emo samurai
Jan 26 2006, 02:28 AM
I know he's a person who knows people and as such knows how to procure illegal stuff. Is that it? I mean, what is his daily routine? Does he just go around talking to people or something?
Jan 26 2006, 02:43 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
I know he's a person who knows people and as such knows how to procure illegal stuff. Is that it? I mean, what is his daily routine? Does he just go around talking to people or something? |
For me, a fixer can be more than that. He is The Guy (or Gal), the one you see when you need to buy something, sell something, hire help, get information, organise to get someone killed, hide something; basically anything the characters need. Not all fixers do everything, some specialise on buying/seling guns, some specialise in hiring people (Mr Johnson can be a fixer of sorts).
As for daily routine, it depends on the Fixer. You may have the classic Mafia-style, sits in a small bar, coffeeshop or restaurant all day meeting people. Or you could have the shopkeeper-style, runs his own shop, but has a small backroom for his special clientele. He might even be a full-blown salaryman, who does business of a weekend only (or at lunchtime if the price is right). Heck, that crooked LoneStar Quartermaster can be a fixer (you want guns, he has them).
Hope that helps, and doesn't confuse you too much
Jan 26 2006, 02:48 AM
I tend to run my fixers the way IAmMarauder describes. One of the current fixers in my game, Terrance, is into jobs and people. Another, Winston, is pretty much a glorified fence that can "procure" items.
Daily routine? If they're any good, they're making plenty of nuyen doing what they're doing, and it's their primary "job". If they aren't, then they probably have another job and do fixer stuff on the side. Like, a bartender that's good at "getting to know people", etcetera.
Yeah, now that I read IAmM's post again, pretty much what (s?)he said.
Jan 26 2006, 05:11 AM
I imagine it's the sort of guy who has all the knowledge and gaul to work in the shadows, but lacks the guts, masochism, physical ability or foolishness to be out on the pointy end.
Sandoval Smith
Jan 26 2006, 05:08 PM
QUOTE (Dog) |
I imagine it's the sort of guy who has all the knowledge and gaul to work in the shadows, but lacks the guts, masochism, physical ability or foolishness to be out on the pointy end. |
Aha, now that's funny.
Jan 26 2006, 05:34 PM
A fixer is a middle man, he facillitates deals and takes a percentage.
Strictly the customer and the seller do not require him/her but they need to find one another. This is where the fixer who knows where to look and vets both parties, make an entrance and takes their cut for the service.
I recommend the novel Neuromancer by William Gibson for a good archtype example.
Also the film Strange Days.
Jan 26 2006, 05:51 PM
My Brother-in-law Jim is an almost fixer. He just seems to know everyone, and where to get pretty much anything you need. He doesn't really act as a middle man taking a percentage off of things, but he does wheel and deal like you do not believe, as well as try and push some of his newly acquired goods off on you. A fixer often has a contact with a contact who can get you what you need. Just think of someone that does this full time for a few favours and some cash here and there.
Jan 26 2006, 05:52 PM
It's important people also remember that an awful lot of Fixers are retired (or semi-retired) Shadowrunners, themselves. Why keep risking their neck when they don't have to, once they've built up enough contacts, enough rep, and enough connections to start pulling strings instead of pulling triggers?
Never underestimate a Fixer's martial capacity, or courage. It's a good way to end up dead.
Jan 26 2006, 05:56 PM
Whatever he deals in, Johnsons, talent, guns, drugs, cyberware, or something else, a Fixer is the quintesential middleman. A retailer. He usually doesn't make the things he sells and usually doesn't run himself, but it is a natural career progression for a Face or other shadowrunner that built up a large network of contacts.
EDIT What Critias posted ahead of me.
QUOTE (Pendaric) |
I recommend the novel Neuromancer by William Gibson for a good archtype example. |
Julius Deane, Mr. Ginger Importer? Yes, an excellent example.
