Jan 12 2006, 08:17 PM
"On the Run" (introductory adventure) has been in translation for one week now.
Scheduled German release: late February/early March
Contents: One highly detailed run in 9 chapters, with lots of advice for newbie GMs. No world-saving, no high politics - just do the job, overcome the adversaries and stay alive!
SR4 GM screen and "Runner Havens" (German title: "Schatten-Städte" = "Shadow Cities") are in final editing and should be finished in this month.
Expect final release dates in the February newsletter.
Meanwhile, writing and playtesting on "Street Magic", "Augmentation", "Arsenal" and "Emergence" (the first SR4 campaign) is going on.
A note on Technomancers
While there are no limits on Technomancers as player characters some facts about them were not made clear in the SR4 core book:
Outside well-informed circles (including the Shadows) the existence and abilities of Technomancers are almost unknown!
They are not mentioned in the media, Joe Public doesn't even know the term "Technomancer".
In addition, expect the first release of a new kind of SR book in the first half of 2006: "München Noir" ("Munich Noir"), the first Hot Spot book.
A single city (Munich this time) is presented from a street/Shadows point of view. After overviews of historical, geographical and political facts the Runner milieu is detailed: places, people, possibilities - all necessary GM informations for using the city as a campaign background.
Second part of the book is a mini-campaign that sends runners through all facets of Munich, focusing on the media, corp and celebrity scenes - and behind the sunny fassade crime and perversion abound...
"Richtig gehört - dieses Buch wird böse, richtig böse." (Christian Lonsing. "You heard right - this book will be evil, really evil.")
"Munich Noir" is a German release!
The annual Shadowrun Short Movie Competition is in its third incarnation.
After 4 contestants in the first year and 15(!) in the second there are 6 in the current competition.
Due to technical difficulties there have been delays in reviewing the entries.
Expect naming the winners soon.
Movie downloads (WMV directly on and ED2K links for high-quality MPG/DivX versions) will follow.
Jan 13 2006, 02:17 AM
QUOTE (M¥$T1C) |
"Munich Noir" is a German release! |
All I have to say to that is Fuck You Fanpro.
Jan 13 2006, 02:24 AM
If they don't want to offer an English version of the product for sale, I know I won't be buying it.
Jan 13 2006, 02:30 AM
cool the jets guys--chances are atleast a couple of the location guides are in production at the same time, for a simultaneous local specific release. So the US will get the Seattle + whatever book, the germans get their book on Munich, and maybe one other for a local release. There are then translated for another international release, so hopefully, within a small time frame, we'd see a couple of location guides being translated and re-printed.
This is all wishful thinking/speculation on my part.
emo samurai
Jan 13 2006, 02:33 AM
Is Shadowrun huge in Germany or something?
Jan 13 2006, 02:37 AM
FanPro Germany has seven slots a year for Shadowrun products; FanPro LLC in North America has six slots. FanPro Germany typically does one european-themed book a year that isn't translated into English.
MK Ultra
Jan 13 2006, 02:39 AM
Well, kind of. FanPro is a german corp after all.
I don´t know, how much lokal work has been don in other countries/languages but there have been several german only releases over the time.
Most of them, I did not bother with however. I simply don´t like the style and am less interested in germany as a champaign setting.
I´d seriously doubt however, that Munich will ever be translated.
Jan 13 2006, 02:44 AM
ok, this might still be in the wishful thinking line, but "back in the day" wasnt one of the setting books SUPPOSED to include munich?
Jan 13 2006, 03:53 AM
If it makes ya feel better, we're not translating Missions into German.
Jan 13 2006, 04:29 AM
nice to finally see some societal info on technomancers.
Jan 13 2006, 04:38 AM
QUOTE (mfb) |
nice to finally see some societal info on technomancers. |
Info on what? Never heard of 'em.
Har, har, har.
Jan 13 2006, 05:32 AM
expect ninjas soon.
Jan 13 2006, 05:42 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Is Shadowrun huge in Germany or something? |
Just like David Hasselhoff.
Jan 13 2006, 05:50 AM
So what's 'Emergance'? Anyone got the scan on that ? The new technomancer book or something?
Jan 13 2006, 07:15 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
I simply don´t like the style and am less interested in germany as a champaign setting. |
Yeah, me too. But even worse are the horrible bad translations of recent sourcebooks. I just fnished the reading of "feind meines feindes" (aka "Loose Alliances") and it was a pain in the ass. Missing words, strange and too long sentences, and an overall bad translation. Even worse than "Europa in den Schatten" (aka "Shadows Of Europe").
Jan 13 2006, 07:17 AM
Then you feel my pain when thinking of working out a translation of Shockwellen
Jan 13 2006, 09:12 AM
For the record:
Munich Noir is the first of a series of Hot Spot books (one a year) which will showcase different locations in the AGS with a mixed sourcebook/campaign book format (sorta like the NAN sbs, but for one city). The books will play off elements of the German setting introduced in DidS2 and B:ADL and update the spotlighted setting to the Seventies, as well as providing a campaign that touches upon at least a couple of hanging German canon plot threads.
As Adam has noted this will fill the annual book slot FanPro D reserves for their German audience release.
Emergence (working title) will present the first storyarc/plotbook for SR4, as well as providing some setting context to some of the "still-emerging" elements of the Seventies setting.
