Feb 9 2006, 01:50 AM
Hehe. He still respects their users, I mean he is running the shadows and all that. He just despises them by himself. He judges people who use them but not to the point of insult. Violence has its place in some situations, but he likes avoiding those. He won't like a violent character and attitude, but most runners are violent without having a violent personality.
This was just a basic idea for the character anyway. The reality is more grey than the black and white description.
Feb 9 2006, 10:01 AM
Okay, here is the list of things that were asked for until Friday:
[ Spoiler ]
1. BBO is normally hired by a fixer (connections 4 / loyalty 4) calling himself "Popov". Popov is a male dwarf in his late 40s. With his well trimmed beard, his preference for expensive custom-tailored (and subtly armored) suits, his russian henchmen and his slight russian accent there is something about Popov that calls "vory v zakone". In reality Popov has no ties to the vory. His regular place of work is a russian bar and restaurant in South-Tacoma named "Lenin". Popov is the brother of Ivan, an old chummer and former teammate of BBO. Popov has some friendly feelings for BBO, because the Ork once saved his brothers life while risking his own. Popov was BBO's first contact in Seattle.
2. BBO is an Ork, 35 years old and about 215cm / 7'0" large. He looks aged already. Lots of bioware-muscles. Mirrored cybereyes. His head ist completey shaven. BBO's face would look a bit more attractive than the average ork's if it didn't carry the look of someone having seen too much and having suffered great pain and sorrow. The visible part of his tusks is relatively small. His prefered clothing consists of an armoured jacket, a shirt with some orxploitation imagery, BDUs and combat boots or sneakers. He is a heavy smoker and prefers cheap russian cigarettes. And again a link to
the image. Enough info?
I hope it's okay that I posted the information here, I got some problems with my eMail client at the moment.
Feb 9 2006, 04:10 PM
noob question.
[ Spoiler ]
how do you do those spoiler tags?
Feb 9 2006, 04:12 PM
Use {spoiler} BLAH BLAH BLAH {/spoiler}, except use [ ] for { }
[ Spoiler ]
Feb 9 2006, 10:35 PM
Here's the information requested for Friday. I'll post a version of the background for all to see very soon, and I'll be able to send a full version of the character sheet to TinkerGnome Friday or Saturday.
[ Spoiler ]
1) Freezer (Fixer (4/1)) is an ex-runner who switched to fixing after a few years of running as a gun bunny, counting on a large network of contacts and friends. He’s a reliable, somewhat greedy character who is serious in business and doesn’t like to mix friendship and biz. The Priest and him interact in a very restricted way, but some confidence in one another is building up, if not simply because Priest really knows how to get the job done and Freezer really knows what jobs to give him. Most jobs The Priest ran were given from him, although he's not in any way exclusive to his fixer.
2) The Priest is a thin human man, about 6 foot tall, 145 lbs. He has black hair, black eyes, a long face, and often has a cleanly cut short beard. He has heavy eyebrows, a short nose and full lips. He's often considered a handsome man: even though he is not muscular nor does he appear athletic, he projects a healthy appearance and a confident attitude. He generally wears a long (down to halfway to the thighs) brown armored jacket that shapes his body into a more manly figure and broadens his shoulders. He generally wears white shirts and brown pants that he keeps always clean, even though his clothes are often quite used. He always wears a wooden cross 5 inch long, that hangs from his neck on his chest.
Feb 9 2006, 11:49 PM
Here is my "Friday info" pack:
[ Spoiler ]
1) Chok, a human fixer (3/3) also of Chinese decent. Chok is in the import/export business mainly moving legal cheap goods in from overseas. He also dabbles in restricted and forbidden items as his primary source of income. Chok aided in getting me set up when I originally moved to Seattle from Hong Kong. You know the legitimate stuff like getting an apartment and finding my way around. He has helped me since I've returned from my extended leave of the city in getting set up in non legitimate ways.
2) Like most Orks, Freebird is big, but not as big as most. He wears his brown hair short and shaves daily. On any given day he dresses like a normal guy, mostly jeans, boots, tees and a jacket. He doesn’t have any visible tattoos, piercings or other body modifications. Freebird has a calm demeanor and when he speaks it is often short and to the point. Whether this brevity stems from social ineptness, a desire to be secretive, or simply a language barrier is not apparent.
