How hard would it be to forge a license for something? i dont really see any rules for it, but i cant imagine it would be as extensive as a SIN, because that covers worldwide databases. A license would really only be licensed in one area, and so it should be a relatively quick, if not easy, procedure.
Take a license for a fire arm, in the UCAS. Easy enough, computer +edit test to make it, i'd think. and then the UCAS firearms commision or whatever, that would have an approved application, and a copy of the license they send you, what else would there be?
Feb 1 2006, 10:23 PM
Well, they cost 1/10th as much, so probably about half as hard as doing a full SIN. Keep in mind that you have to weave the license to the SIN and that if one goes belly up, the other goes with it.
Feb 1 2006, 10:26 PM
Would you have the Fake ID tested by whoever is issuing the license? If you did the list cost is insignificant, and could be little more than paying the proper administration fee to have the license made. I guess it wouldn't even be a fake license at that point, just a Fake ID.
well, "half as hard as a full sin" isn't really a good measurement, as, afaik, there isnt any guidlines for creating your own sin, it's left to shady orginizations that you buy from.
My point is, that i dont think its that difficult to fake a license for something, and that a decent hacker (read, the character i'm planning on making) should be able to do it for themselves.
Feb 1 2006, 10:50 PM
Well, you have to plant the fake license in the proper systems, which is going to be difficult. A handgun license, for instance, probably has to be be planted with a government entity (either a city or a megacorp) and with the local law enforcement and probably a few other places, all of which are crosschecked.
You can't just get a license for the fake ID, because you're quite likely to be up against a very high rating system at that point. If it's a rating 12 SIN, then maybe, but other than that... just pay for it. They're cheap.
The Jopp
Feb 2 2006, 12:50 PM
Alternative Forgery rules for electronic ID’s
Forgery is linked to Agility for some reason, it might be for faking a signature or painting a portrait but it does not feel right when it comes to electronic ID forgery. Electronic forgery would be more fitting to be connected to Logic, depending on what actual piece of forgery you are doing.
For example: My hacker wants to create a fake passcard (a basic magnetic passcard) that is also connected to a specific numeric code. They can’t just steal the card because it’s a stealth run, no one must notice that they have in fact been inside the building.
The team takes a small drone and observe one specific guard when he punch in the numbers on the keypad after he swiped the card. The numeric sequence is now gathered.
Then they (in some way) gain access to the card (but must return it – there is no time to use it(crappy example I know)), swipe it in a magnetic reader to copy the magnetic card’s signature/magnetism or what it is called.
Now we create a copy of the card:
Hacking test (Decrypt): The card data is most likely encrypted for added security
Electronic test (Hardware): Creating an actual ID with a magnetic strip on it.
Electronic test (Edit/Software): Copying the actual magnetic ID over to the fake ID.
Hacking Test (Encrypt): Now we recreate the original encryption since the card reader might be designed to read the actual encryption and then decrypt it.
Take the successes from all tests – split it by the number of tests you’ve made and round down.
This is your Forgery pool for opposed tests against the Card reader. The numeric code won’t be a problem unless they’ve changed it.
Making one single test feels a bit odd when there can be so many different things that has to be done to make one single forgery, like a fake SIN.
Fake SIN
Hacking (Exploit): Gaining Access to databases (might be several databases)
Data Search (Scan): Finding the information you need
Computer (Edit): Edit personal Information
Take the all successes, split by the number of tests and then you have the actual Forgery pool for the fake ID test.
Now you roll the dice with a threshold equal to the desired rating of the fake SIN or amount of successes=Fake SIN rating.
In the case of extended tests that can rack up an impressive amount of successes (like an exploit test or extended data search) you split the amount of tests you have made on that particular test with the amount of successes.
You cannot have more successes on the final test than that of your Forgery skill plus the linked attribute.
Feb 6 2006, 12:49 PM
Just pay the (full retail, cash only, no discounts or coupons) cost of the Fake License(s) you want on your Fake SIN when you buy the SIN. Problem solved.
Feb 6 2006, 03:47 PM
You could always adapt the rules from the Sprawl Survival Guide to the task. Here is an attempt:
Forging a full ID would probably be Hacking+Exploit (rating x2, 10 days) and a license would probably be the same but with a period of 1 day. Either one requires a number of contacts equal to the rating of the forgery that can help you out. Every contact you lack raises the threshold of the task by 2.
Either way, the character is going to have to spend a little

to get the job done. Full IDs require rating x 100

of operating capital and licenses rating x 10

Feb 6 2006, 08:24 PM
bleh, in one of the books it said what it required to make a fake sin.
Basically there's a team of hackers, that hack into god knows how many places and plants false information for your new fake sin. (they create a false history).
It's something that takes a full team, and alot of resources to pull off.
of course they do it every day and that's why it doesn't cost you 100,000s of dollars.
I'm not wondering about the sins, i know thats beyond a runners' means to create on their own, i just thought licenses would be easier to do, only involving, two, maybe three hosts.
Feb 6 2006, 10:16 PM
Liper, there are rules for making SINs in the SSG. I pretty much paraphrased them (difficult roll, lots of time required, some

investment) with an SR4 flavor. For licenses, I just cut the nuyen and time between checks down to 10% but left the difficulty alone. You'd want to tweak the numbers, of course, but it makes it possible to forge an ID or license during downtime with a difficulty and cost on the same order of magnitude as in SR3.
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