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Full Version: another recoil question
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
aussie elf
do weapons with rigid stocks count that towards there recoil compensation?
just wondering thanks in advance.
any build into recoil comp is listed in the wpn table. which basically means no.

but for $50 you can get a shockpad
QUOTE (ogbendog)
any build into recoil comp is listed in the wpn table. which basically means no.

but for $50 you can get a shockpad

That's not really true.

In the weapon description for SMGs, it will specify if there is a detachable, retracting, folding or rigid stock (or none at all). These stocks, when in use, provide 1 pt of recoil.

Assault Rifles and up DO NOT get 1 point of recoil from their stocks, since it's understood you always use the stock cause otherwise you're being silly. BUT, you can stick a Shock Pad on these weapons.

You CAN'T stick a Shock Pad on weapons that have a stock other than solid (so SMGs can't usually benefit from one)

Hope that's clear.
aussie elf
thanks, now to spend my money a little wiser
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