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Full Version: Looking for a floorplan/schematic...
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I'm looking for a floorplan of a police station and perferably an impound yard also.

I mean I know the impound yard isn't complicated but it would save a little bit of work.

Is there a police station in Sprawl Sites? I don't have it with me.

If anyone has one, post up and I'll PM you or something. Thanks in advance.
I use Graph paper and really keep it basic, create things on the fly when needed.

or go down to the dumpshock sites, i remeber one of them havinga bunch of schematic for various building and images.

Dump Shock sites

52.3 Seconds.

Learn your Google-fu, you must, young grass-hoppa. biggrin.gif
i don't use Google, i use Yahoo.

Mostly for looking at images of hot ladies
Straight Razor
yahoo... you use yahoo...
blink, blink,
i, can't, think that....
QUOTE (Fix-it)
52.3 Seconds.

Learn your Google-fu, you must, young grass-hoppa. biggrin.gif

I did Google for quite a while actually. I'm a failure.


Yes, there are floorplans for a police station in Sprawl Sites. There is a map of a junkyard in Bottled Demon that could be used as an impound yard.
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