1st adventure: The PCs hear about a large shipment of drugs being smuggled from Amazonia to the CAS. Money's running a bit thin, so they decide to go attack them.
The hacker can hack the system of the drug cartel, and find out the ship's route. Alternately, the other PCs can nose around to find out details from contacts, or the mage can use a spirit's Search power.
So, the PCs attack the ship. When they do, they're attacked by armed thugs on Jetskis (use the rules for the Harley motorcycle, but using the Pilot Watercraft skill). Use the stats for the Triad Posse, but with Watercraft 3 instead of Dodge 3. There are 4 jetskis, with 2 riders apiece: 1 driver, and 1 gunner with an FN HAR w/ Gyroharness, Shock Pad, Smartlink, and Gas Vent 3.
After they kill the outriders, it's time for the main boat. Use a MT Sea Nymph. On board are 12 mob soldiers/crewmembers, using the same stats as before. They will arm themselves like the gunners before, with 8 taking cover behind the railing of the main deck, and will fire on the PCs. The remaining 4 along with their leader will be below decks guarding the shipment of drugs.
Results: The PCs will likely acquire a new ship in addition to their original one, which they can either sell or use to start the beginnings of a pirate fleet. If they do the latter, they can hire 5 NPC crewmen for the second ship. Use the stats for the Triad Posse for them. It's a stock MT Sea Nymph, with some false walls in the hold to aid in smuggling. The drugs will be worth 10,000

2nd adventure: The PCs receive word that an acclaimed corporate researcher is on vacation with his family in the Caribbean, and a rival corp will pay richly for his capture. After a bit of investigation, they will find that he is staying on a particular island. When they approach, they'll see an SC Sea Otter anchored in the harbor.
Inside it is the security hacker that has been assigned to him as a bodyguard (Red Samurai lieutenant). Accompanying the reseacher at all times will be a pair of bodygaurds (Use Red Samurai statistics, but replacing equipment with the following: Auctioneer Business Suits, Yamaha Sakura Fubuki pistols w/ concealable quickdraw holsters, external smartlinks, 2 clips of Stick 'n' Shock rounds, and 2 clips of EX-EX rounds).
The researcher is on vacation with his wife, his 16-year-old daughter, his 14-year-old son, and his 10-year-old daughter. After they kill the guards, the researcher and his family will capitulate without a fight. Well, other than the son, who is (secretly) a mage, and thanks to a free spirit who has been teaching him magic in exchange for karma, a very powerful initiate, and who has been going on metaplanar adventures during his spare time.
When he realizes that his dad is going to be sold to a rival corp, and his family either killed or sold into slavery, he will go invisible, and head back to the ship in order to retrieve his foci. He will then do his best to free his family for as long as they're stuck on the island, favoring hitand-run tactics until the PCs decide to take the family and withdraw. He will then call all of his bound spirits, cast Improve Attribute spells, Combat Sense into his Force 6 Foci, Improved Reflexes into his Force 4, summon a Force 6 Water Spirit to ride, and launch an all-out assault on the PC's ship, though he will not hurt his family.
Kurt Douglas
S1 B1 A1 R1 I 4 L6 W6 C6 M9 E3
Initiate grade: 4
Metamagics: Centering, Masking, Sheilding, Flexible Signature
Skills: Spellcasting (Combat skills) 6(

Foci: Force 2 Power Focus, Force 3 Spellcasting Focus (Combat Spells), Force 3 Spellcasting Focus (Health Spells), 4xForce 6 Sustaining Focus (Health Spells), Force 4 Sustaining Focus (Health Spells), Force 6 Sustaining Focus (Detection Spells).
Spells: Flamethrower, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Ball Lightning, Manabolt, Manaball, Stunbolt, Stunball, Combat Sense, Heal, Improve Attribute (Body), Improve Attribute (Reaction), Improve Attribute (Logic), Improve Attribute (Willpower), Improve Reflexes, Improved Invisibility
Tradition: Hermetic
Mentor Spirit: Wise Warrior
Bound Spirits: 2x Fire Elementals, Air Elemental, Water Elemental, Earth Elemental, Ancestor Spirit (Spirit of Man)
Results: The PCs will likely wind up with another boat to add to either sell or add to their burgeoning pirate fleet. Again, they can hire 5 additional crewmen for their new ship. They will get 1-3,000