Jan 27 2006, 03:18 AM
Does anyone have stats for a Knight Errant security team for 4th Ed? A Professional Rating and Lietenant stats would also be nice.
Thanks in advance.
Jan 27 2006, 04:00 AM
No published stats for 4th Ed., but previous editions had them all over the place in various "Canned Runs."
Knight Errant spends a bit more on training their personnel more Lone Star does. So look at the stats for the Lone Star police squad and add an extra die to the ratings of their skills. You would probably want to substitute the gear for Ares stuff and the guys that have the "tough" beats will probably have smart gun tech. But Knight Errant is a corp, and if you can think of a reason (and as a GM, if you say it is a good reason, it must be so), Knight Errant may use arms from other companies. (Just because they can get it from Ares at cost might not make it cheaper (shipping, customs, etc) Also, depending on where your group might encounter The Man so to speak may determine what level of resistance they may get. A KE team hired out to secure a a top secret research facility will be, on average, better than the beat cop. A beat cop that patrols a D zone will probably be packing much more firepower than a cop patrolling an A zone where weapon and ID scanners are so prevalent. In general, I would avoid making them "too stock". Also think about what kind of game you want to run. Action packed with lots of fighting, or something a bit more stark where leaving too much evidence could send a Knight Errant team that you don't want to be fragging with hot on your tail. Than tailor the stats to fit what you want out of them.
Hope that helps.
Jan 27 2006, 04:10 AM
I would just use the stats for the Red Sams. KE are supposed to be good, right?
Jan 27 2006, 04:25 AM
A KE veteran team would be on par with a Red Samurai team, with more emphasis on stun batons and ranged combat than a bloody katana. Your mileage may vary on that...
For advanced forces, I'd use the prime runner build. More mediocre/beat cop types would be on par with the Lonestar Lieutenant, better than LS but not too much of an investment against the corporate bottom line.
Jan 27 2006, 06:17 AM
KE FireWatch teams are probably the equivalent of the Red Samurai, the Average KE guard and rank and file probably correspond more to Lonestar stats, maybe a bit more skill. The Corporate Security Handbook has a whole series of security personnel in it, which I believe are Knight Errant. Of course you would have to convert from SR2 to SR4
Jan 27 2006, 07:01 AM
Your average Knight Errant guard and your average KE Firewatch team member are as different as your average US Army grunt and your average Delta Team operator.
For an average KE "cop" type guy, just find SR4 stats for a Lone Star beat cop, toss in an extra die here and there, and swap out gear for (primarily) Ares stuff (or at least change the name of any non-Ares stuff, to make it an Ares product). Brand recognition is important; if people see Ares guys using Saeder-Krupp rifles, it doesn't make Ares' guns look good, does it? Stat the gear up as whatever you want, but if it ain't made by an Ares owned company, make it be made by an Ares owned company.
Perception is important (IE, if your average FedEx or UPS customer knew that my company, DHL, sent one dedicated freight container to JFK int'l then to East Midlands, nightly, full of FedEx and UPS express stuff that we ship for them -- FedEx and UPS would lose a little face, right?). With corp-logo-sporting gangs running around, it seems especially likely that a company's "guy on the street" (who is going to be the "face" of the company to your average Jon Doe) would be sporting company gear.
Jan 27 2006, 07:26 AM
Just to add to the part on the Firewatch team being the equivalent of Red Samouria, I would have to disagree. i cant remember what source book its from (I think corp downloads) but it mentions how a single FW Team member would be a challenge for a group of SRs, and that as a team, even a group of experianced SRs would lose in all but the most advantagous situations.
Jan 27 2006, 07:26 AM
My mum worked for DHL customer service for a while. I think she quit. *shrugs*
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