Jan 20 2006, 09:54 PM
As I was feeling for the guy even before his other threads got locked (through no direct fault of his own), I hereby open this thread on his behalf.
- This thread is for Emo's campaign/character ideas, no matter how off the wall he and/or Boskop-Albatros likes it.
- If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't bother posting.
- Do not taunt Happy Fun Emo.
Jan 21 2006, 09:29 AM
I agree, emo did exactly what we asked, setting up one huge thread to ask all of his questions instead of making dozens if posts. So thanks emo. Finished that mantis/celebrity ninja yet?
Jan 21 2006, 09:34 AM
Does me 'ole ticker good tah see 'tis kin'a kindness be'n offr'd tah one tha' might not fit in wit' tha "regulars" 'round here, yah.
*sets down his pipe and takes a swing from his tankard*
So many times, those who play our chosen games "differently" can be persecuted, when they simply wish to share in the love and enjoyment we all have for this game.
Post on, guys and have fun.
As one wise man put it: Have fun! Play games!
emo samurai
Jan 21 2006, 04:14 PM
Thanks a lot! I'm deciding to run the Renraku Genemod Soldier game as a one-shot instead. It'll be 500BP, with free toxic spirits, lots of Red Samurai, and rigger-piloted power suits with plasma punches. I think this warrants 500BP, and with 500BP, even our Champion of Japanese Economic Superiority won't be that powerful with his maxed-out stats. What do you think?
Jan 21 2006, 04:16 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
and rigger-piloted power suits with plasma punches. [...] What do you think? |
That sounds cool

(If you like SciFi)
emo samurai
Jan 21 2006, 04:30 PM
Their plasma punches won't be that rapid-firing, but they're powerful enough to rip open tanks and kill everyone inside with the shockwave. They'll take 15 seconds to recharge and 3 seconds to align their target; if their target doesn't take that opportunity to move, he is DEAD. Of course, this could easily be exploited by the characters magically holding Red Samurai and toxic free spirits in the way.
I think I'll have Renraku cultivate toxic free spirits with gigantic vats o' pollution and leagues of mad cultists. They have a deal with the spirits to continue adding pollution to their lairs in return for favors; it's obviously quite mutually beneficial for both parties. Renraku mages will have a sort of blood magic that works only when summoning these spirits from across the world, and these spirits will be VERY powerful. It's rather strange that more toxic spirits aren't allied with corporations, since corporations are the ones with the most pollution to give.
Jan 21 2006, 04:55 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
gigantic vats o' pollution |
Man, you should convert to Deadlands, that sounds like a really cool campaign for it! And you already know the language code
emo samurai
Jan 21 2006, 05:22 PM
You mean the Champion of Japanese Economic Superiority? I thought Deadlands was basically western/Lovecraftian horror, not corporate evil disguised by mind-killing commercials.
Jan 21 2006, 05:26 PM
er... no. but the lovecraftian horrors manipulate the companies that do exist.
emo samurai
Jan 21 2006, 07:35 PM
I though that it would be awesome because then everyone would get something to do. The technomancer/rigger would try to hack the drones, the rigger would be moving in military vehicles from god-knows-where, the mages would be trying to banish the toxic spirits or summon their own awesome force-9 spirits, and the samurai/adepts would just be burninating and slicing.
And just so you know, my inspiration for the Champion of Japanese Economic Superiority is Mr. Sparkle and the Fruity Oaty Bar commercial from Serenity.
Jan 22 2006, 06:31 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
And just so you know, my inspiration for the Champion of Japanese Economic Superiority is Mr. Sparkle and the Fruity Oaty Bar commercial from Serenity. |
I just watched that movie. I've decided that there is , in fact , something wrong with you. At least you came to the right place!
Generally, toxic's don't work with megas for two reasons:
1) The megas don't pollute out of a desire to pollute. They do it out of indifference and cost saving.
2) Actively polluting is bad press, and bad press is bad stock. Bad stock is bad for the bottom line. Look at AZT and that crap down in the Yucatan.
That being said, there's no reason that there can't be elements or individuals in the company working with a toxic spirit to get ahead. In the corp world, or any other world for that matter, there will always be people willing to do anything, use any means, to achieve their goals.
