Jan 5 2006, 10:46 PM
Hi, I'm just wondering if there is any who plays in the Boston area, trying to find a 4th edition group to play with.
Jan 22 2006, 06:25 AM
I live in Portsmouth, NH. Looking for a group as well. Maybe we can find a common place to meet?
Jan 22 2006, 08:23 PM
If you don't mind driving into Boston your always welcome to join my game. I'm running a low level campaign right now that's using 4th edition rules but takes place in the System Failure timeline. So players are right in the middle of all the fireworks as they happen. Build points are only 225 but I'm going to give out high karma awards to help build characters. Message me if your interested and we can talk further. I'd post my email address but those nasty spiders are always lurking. (My ex-found me some how a few months back via email. So I'm weary about posting my email address.)
Charlestown Massachusettes, right off of 93S
I live 100 yards from the Bunker Hill Monument. Free parking provided in back of building. There's always room.
Jan 22 2006, 08:39 PM
325 I think.
Jame J
Mar 23 2006, 11:14 PM
I'd be interested. Of course, I have 4th Ed., have never played before and am in another, monthly, group playing another game (Traveller), but I'd like to try it if you meet on Sundays.
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