How to calculate damage against spirits?
Ok, so spirits have immunity and the modified damage value of a mundane weapon must exceed twice the force of the spirit in order to do any damage. Ok, that much I get, but how do we calculate armour reduction for hardened armour?
Do we
A: Deduct armour modification from the spirits armour BEFORE calculating if the DV exceeds the (now modified) armour of the spirit
Example: Spirit (F5) is shot with a predator IV with ex-explosive rounds and reduce its armour by -3 so that it now has an armour of 7. Predator IV does 7P base damage and shooter gains 3 successes bumping the damage up to 10P armour, making a total damage of 3P (Resisted by spirit with Body+Modified Armour)
B: Get enough successes in the above example to bump up the damage to 11P and THEN reduce armour by -3 making a total of 4P resisted by Body+Modified Armour?