As for the plasma cannon thingy, that's 6 rounds between shots. Not sure I really see the point. ot much as a combat weapon (at least on man-to-man scale) with that kind of ROF. And if it takes that lonng too shoot, they'd either have to care some hefty battery packs, or only get a few shots off before their charge runs out. Try checking out the Ares MP-laser line. If you'r erelly interested in having the whole "Iron Man" look, just have it modified to be built in to your rigger-exo skeleton JIM suit combat thingy. (But use a different name RESJIMSCT just doesn't flow

emo samurai
Jan 22 2006, 04:57 PM
The suits will have a fusion energy core instead of a battery pack. What's a RESJIMSCT? And the suit as a whole will only have to rest for 1 combat round to power up the thing; in the meantime, it'll be flying around, spraying minigun fire.
Jan 22 2006, 05:29 PM
Have fun. But make sure your players understand they're not signing up for your average Shadowrun game, and also understand that introducing tech of this level of power will probably make it difficult for you to later adapt your campaign to use yet-to-be-produced Shadowrun products.
I mean, it sounds like a good time, if that's the sort of thing everyone wants in for. But having miniguns and plasma fists and whatnot is gonna mean your average published adventure is blown out of the water.
Jan 22 2006, 06:23 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
What's a RESJIMSCT? |
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
rigger-exo skeleton JIM suit combat thingy |
What he said.
emo samurai
Jan 22 2006, 08:37 PM
It could be called an exo-suit or something else nondescript. Maybe call it a Black Knight, or we could jokingly call it a power fister. I'm totally hoping someone will call it that.
The power fists won't be production-quality; they're showing off their technology before it's really functional, which their not wiping out the player characters completely the way it should would make apparent. Renraku's counting its money before it's certified; that's what they do, at least in my world. If it was on a completely cybered and bio-d troll, it would rip his spine off. Its application is limited to the world's most highly powered anthroforms, and that's with a 10 second cooloff if it doesn't move anything. And the miniguns will basically be heavy machine guns with about 15 points of recoil compensation, which I think is fair, since it's a bunch of power armor. The miniguns aren't lasers or anything.
I think my players will be able to handle it; they're going to be 500 BP, and the extended campaign I start afterwards won't start out nearly that high-powered. If they survive long enough, it will be.
emo samurai
Jan 23 2006, 07:41 AM
Also, what would toxic spirits look like in SR4? I'm hoping they're powerful. Could someone give me the stats for them in SR3 so I could convert them to my game?
emo samurai
Jan 26 2006, 01:53 AM
Another update. I was thinking of having a Buffy the Vampire Slayer-type mission. Whether or not it happens depends on whether or not the party has a female physical adept.
The plot hook will be Joss Whedon's grandson, playing on the fact that Whedon himself is the only known third-generation screenwriter in existence (His grandfather was a screenwriter, his father was a screenwriter, and according to me, both his son and grandson will be screenwriters). The grandson is producing a simsense version of the show for Mitsuhama, having full creative license.
This is like a normal simsense show except for one thing: the fights to the death are for real. They tell vampires to act out their lines, not telling them that they die for real on this show. The only problem is, besides the one of dying for the vampires, is that the show has gone through about 5 different Slayers in the last month; they keep getting killed by a single vampire in combat, who has since become a huge ratings magnet and a recurring villain. Kind of like Spike, except much more powerful.
Joss Whedon III and Mitsuhama don't really care whether or not the "slayers" die, since a new one keeps coming and violent, complex deaths bring viewers. You don't know this, since everyone except the cast and crew thinks that this is just amazingly gritty writing. He approaches the party's female phys adept for the part, and that's where the adventure hooks you. It will end with the vampire having a little heart to heart chat with the "slayer" and the party deciding whether to take on a vampire who will be designed specifically to be far too powerful for the "slayer" to handle, or to side with the vampire against one of the world's largest corporations.
Jan 26 2006, 07:14 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
And the miniguns will basically be heavy machine guns with about 15 points of recoil compensation, which I think is fair, since it's a bunch of power armor.. |
"Gyro-mount," by the way, is a Shadowrun code word meaning "this isn't a combat, it's a combat in which you are expected to die." |
Jan 26 2006, 07:31 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Also, what would toxic spirits look like in SR4? I'm hoping they're powerful. Could someone give me the stats for them in SR3 so I could convert them to my game? |
I don't know what they will look like. But I'm hoping it will be something relatively simple like:
Take an Earth Spirit.
