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Hi it goods that there are new Shadownrun novels out there two by Steven Kenson, so I wonder as a hopeful Author myself is there hope for me to write a Shadowrun novel who and were do contact via E-Mail.

I've got an idea for a main character of the novel being a female Elf born to Human parents, who were high end corprate family in Seattle. Her childood was hidden from view of the outiside world due to the simple fact that her parents consider her to stain on there perfect life, they were afraid that she would ruin there corprate life and style since some suits take a dim view of inperfect familes specially of there higher ups.


Elven kids wouldn't be a 'stain' on corp suits. Depending on the corp, no metahuman would be. If she lived in Japan, and was an ork or troll, then it's a possibility.
i disagree. i think it's clear that racism is fairly prevalent in SR. Humanis had a presidential candidate, after all. open discrimination might be uncommon in corporate enclaves (but not that uncommon, i'd bet), but subtle things like unofficial glass ceilings for metas and parents of metas? closer scrutiny by corporate security, higher likelihood of prosecution for minor offenses? denial of loans? that stuff should be commonplace, and targetted against all races.
The thing is, while all the other metatypes get discriminated against for being 'worse', elves get discriminated against because people think that elves think that they're better than them, i.e. tall poppy syndrome.
JM Hardy
QUOTE (Lwhitehead)
Hi it goods that there are new Shadownrun novels out there two by Steven Kenson, so I wonder as a hopeful Author myself is there hope for me to write a Shadowrun novel who and were do contact via E-Mail.

While breaking into novel writing isn't the easiest thing in the world, you'll never make it unless you give it a shot. Currently you're not likely to have much luck sending a proposal into WizKids cold--that's a difficult way to break in with an editor in the best of circumstances, and I don't know if WizKids yet has a contract to publish more Shadowrun novels beyond the six currently on the schedule.

The best way to currently get yourself noticed by the editorial powers that be is to write for the site (Classic BattleTech fiction site) and the upcoming site (Shadowrun fiction and game resources). I know of at least three writers who, through publishing stories on, drew the attention of WizKids' editor and got more more writing work because of it. So write some short fiction, send it out, and good luck!

Jason H.
Racism applies against all metas. Yes, elves least of all, because they're 'pretty', but it's still there. Especially in the Japanacorps. Yomi ring a bell? Humanis surely has a field day with the Tir as well, and there is that wonderful saying "Never trust an elf".
that's not true across the board, nick. there are plenty of people who hate elves for not being 'human'. again, i'll bring up Humanis as an example--a group like that couldn't put forth a serious contender for a presidential election unless they have a lot of support behind them to begin with. the vast majority of Humanis members are nonviolent corp wageslaves who feel threatened by metahumanity. and there are a lot of 'em.
a good example of the 'threat' from elves comes from the Humanis fiction. It's talking about elves, and the corporate workplace, and mentions their much longer life span, and asks if you're very comfortable with the idea that in say..50 years, when humans have retired, the same elves are still there, but have the time and longevity to work their way up through the corp. Gives a brief vision of corps being taken over by elves becuase all the human execs have to retire/die much sooner. more of a long-term threat there. Dwarves are of course included in this as well.
The Stainless Steel Rat
Wow. That actually makes a LOT of sense... I see you label it as "Humanis Fiction" though, any reason why that wouldn't in fact be the case?
i think he's talking referring to the fiction--the fluff--about Humanis written in LA.

in other news, please god let me sleep.
yes I was, and no you cannot
QUOTE (JM Hardy)
The best way to currently get yourself noticed by the editorial powers that be is to write for the site (Classic BattleTech fiction site) and the upcoming site (Shadowrun fiction and game resources).

Personally, I'm interested in doing some free-lance editing. Anyone know how I might approach that?
Send a cover letter/Resume/publication list to info at shadowrunrpg dot com.
Well I had to explain my main character a Female Elf likes to eat cheeseburgers, she also has Human taste when comes to clothes as well.

Okay, you lost me do you have a 'human' taste in clothes? And what's the importance of the cheeseburgers?
What it mentions in SR2 but not in SR3 is that elves are vegitarians. No eat meat. Then again, unless she's eating an ACTUAL meat cheeseburger, it's likely she's just eating a soy-cheeseburger.

Maybe she dresses as a slob instead of like a fashion model?
No she doesn't dress like a Slob but this Elf is more selective about her clothes she doesn't follow the standard Elven trends, also she does eat meat.


I think the lack of meat eating is racist propaganda on the part of Humanis. wink.gif
Herald of Verjigorm
The real joke is that most of those who use the term "daisy eater" haven't eaten real meat either.
QUOTE (nick012000)

Elven kids wouldn't be a 'stain' on corp suits. Depending on the corp, no metahuman would be. If she lived in Japan, and was an ork or troll, then it's a possibility.

Uh maybe you should read the description on elves in Sr4 and then rethink what you just said.
Umm... what I said is pretty much the same as what SR4 says. Elves are subject to tall poppy syndrome (regardless of whether or not they really are a tall poppy).
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