Jan 29 2006, 11:21 AM
In a vehicle there are several sensors and cameraes which included Rangerfinder and camera mag. How do you handle rigger range mods? Are riggers firing lighter arms through their vehicles always on short range with no smartlink because of their cameras magnification or do you include smart link mod as well? Do you rule that the magnification doesnt count in any way because the targeting sensors are different than the "standard" ones and that riggers are on the same level as everyone else?
Jan 29 2006, 01:38 PM
I believe that a rigger may use smart link or image magnification as rated buy his sensor system. Just like a meta-human you can’t apply both at the same time but its worth having both to get the best bonus and to get the additional benefits for SL2 .
Jan 29 2006, 03:57 PM
I divide ranges by the magnification factor before comparing to the range table (except for the range cap, of course). Now that I actually think about it, I can stop bothering—no weapon range has a Medium range less than or equal to (Maxrange/50), 50 being the magnification factor of Rating 1 Sensors.
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