Give it a couple of extra powers (Noxious Breath, Corrosive Secretions, Venom)
Give it an additional weakness (Allergy: Purified Water/Air)
Toxic Spirits have really never been all that different from normal spirits in their basic layout. Their big trick is generally that they get phat bonuses when they are in a Toxic Background Count. We're talking positive dice pool modifiers on everything they do, which adds up to a lot of whupass when you have a moderately powerful spirit to begin with.
emo samurai
Jan 26 2006, 07:41 AM
"Gyro-mount," by the way, is a Shadowrun code word meaning "this isn't a combat, it's a combat in which you are expected to die." |
What does that mean? Combat in which the target or the user is expected to die?
Crusher Bob
Jan 26 2006, 07:50 AM
The problem I have with your slayer plot is: who benefits?
There seem to be several disadvantages:
A real death on screen does not allow for retake. I mean, what is your camera did not quite catch the part where the vampire rips the slayer's head right off? Sure you could do a virtual re-creation of the scene, and get it right this time, but then, why not just start off with the virtual scene? The computing power exists in SR to use completely virtual actors (with a real human only being needed to provide the emotive track of the simsense) cheaply.
As the deaths are occurring in secret, there is no advertising gain. A believably spun rumor that they a really killing the slayer actors when the slayer dies (a sort of survivor: vampire city) might increase ratings, but if people are likely to believe such a thing, then the lie will work just a well as the truth, it's not like the massive corp. media empire is going to air it's own dirty laundry, is it? So the corp. wants to start a rumor that they are really killing the slayers: they craft a fake SIN, virtual actor, etc bring her on to the show, kill her in the show, and then report the death on their media outlets. No need for real blood and guts, you just need the belief in real blood and guts.
Finding an actor good enough for high quality simsense emotive tracks has got to take a bit of work, so why waste it?
The visual aspects of SR film/TV are almost certainly completely computer generated, so you don't have to bother with tedious bits like sets, expensive cameras, etc. You gain all sorts of advantages in how you can position and move the camera once your set is completely virtual.
Jan 26 2006, 09:49 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
This is like a normal simsense show except for one thing: the fights to the death are for real. |
That's snuff-BTL. Yes, they have the disadvantage that you can take the shot only once, but while running a snuff-BTL no user is interested in having different camera shots, i'm sure.
And they're really expensive, because they're highly illegal. So a lkot of syndicates would be interested in producing and selling them.
Jan 26 2006, 03:02 PM
But why is the vampire agreeing to any of this at all... he doesn't care about ratings... and one of these days he's going to die. Also, how did the Corp sign him on in the first place? Its probably not common for the Corps to have a room full of vampires and a board meeting where they go:
"Man, last year we invested 20-million nuyen in vampire-technology... now what the hell do we do with them in order to turn a profit?"
"I know! Lets kill them off."
"Johnson, you're drunk again... no, wait! I love it!"
Zombies maybe, vampires... nah
Jan 26 2006, 03:08 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
QUOTE | "Gyro-mount," by the way, is a Shadowrun code word meaning "this isn't a combat, it's a combat in which you are expected to die." |
What does that mean? Combat in which the target or the user is expected to die?
Target. You're talking about insane amounts of recoil compensation -- who do you THINK is going to die?
emo samurai
Jan 26 2006, 06:03 PM
The vampire isn't being signed on after killing his first slayer; he's being hunted down. They won't send anyone besides the "slayer" after him because that's the entire point of the show, and having an awesome, really tough villain, like Spike in the actual Buffy, really helps ratings. And the show's simsense, so they don't have to build the really crappy slums in which the slayer fights the vampires.
Everyone, including the new slayers, have no idea that they're actually getting killed; the deaths so far have been really dramatic and tension-heavy, so they could actually BE scripted. And the phys adepts have all been shadowrunners without SINs. The show hasn't been aired yet, and the pay is with certified credsticks so they don't have to pay for dead actresses.
Churl Beck
Jan 27 2006, 01:52 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Everyone, including the new slayers, have no idea that they're actually getting killed |
No wonder the slayers keep dying. They didn't know they were supposed to be fighting for their lives.
