Jan 7 2006, 10:48 PM
I am trying to work up a modification for the smuggler in the SR4 rule book for one of my players and I am trying my best to understand how pilot and other stats are upgraded on a vehicle.
The smuggler has a GMC Bulldog Step Van. The unmodified pilot for this van is 2. The version that the smuggler has has Pilot 4, Firewall 4, Signal 4 and Response 4.
On p. 214 of the rulebook, you can find:
Pilot is used in place of System for vehicles, drones, and agents, but otherwise has the same function as System.
In the Rigging and Drones section on p. 238 the book indicates that riggers will have
plenty of drones with amped Pilot, Response, and Firewall attributes of their own
These quotes seem to indicate that Reponse, Firewall, and Signal are upgraded independently of Pilot. In other words, upgrading Pilot does not automatically upgrade all of these other attributes. Is that how I am supposed to be reading the rules? Do I use the hardware upgrade costs on p. 240 to upgrade Response and Signal on the van and use the Program Costs and Availability table on p. 228 for upgrading Firewall on the van?
Rotbart van Dainig
Jan 7 2006, 10:51 PM
And Pilot, too - correct.
Keep in mind that most runner will buy software only once... if buying it at all.
Jan 7 2006, 11:49 PM
yeah, i would expect you would have to buy:
1 system program at rating 6
1 firewall program at rating 6
1 pilot program at rating 4 (the highest available at chargen)
each vehicle/drone/whatever will need to have it's response and signal upgraded separately (but just buy satellite uplinks for them all instead of paying for signal upgrades, imo). perhaps you could buy the parts for it instead (50% off) although that would require in-game time i suppose. over time it would be better though.
note that for many autosofts, you can get one free with many purchases (clearsight, targetting(1 of choice), and defense 3, maneuver(aircraft) 2)
1 system program at rating 6 1 firewall program at rating 6 1 pilot program at rating 4 (the highest available at chargen)
As far as I understand, a system program is NOT required. The initial Firewall, Signal & Response ratings are all equal to the Pilot rating given in the rule book.
To upgrade the vehicle you'd need to purchase Response first as the Pilot rating can't be higher than response - same as System & Response rule. Firewall and Singal would be optional, but very usefull.
Don't forget about the Autosofts. These are the vehicles "skills" and are all listed in the rule book. They are very handy if you want your vehicle to operate remotely.
So Basically, Sunjester, what you wrote appears to be exactly correct - at least accorsing to my interpretation.
Jan 8 2006, 04:31 PM
he's going to want a commlink too, silly.
not to mention you may as well crack it and install it into any cyber you might have (control rig, datajack, skillwires, etc).
so while you may not need it for your drones, you still need it.
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