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Full Version: armor mods
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So i'm making my first character, and i'm looking at armor (went with 50BP for money) and, it doesnt look like theres anything preventing me from buying almost all of the armor mods, aside from two, which have R and F availability tags. Shouldnt the mods modify the availability of the actual armor? or something?

(btw, this is from the second print run)
I can't find anything stating you can't buy something with Restricted or Forbidden at chargen. Just says 12 or under availability. And there's nothing in there about the armor enchancements modifying the availability of the armor.

So, you're in the clear. biggrin.gif
Should those armor mods ratings add up to give you a penalty for too much armor? Probably, but the rules are vague there. Maybe check with your GM?

Or if he is a bit on the touched end of the IQ range just do it and don't say anything. You might be able to slide it past him.

this just seems wonky to me that they dont modify anything, it seems too easy.

And i'm not really worried about the restricted/forbidden,i was just pointing it out incase someone has a quote that you can't buy them at chargen

but so wonky!
this just seems wonky to me that they dont modify anything, it seems too easy.

And i'm not really worried about the restricted/forbidden,i was just pointing it out incase someone has a quote that you can't buy them at chargen

but so wonky!

I agree that it sounds very suspicious.

I remember a thread about it. Maybe from before I started posting even because I did do some searching back through threads on things I was curious about.

That is where I got the idea that maybe you are suppose to add the modifications to the Impact armor rating to check see if you need to drop the Reaction attribute. But the rules are extremely vague there.

Try the Search tool for "armor AND fire" or "armour AND fire", since it is an international board and both spellings are used here. You might be able to find it.
In SR3, it was limited to the number of points of armor your armor had (so a 4/2 jacket could get 6 points of Fire Resistance and nothing else), though they appear to have removed that in SR4. Technology advances, I guess.
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