Slayer: "AAAGGK! Get him off me!"
Director: "Not to worry, that blood spurting from your jugular is just a special effect. [to cameraman] Keep rolling."
emo samurai
Jan 27 2006, 03:25 AM
No, they know the fights are for real, they just don't know that they aren't the first Slayer the show's gone through, and they don't know that Spike is in on the joke. Plus, practically every vampire is powerful enough to absolutely destroy any phys adept; the only way a phys adept could win in single combat without being an Anime character is if the vampire is underfed or completely ignorant.
Jan 27 2006, 05:17 AM
Using the SR4 Vampire rules, that's just not true.
A vampire inherently has the ability to add up to +6 to one attribute for 12 hours at a time before it needs to feed. And it regenerates.
A PhysAd, OTOH, has access to Improved Attribute (up to +3 Agility) and Improved Ability (up to +3 to combat skill). So the PhysAd's maximum dice pool is the same as the Vampire's, and it can use those dice pools 24/7 instead of only for 12 hour bursts after committing human sacrifice.
And if the PhysAd is using a spear (magical or not), she can ignore the Regeneration (no regen vs. wooden weapons or weapon foci). So the regeneration doesn't do diddly, and the Adept can still use her bonus IPs to lay the hurt on the Vampire.
So an Adept can easily be better than "a Vampire". It's not even hard. An Adept should honestly kick the crap out of a vampire. +6 to a singal physical attribute is not impressive compared to having Increased Agility and Increased Reflexes and Combat Sense all running at the same time.
The problem comes in when the Vampire knows Manabolt. Suddenly he isn't playing the Adept's game at all. He doesn't brawl it out and bloodily triumph. That vampire combat mage simply focuses his blood powers into Magic Attribute, throws a Force 20 Manabolt backed up a with 20 die pool, and vamporizes Buffy with a thought.
That's where this whole thing makes really crappy cinema. Any Vampire who has even the slightest bit of a chance against a physical adept tweaked for melee whupass is one that makes for a really boring simsense feed. "This is what it feels like to get hit with an anti-Great Dragon Spell and die instantly" is a simsense chip you can make once. I'm pretty sure every subsequent iteration is going to be pretty much the same.
In short, no company is going to bother with this sort of thing. Maybe if it was some kind of bruiser monster, but even then. Corporations don't generally make SimSense chips that they don't know the plots of. There's some market for "real gladitorial death matches", and there's a market for "fake death matches". And there's plenty of reason to make fake death matches and pretend that they are real. But there's no reason at all to ever make real death matches and pretend that they are fake.
Jan 27 2006, 05:43 AM
Frank gets a gold star.
emo samurai
Jan 27 2006, 06:05 AM
Goddammit, you're always finding the holes in my brilliant but utterly foolish plots.
Jan 27 2006, 06:15 AM
Frank is one of the Smartest Trolls I know - which is why he'll probably end up owning a MegaCorp one of these days.
*sighs* Chocolate malts during happy hour, now THAT is incentive for Coyote!
Crusher Bob
Jan 27 2006, 06:50 AM
As for you power armor idea...
Take a look at this game/training tool:
tacops 4 which will give you some idea what modern armored combat is like, also the relative ranges, rates of fire, etc of the various branches of combined arms.
Jan 27 2006, 09:04 AM
Emo, I really think you (and whoever plays in the games you run) would be better served by just running a few "normal" games of SR. Try the game out with the default character build, run through a few basic datasteal jobs against basic corporate security (with a few critters backing them up, in later games), do a bodyguard gig or two, try an extraction out for size. Run some normal, canon, stuff against some normal, canon enemies, with some normal, canon, level characters.
Then maybe leap from the nest madly flapping your wings, with 500 bp characters fighting guys in powerfist-and-minigun wielding Iron Man armor, and vampires, and uber genetically-tailored Red Samurai guys, and stuff like that. If nothing else, some experience with the game will make it much easier to come up with zany, off the wall, weirdly power-scaled ideas like that. You'll get an idea of what a recoil compensated (15) minigun will do to a player character (regardless of build points), after maybe seeing how nasty a recoil compensated (6) assault rifle can be. It's all about scale, and experience.
