Jan 26 2006, 01:21 AM
Anyone know where I can find the prices that militaries pay for assault rifles and machine guns?
For example, I seem to remember the US Army replacement price for a M16A2 being similar to what you & I would pay for a similarly equipped AR15.
It makes sense. They really aren't that different inside.
Austere Emancipator
Jan 26 2006, 02:00 AM
For the US, you should be able to find that stuff from the procurement budgets, which can be found
here, for example. In FY 2002 the average cost for an M16A2 rifle for the US Army was $654. The unit replacement cost of the M16A2 is $586, according to FAS. [Edit]
FY 2006 DoD procurement budget (big PDF), I guess what interests you most is on page 16. 14500 M16 rifles (I assume M16A4s) for FY 2006 cost an average of $552.[/Edit]
Does this have to do with SR somehow?
Robotech Master
Jan 26 2006, 02:13 AM
If you change the price to Yen, you could figure out how much it'd cost to equip a private army or something...
I know I've done it before when making small corps. I'd give them a budget and plan everything out if I had a few weeks to plan.
Jan 26 2006, 02:25 AM
Yeah, I am reviewing the stock SR3 prices for firearms, then guesstimating average black market prices.
I am working from the premise that civillian weapons will be cheaper than retail, otherwise why risk jail time for a commonly available weapon.
Military weapons would cost more than "retail", because the market is so limited. The black marketeer is basicly the only place you will find military weapons. I seriously doubt whatever the ATF became will grant a class 3 stamp (is that right?) to someone who is even remotely suspicious.
I am not sure how I will fold in weapons like the AK47, which I feel will still be very common in the mid 21st C. I like the quote that the only things in the universe more common than the AK47 are hydrogen and stupidity.
Bottom line, black market pistols & shotguns will get cheaper, ARs, SMGs and up will get more expensive.
Thanks for the info, BTW, AE. That helps.
Jan 26 2006, 02:51 AM
QUOTE (Ed_209a @ Jan 25 2006, 09:25 PM) |
I am working from the premise that civillian weapons will be cheaper than retail, otherwise why risk jail time for a commonly available weapon.
Military weapons would cost more than "retail", because the market is so limited. The black marketeer is basicly the only place you will find military weapons. I seriously doubt whatever the ATF became will grant a class 3 stamp (is that right?) to someone who is even remotely suspicious.
I am not sure how I will fold in weapons like the AK47, which I feel will still be very common in the mid 21st C. I like the quote that the only things in the universe more common than the AK47 are hydrogen and stupidity.
Bottom line, black market pistols & shotguns will get cheaper, ARs, SMGs and up will get more expensive. |
Am I missing something, or have you reinvented Street Index and the Legality Code?
Jan 26 2006, 03:27 AM
::starts typing, realizes that Kage beat him to it, stops typing and waits for a response to sate his curiosity::
Jan 26 2006, 03:39 AM
Street index is the right concept, but wrong numbers for what I am looking for.
And This isn't Law & Order: Shadowrunners, so I really don't care about the legality code. You take the wrong type of weapon into the wrong part of the city, bad stuff might happen. I really don't need more crunch than that.
If the Star meets my chars when they are on the job, weapons charges are probably the least of their worries.
Jan 26 2006, 05:10 PM
QUOTE (Ed_209a) |
Street index is the right concept, but wrong numbers for what I am looking for.
And This isn't Law & Order: Shadowrunners, so I really don't care about the legality code. You take the wrong type of weapon into the wrong part of the city, bad stuff might happen. I really don't need more crunch than that.
If the Star meets my chars when they are on the job, weapons charges are probably the least of their worries. |
I think he meant the availability. (which you must keep in mind is for 1 unit)
1000, might take 2-3 times as long.
Jan 26 2006, 05:27 PM
QUOTE (Ed_209a @ Jan 25 2006, 05:21 PM) |
Anyone know where I can find the prices that militaries pay for assault rifles and machine guns?
For example, I seem to remember the US Army replacement price for a M16A2 being similar to what you & I would pay for a similarly equipped AR15.
It makes sense. They really aren't that different inside. |
Well the Budgets are covered (mostly) by the Freedom of Information Act, if you're really patient you could find out for sure. The Pentagon may publish their budget online somewhere too. I'd only recommend this option if you have a lot of time on your hands and like long dry reads.
http://www.fas.org/main/home.jspIs an interesting site for those not already aware of it.
BTW it lists the replacement cost for an M-16A2 as $586
Austere Emancipator
Jan 26 2006, 06:16 PM
stevebugge: Not very big on reading the thread before replying?
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
I'd only recommend this option if you have a lot of time on your hands and like long dry reads. |
I found the relevant information in less than 10 minutes. But I guess in today's fast track world that counts as a long time.
Jan 26 2006, 06:33 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
stevebugge: Not very big on reading the thread before replying?
QUOTE (stevebugge) | I'd only recommend this option if you have a lot of time on your hands and like long dry reads. |
I found the relevant information in less than 10 minutes. But I guess in today's fast track world that counts as a long time.
I usually do read the thread, somehow I managed to miss your post entirely. Must have been reading for speed not comprehension sorry!
Austere Emancipator
Jan 26 2006, 06:33 PM
No worries.
Jan 26 2006, 06:34 PM
~10 seconds using a text search. If we knew we were looking for M16s beforehand, a minute would cover all reasonable variations on the name (or the building of a proper regular expression to cover it).
Austere Emancipator
Jan 26 2006, 06:52 PM
Usually the biggest problem is figuring out exactly what the hell you're looking for. I knew I'd seen the documents before and I had an inkling where I'd got the link from, so I tracked it down that way. If you just look for something like "army procurement budget m16 rifle unit cost" it will take you forever to find it, you'll just get hits of the same set of information including the unit replacement cost which is not necessarily the same at all.
Googling for "department of defense budget" (too obvious...) gives you all the goods right up front though. Including
this document (252-page PDF), a budget justification sheet which includes interesting bits such as the exact numbers of Mk 19 AGLs, M107 rifles, M249s, etc. that the Army has procured in the past (21183, 1998 and 82580, respectively) and will procure in the near future.
Jan 26 2006, 09:19 PM
Ah, yeah, I wasn't factoring in the time to find the document itself. From the document, finding the information is very fast.
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