Sagara Sanosuke... complete with his Zanbatou...
Human Street Samurai
Body: 6 (+1 Bio) 7
Quickness: 6 (+4 Bio) 10
Strength: 6 (+ 5 Bio) 11
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 6
Rection 8 (+2 Bio, +2 Cyber) 10(12)
Initiative 1(3)
Unarmed Combat 5 (Fists 7)
Edged Weapons 5 (Zanbatou 7)
Athletics 6
Stealth 6
Electronics 6
Eectronics B/R 6
Etiquette 3
Zanbatou (Str+9)M [note: req. str 9, req. reac 9, -9 reac penalty]
Hardliner Glove
Various armors, kits and a whole host of surveillance
ST: Gang Identification 6
ST: Arms Dealer 6
ST: Criminal Organizations 6
IN: Bushido Philosphy 3
IN: Japanese Soceity 3
IN: Japanese Culture 3
IN: Legendary Martial Artists 3
Boosted Reflexes [3] - Alpha
Hydraulic Jack [4] - Alpha
Eyes, Cyber Replacement - Alpha
+ Micro vision
+ Flare comp
+ Low light vision
Muscle Augmentation 4
Suprathyroid Gland
Muscle Toner 3
Enhanced Articulation
Synthacardium 2