Feb 9 2006, 11:52 PM
My stuff's in too. Standing by.
Feb 10 2006, 12:46 AM
Current status:
Silo: Freebird, M Ork, Gunslinger Adept (Friday info check, background check)
PBTHHHHT: Roland, M Human, Techie
nick012000: Razorblade, F Elf, Face Adept (character sheet check)
Nu_Fenix: Electric Eddy, M Troll, Combat Mage
Oracle: BBO, M Ork, Street Samurai/JoAT (Friday info check)
gobogen: The Priest, M Human, Support Mage (Friday info check)
ES_Sparky: Fade (info check)
So, that puts us short two folks checking in. Please check in by tomorrow evening, guys.
Feb 10 2006, 02:34 AM
Well, i have just sent Eddy off to TG to get the overview and a'ok.
For contacts I tried to go for something different from the usual. So I went with a Troll Spawl Ganger, and a Joygirl called Candy [original name hey
Gogogen - I hope you can make the most of Astral Perception and Attack - I have sweet FA I can do with it. However, if we do need to beat up spirits, then me and my Weapon Focus Combat Axe will do our best to smash it to bits, even if I can't read its aura
Feb 10 2006, 03:29 AM
Ugh, too much going on right now, I can't make it in time. Would have been fun to play, but I'll have to bow out.
Hey ES_Sparky, go for it!
Feb 10 2006, 02:32 PM
Nu_Fenix: Yeah Priest is of the spiritual (read astral) type. He has a good amount of assensing skills, as well as decent astral combat. He's got the whole conjuring group and will make use of spirits when appropriate. He can tough physical combat situations, but he would be a weak link unless he used a spell like Improved Invis. or Armor on himself. Good idea to get a weapon focus, a huge troll with a huge magical axe just seems really cool to me.
Feb 10 2006, 02:48 PM
Well, there we go. I've got at least something from everyone. I'd encourage you guys to discuss capabilities here in an OOC fashion before we get into the actual game threads. I'd encourage you to make sure that all major areas of competence are covered by at least one character. Character sheets are due by next Wed.
I'll probably have the first game posts up sometime this weekend or Monday.
Feb 10 2006, 04:24 PM
I believe that it is a good idea for everyone to list their active skills so that we know whether we cover most important fields of competance or not. My character's list of active skill is focused on magical skills, including conjuring.
Here's The Priest's spell list for review by everyone. Feel free to comment on any missing key spells.
- Stunbolt
- Improved Invisibility
- Silence
- Trid Phantasm
- Detect Life, Extended
- Mind Probe
- Heal
- Control Thoughts
- Levitate
- Armor
- Mana Barrier
Edit: Nice website TG, looking forward to using that in parallel with the boards.
Feb 10 2006, 04:31 PM
Sounds good to me.
Capabilities: BBO will have a broad spectrum of skills. He can use every kind of weapon and will be able to stand his ground in close combat. Because of his Skillwires he will also have limited demolitions, electronics, language, biotech and some others. With enough Karma BBO will also learn hacking skills in the future.
Feb 10 2006, 04:58 PM
Sorry to see you go, PBTHHHHT. I'll do ya proud. And maybe even take a certain repo man as a contact.
Active Skills:
Pilot: Groundcraft (Rea) 5
Leadership (Cha) 5
Group: Close Combat (Agi) 4
Group: Firearms (Agi) 4
Dodge (Agi) 2
Perception (Int) 1
She's your basic bruiser. So far, apart from spells, we're not much in the stealth department. Skills subject to change, of course, but my focus here is on driving and leadership, with a nice helping of butt kicking.
Feb 10 2006, 05:13 PM
Consider a few points in dodge if you can spare it. It can be surprisingly useful in some situations with a "bruiser".
Feb 10 2006, 05:17 PM
Thanks gobogen, I'm going to have to loot points from other skills to pay for it. Would you recommend looting Firearms Group, Close Combat group or one of the non-grouped skills?
Feb 10 2006, 06:04 PM
It's up to you really. I just saw that it was missing is all. I wouldn't really take points off the skills that are already listed tbh. Maybe leadership could be at 4, but that still gives you only 1 in dodge. You know, if you're tough, armored, cybered, etc, you might not need to dodge at all. Some say trolls never dodge
Feb 10 2006, 09:18 PM
Done... editing list in post above. I squeezed a few points out of resources and qualities.
