emo samurai
Jan 5 2006, 06:45 PM
They're supposed to be able to make techonology work without knowing the nuts and bolts. Shouldn't they be able to open security keypads with their brains? They seem to be treated as nothing more than hackers and riggers without cyberware. Of course, this would make them invincible in the electronic world, but who gives a shit?
Jan 5 2006, 06:56 PM
Can't they hack into stuff with their brains? I haven't read up on em, but that seems to be their whole gig...
MK Ultra
Jan 5 2006, 06:56 PM
Well, they can open e-locks, just like any hacker! And than there are sprites to, I have not read all the rules but they seam to be quiet usefull. Maybe I just donīt understand wat you mean, if so, pleas could you explain in dumbspeak (my native language
Jan 5 2006, 06:58 PM
Sprites do in fact have powers that can screw over electronic devices.
emo samurai
Jan 5 2006, 07:15 PM
Even those without wireless? I imagined people who could start 1990's appliances with a thought and turn lawnmowers against neighbors' cats. That would be awesome.
MK Ultra
Jan 5 2006, 07:17 PM
There are still appliances, that are not wirreless in 2070?
Well some runners might put thairs off, but everybody else?
emo samurai
Jan 5 2006, 07:19 PM
Well, I'm sure that most comlocks aren't wireless, since hackers could just break through a few bits of IC and get through the
50,000 equipment. I've always visualized technomancers as being able to break through those, though.
Jan 5 2006, 07:24 PM
My house rules have replaced a tachnomancer's ability to broadcast with a skinlink function that allows them to interact with any electronic device they physically touch. They the touch a commlink or other device with a signal rating, which bounces their data, when they want to do something wireless. But even if a device has no wireless connection, my version of technomancers could simply touch it and gain access.
Does that do what you want?
Jan 5 2006, 07:27 PM
I've been thinking that a Technomancer could make a great Face as well as being a Decker or Rigger.
emo samurai
Jan 5 2006, 07:29 PM
Because they need Charisma for Biofeedback?
Jan 5 2006, 07:41 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Even those without wireless? I imagined people who could start 1990's appliances with a thought and turn lawnmowers against neighbors' cats. That would be awesome. |
Umm. Wow. Just wow.
In answer to your question, they like any other character are not limited to a class. They can do whatever you spend points to let them do.
If you mean do weird stuff like that, they become very strange and very overpowered. And they make less sense. It's your game, but I will have nothing like it.
emo samurai
Jan 5 2006, 07:52 PM
Yeah, it's not like they tap into the mystical power of everything with metal, only the mystical power inherent in the Matrix. Otherwise, they could make street samurai choke themselves to death.
emo samurai
Jan 5 2006, 07:55 PM
My house rules have replaced a tachnomancer's ability to broadcast with a skinlink function that allows them to interact with any electronic device they physically touch. They the touch a commlink or other device with a signal rating, which bounces their data, when they want to do something wireless. But even if a device has no wireless connection, my version of technomancers could simply touch it and gain access.
Does that do what you want? |
Sort of, but I still want the ability to broadcast, but with the "touch the keypad and destroy its functionality" thing.
Jan 5 2006, 07:59 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Because they need Charisma for Biofeedback? |
No much more because of their ability to access and manipulate other people's PAN's to get information and use that for more indepth and meaningful conversations, easier to get conversations going the way you want if you know what the person you are talking too is interested in. Helps you get rid of some of those "Target is suspicious" modifiers. So you wouldn't be able to Min/Max a Techno-Face as much.
(In our group blatant min-maxing is frowned upon, I personally as a GM will play heavily to a Min-Maxers weaknesses. We prefer more balanced characters)
MK Ultra
Jan 5 2006, 08:02 PM
I thinke a Face with the TM or Hacker in his ear is more suited to be fun for everyone, unless You are playing 1 PC 1 GM, that is. Would allso be more effektive.
Jan 5 2006, 10:34 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
QUOTE | My house rules have replaced a tachnomancer's ability to broadcast with a skinlink function that allows them to interact with any electronic device they physically touch. They the touch a commlink or other device with a signal rating, which bounces their data, when they want to do something wireless. But even if a device has no wireless connection, my version of technomancers could simply touch it and gain access.
Does that do what you want? |
Sort of, but I still want the ability to broadcast, but with the "touch the keypad and destroy its functionality" thing.
You do stillhave teh broadcast thing. All a techno has to do to broadcast is touch a device that can broadcast, and he gains that device's signal rating.
I mean, come on, your UNDERWEAR has a chip in it with a microbroadcaster, so when would my skinlinked technomancer ever really be without broadcast capability?
Jan 5 2006, 10:34 PM
Well our group is kind of small as well, 4 regulars and we rotate GM duty, so the rule has become every character has to fill two functions. Granted this is a group specific mechaninc but I've found that while the characters aren't as awesome at anyone thing as a specialized group's characters tend to be, when I cross my characters over and play with other groups their versatility is usually appreciated.
MK Ultra
Jan 5 2006, 11:54 PM
Agreed. I have to admit, allmost all of my RPG PCs (at least the ones I have any hope of playing more then twice or trice) are genaralists. Hacking mages, cybered streetdocs, techwiz faces and the likes. I guess since I do almost no playing (except GMing that is) I canīt quite sattle with only one roll. I allso do not like overspecialized charakters in general (thats what drones with autosofts are for).
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