Jan 27 2006, 02:05 AM
Julius is awesome.
Jan 29 2006, 10:05 AM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
Yeah, now that I read IAmM's post again, pretty much what (s?)he said. |
For what its worth, its a "he"
As for other examples of fixers, I realised that Las Vegas (the TV series) is full of them. Sam is the obvious one, she can make anything happen for the guests. Danny and Ed also have their contact circles, Ed with the CIA and the hotel chains, and Danny with the locals (like the police, restaurants, the DMV and other security people).
They are also good examples to show the sorts of things for daily routines, and also why they are fixers and not runners:
* Ed is the ex-Runner, settling into a legitimate job after retiring from the Shadows.
* Danny has all the skills to be a 'runner (ex-Marine, well connected and the balls to do whatever it takes), but I daresay he wouldn't be the type to do it (basically he is a bit too lawful) unless he has a reason (the all bets are off); I just can't see him living in the shadows though.
* Sam on the other hand, doesn't have the demeanor to be a 'runner, lacks some of the skills needed and isn't the sort I can see doing shadowwork. She fits the example of lacking "the guts, masochism, physical ability or foolishness to be out on the pointy end" (as said by Dog).
Jan 29 2006, 01:54 PM
i donno, i think i could see sam as being the face of a group, then again, she was/is a hooker too, so who knows.
Jan 29 2006, 06:27 PM
How I miss
some things from long ago.
Jan 29 2006, 11:03 PM
QUOTE (IAmMarauder) |
QUOTE (eidolon @ Jan 26 2006, 02:48 AM) | Yeah, now that I read IAmM's post again, pretty much what (s?)he said. |
For what its worth, its a "he" |
Right on. Don't want to assume and get it wrong, you know. Cause, um, I'm pretty sure the penalty is death.
Or something.
Jan 31 2006, 08:45 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
How I miss some things from long ago. |
Nice link. What is a fixer? As others have said, they are the guys/gals who either know how to get something - or who know someone else who does. The Black marketeer is a fixer. The loan shark is a kind of fixer. The info-bro is a fixer. Anyone who has ever watched Deep Space 9 knows of that tv show's resident fixer(s) (Quark, the ferengi bar owner. Also his nephew Nog. )
If you know anyone who has a copy of that particular book, borrow it off them. I have a copy, and one of my former PCs wanted to play one, so I told him to get a copy. It may be for another rule system, but there is much more in it than just stats.
Jan 31 2006, 02:45 PM
QUOTE (IAmMarauder) |
QUOTE (eidolon @ Jan 26 2006, 02:48 AM) | Yeah, now that I read IAmM's post again, pretty much what (s?)he said. |
For what its worth, its a "he" As for other examples of fixers, I realised that Las Vegas (the TV series) is full of them. Sam is the obvious one, she can make anything happen for the guests. Danny and Ed also have their contact circles, Ed with the CIA and the hotel chains, and Danny with the locals (like the police, restaurants, the DMV and other security people). They are also good examples to show the sorts of things for daily routines, and also why they are fixers and not runners: * Ed is the ex-Runner, settling into a legitimate job after retiring from the Shadows. * Danny has all the skills to be a 'runner (ex-Marine, well connected and the balls to do whatever it takes), but I daresay he wouldn't be the type to do it (basically he is a bit too lawful) unless he has a reason (the all bets are off); I just can't see him living in the shadows though. * Sam on the other hand, doesn't have the demeanor to be a 'runner, lacks some of the skills needed and isn't the sort I can see doing shadowwork. She fits the example of lacking "the guts, masochism, physical ability or foolishness to be out on the pointy end" (as said by Dog). |
Nice choice. I shall make sure to use that when I start teaching SR to some newbies. Its a very good compairison.