My Friday info, since I'm offically in now... NOTE: TinkerGnome, I've edited slightly.
[ Spoiler ]
FIXER: In 2068 the Fade’s own DE Mountain Dragons made the Super Brawl and faced off against the Miami Spears. The Dragons had made a great recovery from the disaster of the 2066 season and were favored to win, but Fade knew how deep and experienced their lineup was and placed some clever bets against her old team. It was a bitter victory for her when they lost to the Spears. Bitter because she wanted them to win, to come through the havoc she had caused, wanted to get past that part of her life. But she made enough cred to keep Collections off her back for a while. It didn’t last, and she ended up living out of her van.
A man she’d given a tip on the ’68 Super Brawl, Chok, an importer/exporter by trade and, more importantly, a rabid fan of Urban Brawl, both major and minor leagues, had recognized her as they sat on adjacent barstools, watching the Dragons and Spears enter the playoffs. He had been a fan of the Mountain Dragons and the up-and-coming Esther Fader, and had been devastated by the tragedy that had killed most of Fade’s teammates, including their reserves.
They became friends, chatting it up over the series and keeping in touch after. She even wrangled Chok some tickets to a UB match when the Dragons came to town in the ’69 season. Chok and she are good friends, they like to talk UB over drinks and debating strategy and tactics. Chok is a human and Fade a troll. Racial biases have kept them from getting intimate, but they enjoy each others’ company. Chok puts Fade up from time to time, and finds her work when she needs it. Her money’s about run out, and legit employment is hard to get, even with a real SIN. Chok has started hinting around that he has some ‘more lucrative’ jobs for someone with her skills. And as her options shrink by the day and her bills stack, she’s beginning to think about taking him up on some of those jobs.
APPEARANCE: At just over 7 feet, Fade is a smallish troll, lean and hard-muscled. She has dark, blue-black skin, bright icy blue eyes and twisting, swept back horns. Her statuesque features – while never mistaken for ‘beautiful’ - give her ‘The Look’ that talent scouts love in Urban Brawlers – determined, fierce and intelligent. Though these days, she often looks weary. She wears the best clothes she can afford, mostly street-style (gang neutral) stuff, jeans, synth leathers, long coats. She had a motorcycle until a month ago, when it was repossessed with most of her other belongings. She’s got little more than she can carry on her and has a bit of a nomad, or, in an urban environment, homeless, air about her, though she makes sure to take care of basic hygiene, showering nearly every day somewhere, at a friends’ place, or a gym or shelter.
My other contacts are still open.
Feb 10 2006, 10:22 PM
Well.. I'm sure you meant to, but the list above hasn't changed.
Edit: Yeah .. what was I thinking ??
Feb 10 2006, 10:24 PM
Uh... sure it has.
Feb 11 2006, 05:41 AM
Razorblade's decent in combat (2(4) in Pistols (Semiautomatics) and Blades (Cyberweapons w/ 5 Agility), but her real strength is her social skills. She rolls at least 22 dice with them- more than a mage who gone and opened up with both Control Emotions and Control Thoughts.
Feb 11 2006, 07:55 AM
Elf with Cha 8, Skill 7(9) + 5-6 from adept power?
Cool. Now I don't feel bad for min-maxing my magic spellcasting and stuff
And by the way, that's 22-23 for a skill you have adept powers in, AND a specialisation. I don't see how you cut it to at least 22 for all of them. Please explain.
Still, don't you think that's more than you need?
Feb 11 2006, 03:34 PM
Freebird's skills (Ork, gunslinger adept):
Firearms Group 4 (Pistols 6) <--from adept power
Athletics Group 3
Dodge 3
Etiqueete/Street 2 (+2)
Perception/Visual 3 (+2)
Demolitions/Improvided Explosives 2 (+2)
Adept powers:
Combat Sense 2
Improved Ability/Pistols 2
Improved Reflexes 2
He doesn't seem to skill heavy to be honest. The only thinkg I did differently in the skill dpeartment from the sample character was get rid of Driving and add the Demolitions.
