From the hacking example thread the hacker often has to spend time switching between loadouts when he wants to do something different. Why not just have several commlinks, each with a different loadout of programs? So, carrying two or three commlinks will allow you to have, say, one setup for dealing with all your tapped called, spoofing comm systems or whatever, one for your 'fast attack' loadout, and a general commlink that you switch things around on.
So for example: you are tapping the Johnson's phone, from this you learn that he has sent a squad of doorkickers to your hideout who should be arriving... <thump>, well, there they are. You have to spend your actions getting away, leaving your commlink loaded up with your 'phone tapping' program loadout. But now, the door-kickers are chasing you in a car, which you want to hack, and send straight into the river. Normally, you'd have to completly chage your phone tapping loadout to your fast attack loadout, then try to hack the car. But instead, you just 'switch over' to your pre-preapred fast attack commlink and lay into them.
Now that the door kickers are safely sinking into the river, you want to hack thier commlinks and see if they have any info on where the johnson might be. Seconds count here as their commlinks are busy taking on water, so you break into the commlink with your fast attack loadout, then hand your recently aquired login info over to your phone tapping loadout, and start digging around for what his commlink knows.