SL James
Jan 31 2006, 05:40 PM
QUOTE (IAmMarauder) |
* Sam on the other hand, doesn't have the demeanor to be a 'runner, lacks some of the skills needed and isn't the sort I can see doing shadowwork. She fits the example of lacking "the guts, masochism, physical ability or foolishness to be out on the pointy end" (as said by Dog). |
Ummm... Yeah... I'm gonna have to diagree with you there. Yeah...
Feb 1 2006, 06:40 AM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
QUOTE (IAmMarauder @ Jan 29 2006, 05:05 AM) | QUOTE (eidolon @ Jan 26 2006, 02:48 AM) | Yeah, now that I read IAmM's post again, pretty much what (s?)he said. |
For what its worth, its a "he" |
Right on. Don't want to assume and get it wrong, you know. Cause, um, I'm pretty sure the penalty is death.
Or something.
Nah, not into the whole death thing. The blood is a pain to clean, and then there is the disposal of the body... Too much effort

QUOTE (SL James) |
QUOTE (IAmMarauder @ Jan 29 2006, 04:05 AM) | * Sam on the other hand, doesn't have the demeanor to be a 'runner, lacks some of the skills needed and isn't the sort I can see doing shadowwork. She fits the example of lacking "the guts, masochism, physical ability or foolishness to be out on the pointy end" (as said by Dog). |
Ummm... Yeah... I'm gonna have to diagree with you there. Yeah...
Ok, now you've done it, you've got me all curious like
I've thought about my description of Sam, and I agree that she could be the face of a Runner Team, but I think she would crack quickly under a lot of stress (there are a few episodes where she does just that). Then again, a face isn't too far from a fixer anyways

But she would be invaluable for gathering info and organising everything.
Oh, I'm also basing these descriptions on the first series. Haven't seen the second series yet, so the characters may have changed.
Feb 5 2006, 02:56 AM
Our fixers are people with connections.
samurai know weapons and fighting
Riggers know vehicals
mages know spells
Fixers know people. lots of people.
If they are smart they never connect people. For example if runner A goes to him to find a part for his engin. The fixer calls his contact in the auto parts area. If he provides the runner with the name, then he'll never need to ask the fixer again.
Feb 5 2006, 03:17 AM
Half of people are middlemen, and they don't take kindly to being cut out.
You start burning your fixer and he isn't going to be your fixer for long. Since he is likely also an important source of work you might not be eating for long either. But no worries if he happens to be the kind that holds a grudge. You could very well run out of a need to eat before you run out of food.
Feb 5 2006, 06:56 AM
QUOTE (Ben Kingsley @ Sexy Beast) |
I know a bloke, who knows a bloke, who knows a bloke. Now you know this bloke... |
QUOTE (Ray Winstone) |
I know this bloke? |
QUOTE (Ben Kingsley) |
This is a bloke you know. |
A fixer is that bloke. He's a professional middle man. You've got a load of Tri-D's which "fell off the back of a truck" he's the guy you sell them. If you want to buy a cheap Tri-D and don't particularly care if it's stolen, you go to him too. Also, if you've got something you want stolen, or someone you want rubbed out, or kidnapped, or whatever, you go to him, and he gets you the people to do the job. For a price, of course.
He's an agent, he's a fence, he's a PI, all rolled into one, and it's his job to have his finger in every pie (or almost every pie).
Mar 7 2006, 04:54 AM
I preffer to think of him as that guy who says "eehhhhhh...maybe next week on that new piece of ware" (and then screws em on street index)
Behold the return.
Mar 7 2006, 04:57 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
It's important people also remember that an awful lot of Fixers are retired (or semi-retired) Shadowrunners, themselves. Why keep risking their neck when they don't have to, once they've built up enough contacts, enough rep, and enough connections to start pulling strings instead of pulling triggers?
Never underestimate a Fixer's martial capacity, or courage. It's a good way to end up dead. |
Ding ding ding! That's where I got my motivation for A'ja.
But it's funny, reading the flavour text for the "Face" in SR3 and SR4 is where I jumped off of for imagining and creating fixer type characters.
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