I suppose I could drop down, or altogether, one of the groups and add other stuff. I haven't thought about doing that until now really.
Feb 11 2006, 06:09 PM
Don't forget that you are allowed to first raise a group - say to 4 - and then raise one of the group's skills higher - to say 6. This means that the skills have to be increased individually from then on, but that it only cost 40 to have them all at 4, instead of 48 or 64. Same applies when you decide to take a specialty with one of the skills after having raised the group.
This is just as a general note in case some people feel bound by the "group" concept. Specialisations in particular are very cheap and may prove very useful.
Feb 11 2006, 07:06 PM
QUOTE (gobogen) |
Don't forget that you are allowed to first raise a group - say to 4 - and then raise one of the group's skills higher - to say 6. This means that the skills have to be increased individually from then on, but that it only cost 40 to have them all at 4, instead of 48 or 64. Same applies when you decide to take a specialty with one of the skills after having raised the group. |
To clarify, there's nothing in the rules that lets you buy skill groups and then boost specific skills within the character creation rules. All the rules for breaking apart skill groups are in the section are on improvements with karma. At chargen, you need to take either the group or the skills individually.
Feb 11 2006, 07:51 PM
Oops. Sorry, I guess I misinterpreted then. Thanks for the clarification.
Feb 12 2006, 04:00 AM
She bought the Influence Group (and Intimidation skill) at 4, got Improved Ability 2 with all of them but Leadership, Charisma 8, Kinesics 5, Tailored Pheremones 3.
So 6+8+5+3=22. She then gets an additional +2 to Con tests from her mentor spirit, +2 to all social tests when she first meets someone from the First Impression quality, +2 Intimidate due to Notoriety, etc.
Feb 12 2006, 06:39 AM
Wow all those concepts I don't know yet about. I'll have to learn about those biowares (don't they take away some magic though?). Kinesics? What the hell is that anyways?
Anyhow, thanks for the explanations, I haven't read much of the new cyber/bio and equipment in general yet. I'll stop high-jacking the thread now.
Also, there's a correction to my "Friday info": the loyalty of my contact will be 2 instead of 1.
Feb 12 2006, 07:47 AM
QUOTE (gobogen) |
Wow all those concepts I don't know yet about. I'll have to learn about those biowares (don't they take away some magic though?). Kinesics? What the hell is that anyways?
Anyhow, thanks for the explanations, I haven't read much of the new cyber/bio and equipment in general yet. I'll stop high-jacking the thread now.
Also, there's a correction to my "Friday info": the loyalty of my contact will be 2 instead of 1. |
Yeah, she's suffered a point of Magic loss, but it was for a net gain.
Kinesics is an adept power that adds its rating to all social skills.
Feb 12 2006, 09:13 AM
Kinesics 5... I feel like I read something somewhere that limited levels to 4. But I don't recall in regard to what or if I made it up entirely. ... ...
Kinesics is very cool.
Feb 12 2006, 10:49 AM
I am still not used to the new chargen system. But I love it!
"The Jack Of All Trades" aspect of BBO is getting a bit less important, because I just do not have enough points for it.
The Skillwire System stays, but I do not have enough Nuyen left for a lot of softs. Electronics skills, hacking capabilities and biotech skills went down the toilet.
And I got another question: Does "Enhanced Articulation" give a bonus die to firearms skills or not?
Feb 12 2006, 11:28 AM
EA adds dice to physical skills linked to physical attributes. The different classes of skills are explained in the skills section and include Physical and Combat as seperate categories.
Short answer: no.
Feb 12 2006, 11:35 AM
That was the way I read it. Thx!
Feb 12 2006, 12:47 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Kinesics 5... I feel like I read something somewhere that limited levels to 4. But I don't recall in regard to what or if I made it up entirely. ... ...
Kinesics is very cool. |
Kinesics is limited to Magic. She has Magic 5 after her magic loss, so the limit for her is 5.
Feb 12 2006, 04:50 PM
I'm putting together the first post and finishing the character reference page. I wanted to announce a single converted item:
Underbarrel weight - 50
Can be installed on a pistol or other one handed weapon in the underbarrel mount to provide RC 1.
Okay, there really isn't any conversion involved with that.
Feb 12 2006, 05:40 PM
Character sheet sent.
