Jan 9 2006, 08:55 PM
First of all I havent bought SR4,nor an intention to buy it, though I have peeked at the map of North America anno 2070, but my question has little to do with that.
What I was wondering if it was ever discovered who or what was behind the socalled Biological attack near the Tsimshian border, what the agent was and so on. I know that in 2070 Tsimshian is under the control of Salish-Shidhe and old Ute nation has come under the thumb of Pueblo.
Anyone able to shed some light on the Salish-Tsimshian situation?
Was the earthquake in Richmond ever explained in any book if so what caused it, unless of course it was a natural cause
Jan 9 2006, 09:15 PM
WeŽre going to play in Salish so IŽd love some info too. All it says in SF is that MCT moved out, Tribal Council lended troops and Salish moved in with Sioux Wildcats at front to "stabilize the situation".
Jan 9 2006, 09:35 PM
An earthquake in Redmond is a perfectly likely natural event. Earthquakes are common, even frequent up here in the Pacific Northwest, though rarely are they large enough to be felt.
http://www.ess.washington.edu/recenteqs/ to give you an idea.
There are, to the best of my knowledge 3 prevalent theories on the Bio Attack at the border. First the Tsimshian and MCT fearing an imminent attack launched it as a preemtive strike. Second is that the Sioux or STC staged it as a pretext to invade. Third is an MCT black facility had a containment breach which was interpreted as an attack. Those are the rumors I know of, not necessarily canon however.
MK Ultra
Jan 9 2006, 09:56 PM
Was this in the year of the comet, this kind of stuff hapened everyware in that time. Allso, the Ring of Fire and the Dragons manipulations of Manalines could have caused it, just like in Japan only less sever. The conflict between SSC & Tsim heatet up because of a new Manaline popping up near the border around than.
In the novel "Tailes you loos" was described a pice of experimental cyber from PCI. It was supposed to be some more potent sleap regulator, minimizing the need for sleap to 15 Minutes a day or so. IIRC many SSC soldiers in the conflict died, because the could no more sleap, implying cyberexperimentation gon wrong. SSC would have allowed PCI to beta-test its new ware on the soldiers, so the undermanned SSC-forces could stand against the MCT enhanced Tsimshian military (there were more MCT-mercs involved than Tsimshian personel).
Edit: Another possibility would involve a toxic shamane or spirit attacking the SSC to protect its domaine.
Jan 9 2006, 11:09 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Edit: Another possibility would involve a toxic shamane or spirit attacking the SSC to protect its domaine. |
Or maybe just trying to seed chaos to go about their nasty business - System Failure reveals Winternight had a base in Tsimshian and offers one reason why they'd want chaos at the front.
MK Ultra
Jan 9 2006, 11:57 PM
Ah, I forgot about them for a sec. (fatal). But that makes perfectly sense! They had to test Ymir somewere right!
Jan 10 2006, 12:48 AM
Hmm .. now I'm asking about Indian holdings, what about Cheyenne Mountain? Who got it's hands/claws on it and what goes on there. I do not seem to recall it ever been mentioned, though I could be wrong.
Jan 10 2006, 01:17 AM
It looks like it's in the Denver Freehold.
MK Ultra
Jan 10 2006, 01:40 AM
IIRC its in the PCC Sector, but the UCAS striped much equipment and bombed it, as they retreated at the end of the Ghost Dance War. It was caved in since, but rumors abounded about activities in there, from PCC mil to Bug Spirits.
Jan 10 2006, 03:09 AM
The stripping it bare part certainly. Caved in? Maybe, maybe not. The Denver Boxed Set had a standard Denver sourcebook and a small GM's booklet outlining the secret backstory of the place and offering suggestions, it gave three options for the GM to choose from on a number of different locations, people and situations around Denver. Pistons, who wrote the Ghostwalker/Denver section of Year of the Comet, went pretty much option C all the way from what I can remember.
[ Spoiler ]
In regards to the Mountain, Option A was that the US stripped the place bare and sucessfully caved the whole place in. Option B was the same except that they buggered up their demolitions tests so whilst the entrance and outter areas were collapsed, the rest remained intact which allowed Pueblo to re-excavate the place and turn it into a military C3I centre. Option C was that they'd screwed up the demolition of the facility but rather than the Native Americans taking over the place an insect hive did. It was left open in the original book and YotC didn't mention it at all so it's still entirely up to the GM.
Jan 10 2006, 11:57 AM
<<edit>> making a new subject for this.
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