Jan 13 2006, 09:15 AM
QUOTE (mfb @ Jan 13 2006, 12:32 AM) |
expect ninjas soon. |
I got this in my fortune cookie tonight, oddly.
And with the two endings that you're supposedly supposed to slap onto fortune cookie statements, "- without pants" and "- in bed", it's just looking kinky.
Rotbart van Dainig
Jan 13 2006, 09:24 AM
QUOTE (RunnerPaul) |
If they don't want to offer an English version of the product for sale, I know I won't be buying it. |
There are indeed better reasons to learn german than the ability to read AGS setting books... well, at least, there should be.
Jan 13 2006, 09:51 AM
QUOTE (LaughingTiger) |
QUOTE (mfb @ Jan 13 2006, 12:32 AM) | expect ninjas soon. |
I got this in my fortune cookie tonight, oddly.
And with the two endings that you're supposedly supposed to slap onto fortune cookie statements, "- without pants" and "- in bed", it's just looking kinky.
I've always added "FOR THE FUHRER!" onto the end of fortune cookies. It's kind of funnier, and adds a whole different spin than "in bed" and stuff like that.
Jan 13 2006, 10:12 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Is Shadowrun huge in Germany or something? |
Indeed it is.
I dare say nearly every German gamer has tested SR at least once or at least knows the game.
You will find it at every convention and it regularly gets into the top 3 favorite games in gamer polls.
MK Ultra
Jan 13 2006, 01:46 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
Emergence (working title) will present the first storyarc/plotbook for SR4, as well as providing some setting context to some of the "still-emerging" elements of the Seventies setting. |
So thats the first fullblown product about the Drop Bear conspiracy
? I hope there is more in it, than just a printversion of the infamous Drop Bear threat (though I´m only on page 13 yet, so I´m not realy qualified to judge this
Jan 13 2006, 02:22 PM
Hopefully they'll include Drop Bears in it. Otherwise... but well, let us talk about this in the approbiate thread.
Jan 13 2006, 02:45 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Is Shadowrun huge in Germany or something? |
Despite the already stated fact that: "yes, it is", there's something else to consider.
Germans don't speak english. Yeah, yeah, i know: a broad generalisation, but it's mostly quite true. And seeing how Fanpro is a german corp, and that SR originally started out as a german product, it's not surprising that they're still releasing books in german.
That being said, i think it's one of the biggest mistakes you could make. If you want your product to sell as much as possible, you should make sure it reaches the widest range of consumers possible, and i find it hard to believe that SR has more active followers in Germany than in the rest of the world.
Jan 13 2006, 02:50 PM
QUOTE (PH3NOmenon) |
Germans don't speak english. Yeah, yeah, i know: a broad generalisation, but it's mostly quite true. |
Every german gamer i know has at least 2-3 english sourcebooks, cause a lot of english stuff won't be translated.
So no, this statement of you isn't correct.
Ancient History
Jan 13 2006, 03:05 PM
QUOTE (PH3NOmenon) |
...and that SR originally started out as a german product... |
While I agree with you on most of your other points, I believe you are mistaken on this one.
Patrick Goodman
Jan 13 2006, 03:52 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
QUOTE (PH3NOmenon @ Jan 13 2006, 02:45 PM) | ...and that SR originally started out as a german product... |
While I agree with you on most of your other points, I believe you are mistaken on this one.
Well, he's correct if Chicago is in Germany....
Jan 13 2006, 04:40 PM
I can speak/read/write english reasonably well but its nice to have books in your native language, esp. when you play in that language and have to refer to attributes, skills and so on either with their english words or with your own ambiguous translations. And I can read faster... when the translation is good.
MK Ultra
Jan 13 2006, 04:47 PM
While I do know .. umh .. two SR gamers, thet had no english books, I agree, that still, most of them allso have engl. sbs. Many however prefer to have the books in german. With me it´s the other way around. I´ve gotten so used to engl. reading, that I don´t like, reading the sbs in german, and I think, I´m even faster in engl. then in german. Then again, I´m a rather slow reader in general
Jan 13 2006, 05:08 PM
QUOTE (PH3NOmenon @ Jan 13 2006, 10:45 AM) |
i find it hard to believe that SR has more active followers in Germany than in the rest of the world. |
Shadowrun's "techno-noir" genre is apparently big in Germany. The fashion sense and film style of the Matrix movies loosely derive from those influences.
A buddy of mine refers to the dress code as "futuristic Eurotrash." Myself, I preferred the 1980's "chrome gutterpunk" motif. But hey, you play to your audience.
Jan 13 2006, 06:14 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
While I do know .. umh .. two SR gamers, thet had no english books, I agree, that still, most of them allso have engl. sbs. Many however prefer to have the books in german. |
That will change when FanPro continues to release awful bad translated versions of the sourcebooks.
Jan 13 2006, 10:08 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
QUOTE (PH3NOmenon @ Jan 13 2006, 02:45 PM) | ...and that SR originally started out as a german product... |
While I agree with you on most of your other points, I believe you are mistaken on this one.
I just read up on some of my facts, and indeed I am mistaken.
I got the SR origins confused with the DSA origins, which may sound a bit weird but is rather understandable when you think about it.
Both games could be so much more than what they are now if only FanPro managed them properly.
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