotgun [5m, SA, 10S]
and will set up on a tripod in tactical locations:
Ingram Valiant LMG [50belt, BF/FA, 7S]
If it looks like th'll be facing vehicles or combat drones, they'll bring out:
HiEx Rocket Launcher [16D, Blast -1/m]

Onefoot has already stepped up patrols because of the Crones predictions of ‘coming strife’. If there is major trouble both Onefoot and the Crone will step in to stop Alice being taken. If it looks like the runners will escape, they’ll destroy Alice rather than let her go - they don’t want the location of Long-leg to get out - this means if the runners attempt to take off in the helicopter without removing the Anti-Air missle system they’ll probably get blasted from the sky.

Onefoot, Nuvilunio Captain
6 4 6 5 4 5 - 5 (7 + 2d6)Combat Pool 6

Skills: Cyber-implant weaponry 5, Pistol 4, Rifle 4, Unarmed 5, Armed 4, Leadership 5
Cyberware: Reflexes 1, Spurs
Weapons: Enfield Shotgun [10c, SA/BF, 8S], MaxPower [10c, SA, 9M]
Gear: Flack Jacket (5/3)

Crone, Petro Hongun, Level 1 Initiate
2 2 1 5 5 5 6 4
Spell Pool / Astral / Initiate: 6 / 5 / 1
Metatechniques: Divining
Skills: Sorcery 5, Conjuring 5, Intimidation 4, Unarmed 2
Loa: Baron Samedi (+2 dice to summon), Force 5, currently has 3 services
Confusion, Possession, Search, Accident, Confusion, Fear, Guard, Magical Guard
Touch Serious 5
Powerball Serious 5
Detect magic 4
Resist pain 5
Flame Thrower Serious 4
Armour 5
Fire Wall 5
Cripple Limb
Stench 4

Rep Area Bonus: 1 Extraction / possibly 1 Combat / 1 Infiltration
Team Good Karma: 4. Personal Karma: 3 - 6.
Faction: Nuvilunio Pirates -1

This is a pretty interesting adventure you've outlined... I'd definitely want to play it. Hell, it'd be perfect for one of the groups I play in: we've got a pretty awesome stealth guy and some unique aquatic transportation. (And the rest of the party thought I'd never have a need for an amphibous-modified Ford Bison! cool.gif )
Thanks, Narrator ... a member of my troupe had an aquatic bison and well and truely freaked the group out when he drove off the end of a jetty trying to escape pursuing gangers ... ofcourse, he'd never told them that it had that particular aquatic option!

I personally love the aquatic angle in shadowrun - did anyone else love Life Aquatic? smile.gif - ... there's something appealing about a rusted out old oilrig and the mysteries it contains. I have another rather ripped off adventure onboard a derelict ocean liner, which i'll try to scrounge up.
I've ran an extraction from the Tir aka "Ireland" and my PC's are still trying to figure out why a bunch of pissed off elves are gunning for them
I have had plans to use an oil rig for some kind of job in the near future, but this works perfectly biggrin.gif
Nice one! I'd definitely be interested to hear how it goes ... or what other suprises you hit your team with!
Mmm, that was a really good episode Ghost in the Shell. Pirate havens rock.
Very nice. I'm gonna have to use this for my game. Hey, did you use any plans/diagrams for the platform?
No, I kinda winged it on the spot to be honest, but I had a fairly clear idea in mind for the distinct areas of the rig at the time.

I wonder if you can get actual plans for an oil rig out there somewhere?
dunno. I have found plans for some ships though thanks to the threads. smile.gif
Plans for both would be nice .. care to share biggrin.gif
A homebrew PDF map of the oilrig from Counter Strike

Sorry - closest I could come up with.


Edit: Also: It's a one page map, but it's an oil rig
google fu - this has been discussed before...

there's a link to a company website, not sure if it works, haven't checked that far out yet. smile.gif
Here are a couple of older cruise ship layouts. 530 passenger and 300 cabin .
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