Learn the basics, get a feel for the lethality and the game world, first. Lay a foundation, based on canon material in the canon timeframe with the canon tech level. Then build from there, with crazy experimental stuff.
You just might like it. The rest of us do.
Crusher Bob
Jan 27 2006, 09:31 AM
Feh, it is advice like that that makes up think that giving up our black hat, white jumpsuit wearing, ultra-violent ways and getting a respectable life was a good thing. Well, at least we still have our music.
emo samurai
Jan 27 2006, 04:07 PM
Oh, bollycocks and beedles.
Jan 27 2006, 08:31 PM
I agree with Critias. It seems as if you don't have a clue about "normal" SR games (sometimes i ask myself, if you even have one SR book), so imo it would be better if you start from the scratch with some typical shadowrunners doing typical shaodwruns.
emo samurai
Jan 27 2006, 08:41 PM
Okay. That makes sense, even though my superhero-like sense of RPG honor says no, I can see exactly why those kinds of runs will be fun. I guess I'll start there before bringing in tank-smashing power armor.
Jan 27 2006, 08:56 PM
did someone just turn emo into a... "normal" shadowrun GM, albeit maybe just for a little time?
I'm stunned....
emo samurai
Jan 27 2006, 09:07 PM
Maybe.... And that's a very shaky maybe. Once they have about 100 karma under their belts, I'll start bringing out the female mantid who runs a gang of prime runners and a quest to determine the real identity of Damien Knight.
emo samurai
Feb 1 2006, 01:38 AM
When you say "Normal," do you mean not having Joss Whedon moments of sarcasm and stuff? Because I'm having Joss Whedon points for timely sarcasm that will basically amount to extra Karma and refreshed Edge.
Feb 1 2006, 02:31 AM
If you have your players discover the true identity of Damien Knight don't forget to include the fact that he was
Dunkelzhan 's lover.
emo samurai
Feb 1 2006, 02:44 AM
If you have your players discover the true identity of Damien Knight don't forget to include the fact that he was Dunkelzhan 's lover. |
Feb 1 2006, 03:24 PM
QUOTE (Grinder @ Jan 27 2006, 04:31 PM) |
I agree with Critias. It seems as if you don't have a clue about "normal" SR games (sometimes i ask myself, if you even have one SR book), so imo it would be better if you start from the scratch with some typical shadowrunners doing typical shaodwruns. |
Or, try Rifts.
emo samurai
Feb 1 2006, 05:13 PM
You mean with glitter boys, people normally having tanks and gigantic beetles, and dragon hatchlings?
Feb 1 2006, 07:43 PM
Yeah, wacky multi-genre stuff like that. It seems to be what you're looking for in Shadowrun.
emo samurai
Feb 1 2006, 08:17 PM
But isn't it multi-genre? There's genetic engineering, cyberware, magic, dragons, astral quests, and really awesome weaponry. That sounds REALLY multi-genre, if put on a very cyberpunk template.
Also, I'm thinking of allowing people to buy initiation levels with the free million nuyen they start out with. How much do you think they should pay for each initiation level and extra magic point?
Feb 1 2006, 10:56 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Also, I'm thinking of allowing people to buy initiation levels with the free million nuyen they start out with. How much do you think they should pay for each initiation level and extra magic point? |
Why should they spend money on initiation?
Feb 1 2006, 11:39 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
But isn't it multi-genre? There's genetic engineering, cyberware, magic, dragons, astral quests, and really awesome weaponry. That sounds REALLY multi-genre, if put on a very cyberpunk template. |
Right. Isn't that what you're wanting?
Feb 1 2006, 11:47 PM
But he wants to start with a very high power-level (at least that's the impression i got in this thread) without having played the usual SR-level...
emo samurai
Feb 2 2006, 12:24 AM
But he wants to start with a very high power-level (at least that's the impression i got in this thread) without having played the usual SR-level... |
BOOOOOOO!!!! In the REAL world that's called INITIATIVE.
The main reason I'm letting them pay for initiation is that everyone gets one million nuyen, and the mages don't have much to spend that on except private jets. And it's only one-shot, so it's not like they'll start there and work their way up to killing Verjigorm after bodily moving themselves outside this dimension.