emo samurai
Jan 21 2006, 09:07 AM
I can't find rules for that in the book. Does it give any real advantages?
Jan 21 2006, 09:10 AM
well yes, it let's you run on walls.
It's in SOTA 64. I don't have the book handy, but I'm sure someone else can find the specifics for you. You can run up a friggin' wall! At the least, saves you money on grappeling hooks. Also handy for avoiding most pressure pads and laswer trip beams. Also good for getting "the drop" on someone.
emo samurai
Jan 21 2006, 09:11 AM
It also looks fucking cool.
Jan 21 2006, 09:24 AM
yes, goes well with the "badassery" quality
Jan 21 2006, 09:33 AM
But it's not available in SR4 yet, and when it is, the rules themselves are likely to be different than they were in SR3 (everything else is, so why not?). The basics in a nutshell -- you can run along walls for (Magic Rating) Meters. That's about all there was to it.
Jan 21 2006, 01:30 PM
Critias- actually most phys ad stuff works about the same, with some adjustment to fit the new style of system. I suspect wall running will remain about the same as it doesn't rely on anything sr3 specific it is straight magic based.
Jan 21 2006, 02:07 PM
Given the nature of the new magic attribute, though -- purchasing it instead of getting a '6' for free, base -- it seems to me they might base it off something else. Maybe a "magic + ______" roll, to see how far you can go, or something like that. I dunno.
Jan 21 2006, 03:03 PM
Agility would be a good choice.
emo samurai
Jan 21 2006, 04:47 PM
Dude... the ninja in the campaign party will kick ASS!!! And did you gain magic the way you raise the cap in SR4 through initiation?
Jan 21 2006, 05:26 PM
personally, i'd like to see Wallrunning give you a certain amount of time during which you can run along a wall. as it stands, there's nothing that really stops you from wallmoseying for a minute or two. but, that said, Wallrunning is definitely the coolest power in SR.
emo samurai
Jan 21 2006, 05:58 PM
Are there any disorientation penalties for enemies defending from people on walls?
Jan 21 2006, 06:21 PM
superior position modifier could probably apply.
Jan 21 2006, 06:58 PM
i often allow a surprise check the first time someone uses it against an enemy.
emo samurai
Jan 21 2006, 09:21 PM
K00l... And how did magic initiation work in SR3? I never bought the book for that, since I'm new.
Jan 22 2006, 06:35 AM
it was a hell of a lot less expensive because you could lower the cost through 'ordeals'. That , and you get that magic point for free, although with the old magic system, all that really did was let you hadnle higher force magic easier (ie: drain vs stun damage for high force, and max force you could cast).
Jan 22 2006, 10:06 AM
An Adept bought his new shiny powers with the magic points gained through initiation.
emo samurai
Jan 22 2006, 04:52 PM
I saw the stats for Oscuro; his initiation level was 4, but his magic was only 8. Did they get one point of magic for two levels of initiation, and what were ordeals? Were they GM-made quests or something?
Jan 22 2006, 08:53 PM
He probably suffered magic loss from recieving too many deadly wounds and/or had a couple of ally spirits, if he didn't have any essence loss or bioware.
In SR3, magic rating was equal to essence - bioindex cost/2 - magic loss from deadly wounds -magic points given to create allies +initiate grade +magic loss offset by geasa . .
Ordeals were a variety of tasks that a magian could complete to reduce nitiation costs. They include the cheesy familiar ordeal - which lets one create an ally spirit without spending a point of magic, and the thesis ordeal - which requires the magician to write an academic paper, in addition to more traditional quests and ordeals.
emo samurai
Jan 22 2006, 11:13 PM
He WAS having a lot of dealings with Horrors, so the ally spirit thing may be very possible. And how did ally spirits work?
Jan 22 2006, 11:29 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
Personally, I'd like to see Wallrunning give you a certain amount of time during which you can run along a wall. As it stands, there's nothing that really stops you from wallmoseying for a minute or two. But, that said, Wallrunning is definitely the coolest power in SR. |
I thought it only allowed you to go a distance equal to your magic rating before you had to stop and rest on solid footing as it were between each turn? Guess I'll have to dig the book out and read it again.
Jan 26 2006, 10:04 AM
you're correct, it does allow you to move a certain distance. and it indirectly suggests that movement should be running, but it never specifies it. which means you can technically move at, say, 0.025mpt while using Wallrunning and stay horizontal for a minute and twenty seconds. you're still only covering 6 meters--you're just covering them very slowly, which allows you to stay on the wall longer.
Jan 26 2006, 10:34 AM
Which is what makes me really want to actually use it as a "Wall Crawling" power, too. Or maybe Gliding would work better for that sort of thing -- humanly impossible perches, clinging to the side of a building, that sort of thing. Neither one, though, specifies that it's capable of working when you're not moving (and, in fact, both specify they're capable of working only to cover movement).
Which is unfortunate. With just a little more detail/fleshing out (like details on "superior position" in a melee, or what it does to the normal "running" TN mod if the person's running sideways or something), both powers could be quite a bit cooler, and quite a bit more usefull to your average 'runner.
Jan 26 2006, 11:24 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
Which is what makes me really want to actually use it as a "Wall Crawling" power, too. Or maybe Gliding would work better for that sort of thing -- humanly impossible perches, clinging to the side of a building, that sort of thing. Neither one, though, specifies that it's capable of working when you're not moving (and, in fact, both specify they're capable of working only to cover movement).
Which is unfortunate. With just a little more detail/fleshing out (like details on "superior position" in a melee, or what it does to the normal "running" TN mod if the person's running sideways or something), both powers could be quite a bit cooler, and quite a bit more usefull to your average 'runner. |
Why not just talk to your GM, and between the two of you come to an agreement of how it works. They may be willing to let them work that way, or they can work with you to develop a new power to cover it. They can also provide the fleshing out of rules as needed; they can specify what superior position is, and cover the running sideways modifier as well.
Jan 26 2006, 12:58 PM
Can Wall Crawing be used to stick to ceilings?
If so, I can see it being useful for cinematic fight scenes like when Morpheus and Trinity are fighting the Morovingian's goons.
Jan 27 2006, 01:59 AM
Well, take a gander up at the conversion threads and you'll find that I've converted almost all the old adept powers to SR4, for your gaming pleasure.
And wall crawling is easier and cheaper than ever, what with those gecko tape gloves.
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