Feb 13 2006, 07:49 AM
Sheet sent. Background still in the works.
Anyone want to work backgrounds together now, before our sheets are officially due?
Rough chronology for Fade, the years are subject to change...
2042 - born
2055-8 - trapped in Chicago (dates may be off)
2062 - drafted into the UBL minor leagues
2064-5 - Crash 2.0
2066 - UBL debut, 'The Accident'
2067-8 - playing Arena Brawl
2069-70 - moved to Seattle
Feb 13 2006, 10:26 AM
Feb 13 2006, 02:22 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Anyone want to work backgrounds together now, before our sheets are officially due? |
I have heard of you and at least met you, however casually, through Chok.
Feb 13 2006, 02:45 PM
The Priest has been running the shadows for a little less than two years now. He may have come in contact with other runners through running with them or he may know of them by reputation, or he may have met them in sports bar, which he likes to frequent regularly. Priest is a big fan of baseball and soccer, and just any sports really. UB might not be his favorite though, but he might have heard of (dunno real name of Fade) or even seen her on trid.
Feb 13 2006, 03:10 PM
BBO is new to the Shadows of Seattle. It is unlikely that many people have heard of him already. Does any of your characters have ties to the AGS?
Feb 13 2006, 03:29 PM
You might want to expand that acronym. I'm about as well versed in SR as can be considered healthy and I don't know what that one means.
Feb 13 2006, 03:36 PM
I am safe to say that I have no affiliation with or knowledge of...is it "the", AGS.
Hehe...I don't know aht that is either.
Feb 13 2006, 03:46 PM
Thread ThreadPlease continue to use this thread for discussing character generation. Post to the IC whenever you are ready and get me your character by the 15th. You can post before you're done with character generation if you wish.
If anyone (Priest) cares, it's after sunset when you get the call. It's cold and overcast but not wet.
Feb 13 2006, 04:00 PM
Allied German States. Yay Google!
Um... that's all I know.
Feb 13 2006, 09:43 PM
Sparky is right. The AGS is what is known as Germany today. But far more broken up into small states. Source material for the AGS can be found in the Germany Sourcebook or in different German-only sourcebooks. BBO is from Berlin, which had been an anarchist zone for some time.
Feb 14 2006, 12:31 AM
Sorry for being so silent everyone - Just been chilling out with friends in Wales over the weekend.
Right, these are the skills that Eddy will be bringing to the group:
Active Skills
Blades [Axe] (3)
Counterspelling [Combat] (4)
Dodge (3)
Etiquette [Street] (1)
Intimidation (2)
Perception (1)
Spellcasting [Combat] (6)
Knowledge Skills
English (N)
Japanese (3)
Spanish (3)
BTL Dealers (3)
Gang ID (3)
Gang Turf (3)
Local Area Knowledge: Seattle (3)
Magic Background (3)
Urban Brawl Schedule (3)
For contacts I have gone for a Street Ganger called Rhino who i know from my ex-street gang days. I also know a Joygirl named Candy, as its a classic name and you can never go wrong knowing a good hooker
Nick: You paid the extra 25 points to have Magic 6, only to lose it to Bioware?! That must have been hard to squeeze the points for.
Feb 14 2006, 07:47 AM
Well, bioware and cyberware, really.
Also, TinkerGnome: I miscalculated my Essence loss.
Can I replace the implanted Simrig with an Alphaware Simrig with the Counterfeit, Used, and Used in a Crime under Investigation (blackmail) modifiers to price? That way, both costs remain the same as the sheet I sent you, all up.
Feb 14 2006, 10:46 AM
BBO's Skills:
Athletics(Skillgroup) (2)
Stealth(Skillgroup) (1)
Longarms (3)+1 ReflexRecorder
Pistols (3)+1 ReflexRecorder
Automatics[AssaultRifles] (6)+1 ReflexRecorder
Etiquette[Street] (1)
Throwing Weapons[NonAerodynamic Grenades] (1)
Perception (2)
Dodge (2)
Unarmed Combat (3)
Intimidation (1)
Additionally he has some skillsofts, giving him a broader field of operation. I don't know the levels yet:
Heavy Weapons
Pilot Ground Vehicles
Anything else needed?
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