Jan 19 2006, 07:28 PM
Okay, character sent. Called Patch Up (PU for short, make sure you pronounce the letters seperately or he'll get mad

A street doc with a chip on his shoulder from the Redmond Barrens. Obviously anyone in the Barrens either knows how to take care of themselves or keeps thier head down, and PU falls into the former.
Cedric Rolfsson
Jan 20 2006, 12:36 AM
McQ, I've got to buy another copy of SR4 and I want to try it out. I know that you're closing down the entry thread that's fine, just keep me in mind if someone drops out and you need another player. I'm not going to bother you with a character sheet or anything but I'll toss in the concept for your consideration in the event you end up looking for another vic. . . errr. . player.
[ Spoiler ]
Dagda - Magician: Dagda is a large stocky man, barrel chested and broad shouldered, with a loud laugh and a larger-than-life attitude. He has great curiosity and is by nature a competitive spirit.
While clearly a magician Dagda carries himself with the confidence of a warrior-born. He is adept with weapons and well as magic and is as likely to take a swing at an opponent as he is to defeat his foe with the clever use of magic.
Secretive about his training, he deliberately remains vague concerning where he received his magical training, which is clearly not from some cheap street mage.
In reality he was born and lived his first 17 years in Boston, and attended a prep school for the magically gifted until his parent's corp, Manadyne, was gutted by corporate manuevering and his father was hired as a research mage by Juxing in Seattle. Unfortunately his father was killed within two months by a rival corp and Dagda felt betrayed by Juxing's lack of reaction and left. He's been trying to make the transition to life as a shadowrunner since.
With that said I'll simply leave well enough alone and let you folks run things your way.
Jan 20 2006, 01:38 AM
OK, Hunter is in the mail
Jan 20 2006, 04:41 PM
Can we get an updated list of players and concepts? I am putting the final touches on Widget today and wanted to see where we stood as teams for skills, etc. Thanks!
Jan 20 2006, 07:37 PM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
DireRadiant--DES, Rigger/Shamanic Conjuring Adept (human) ** Fix-it--Copperhead, Covert Ops (orc) GingerKid--JuJu, Combat Mage (human) ** Sparky--NAMELESS, Weapons Adept (human) Maxxi--NAMELESS, Technomancer Face (human) Warrior--Wolfgar, Phys-ad Weapons Specialist (human) ** Tashio--Black Widow, Covert Assassin/Face (elf) Buddha--Widget, Technomancer Hacker/Rigger (elf) Bearclaw--Hunter, Street Sam (orc)** CX2--Patch Up "PU", Combat Medic (human) Rokur--Krum, Meat Shield (Troll) ** Mr. Juan--Nameless, Rigger (??) Crystal Monkey--Kevin McKnight, Hacker (Human-looking Orc)**
So far I have received characters from the people with ** next to their name. If you've sent me a character and I haven't marked your name, re-send it to me and hit me with a PM.
With 13 people requesting to play, I'm going to close registration at this point. Once I get characters in I will be dividing people into 2 teams. If there is someone you really want on your team, let me know in your e-mail and I will do my best. Anyone who I have not received a character from by the cut-off point is going to be dropped out of the running. I hate to do it that way, but since I'm taking all comers, I'm going to use the deadline as a filter.
Edit: Updating Roster |
You mean like this
Jan 21 2006, 12:43 AM
Meat Tank? kinda cool (imagining a large fleshy piece of meat rolling over some barbed wire).... other names could fit too, Meat wall, Bullet Sponge, movable blockade, Door Jam etc. etc. (something to be said about having a "chance" to soak a called shot to the face) ... but whatever happened to "Melee specialist"
No worries though, I'm actually really looking forward to seeing how strong/weak Crum will be.
One question that I had, about intercept. If I have a reach weapon/natural troll reach, does that change range of intercept? Just trying to figure out what kind of action an intercept would be and how useful it is to "save" your free action.
Jan 21 2006, 04:22 PM
Rokur--Not Meat Tank, Meat shield...a big melee fighter who gets out their in the middle of the fray and uses his own body to take the hits rather than let people pass by to the squishier members...
Jan 21 2006, 05:33 PM
Sorry, just bben playing a lot of city of heroes lately, probably why I thought it said Tank.
PS. still, the intercept question?( or do i HAVE to stand in the doorway to intercept someone)
Jan 21 2006, 05:55 PM
I have sheets from:
Into the Breech Team
DireRadiant--DES, Rigger/Shamanic Conjuring Adept (human) **
GingerKid--JuJu, Combat Mage (human) **
Bearclaw--Hunter, Street Sam (orc)**
Rokur--Krum, Meat Shield (Troll) **
Crystal Monkey--Kevin McKnight, Hacker (Human-looking Orc)**
Warrior--Wolfgar, Phys-ad Weapons Specialist (human) **
Another Day Team
Fix-it--Copperhead, Covert Ops (orc)**
Tashio--Black Widow, Covert Assassin/Face (elf)**
Sparky--Vivica, Mage Hunter (human)**
Buddha--Widget, Technomancer Hacker/Rigger (elf)**
CX2--Patch Up "PU", Combat Medic (human)**
People who are out of the running:
Maxxi--NAMELESS, Technomancer Face (human)
Mr. Juan--Nameless, Rigger (??)
Everyone: This thread is closing. I am going to open OOC threads for each run where we can have specific discussions related to your team.
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