Jan 16 2006, 06:17 AM
One More Quick Question
What are the SR4 rules on Single Spell Adept Player Characters And How Common are They?
I'm keeping the Questions Short and Sweet
Jan 16 2006, 08:17 AM
I assume you are referring to the Knack power, which never officially made it into the game. That situation has not changed with SR4. The only way to duplicate it would be to make a mystic adept and just get one spell for him, but with having to split your magic rating, it's not worth it for just one spell.
Jan 16 2006, 09:06 PM
By the way,
here is a link to the Knack power. It's an unofficial, un-playtested rule, and would also need to be further updated to the new edition (where the spellcasting mechanic has drastically changed). So, it's definitely something you want to run by your gamemaster first.
Jan 17 2006, 12:32 AM
I dont know Glyph, i play a one spell mystic adept, was running security in a social situation a few weeks ago and used a mana bolt to down a bogie before trouble could start. then our all out mage toasted the mens room where the rest of his buddies were coming in with a stun ball and used all my spell defense to open the door for him and not get knocked out by the spell, all in all it works if you pick the right spell for your character type.
Jan 17 2006, 07:05 AM
getting experimental again so don't freak out but I've thought of something
If you where to have an single spell adept who accesses their power by why of the Psionisist Traditon you could conceivably have (you can probably see this one coming now) The Shadowrun version of Mutants-Just Thought I'd throw that out there
Like say if you had a single spell adept who shot mana bolts out of their eyes for example
Jan 19 2006, 10:22 PM
Posting again here is my Psionic single spell adept (mutant) character
Zap is a female human originally from L.A.-during the surge she was in her puberty years but she didn't go changeling, no............she gained the ability to shoot mana bolts out of her eyes
This one would at least have a geas where she would have to see you to be able to shoot at you(almost goes without saying though)
Zap dresses in an industrial music style and has a compleatly shaved head-I need to know can she get away with at least some cultured bioware and not eat away at her Spell/Power?-if a Single Spell Adept is like a Astral adept does that mean they get the one spell at their magic rating(6?) at first or would in start at one and then they would have to work it up, maxing out at the amount of magic points they have?
Jan 19 2006, 10:36 PM
in order to cast any spell, you have to be able to see your target. "have to be able to see it" is not a viable geas.
Jan 19 2006, 10:41 PM
QUOTE (boskop-albatros) |
This one would at least have a geas |
Does not currently exist in Shadowrun 4.
QUOTE (boskop-albatros) |
if a Single Spell Adept |
Does not currently exist in Shadowrun 4.
QUOTE (boskop-albatros) |
is like a Astral adept |
Does not currently exist in Shadowrun 4.
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