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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun

Now we just need stats for it.
QUOTE (Brahm)

Now we just need stats for it.

Convert the ARES ELD-AR Gel Cap Rifle. load it with an adhesive round containing an RFID Tag. Mission Accomplished

And now for a fun nuts link Emerald Nuts
That is the type of weapon I could see tossing out Stick'n'Shock rounds. Not just any old firearm. Wide long burst of Stick'n'Shock from an AR at 500m, indeed.
Space Ghost
i believe they had tracking rounds in Cannon Companion. They were just a new ammunition type, so they came in all calibers.
I don't know about what was in Cannon Companion, but having the tracking device just be a type of ammunition makes the most sense to me.
MK Ultra
I do just by stealth tags embaded in all my regular ammo (they wont be of much use in ExEx after all). Very cheap and cenvenient.
QUOTE (MK Ultra)
I do just by stealth tags embaded in all my regular ammo (they wont be of much use in ExEx after all). Very cheap and cenvenient.

So, getting shot by you puts new meaning to the "you can run but you can't hide" phrase, huh?

Space Ghost
Well, it would still be a good idea to have a gel-type adhesive version that doesn't do much damage but sticks to any surface. After all, it's not much good to fire a tracker bullet at an armored vehicle if the round is just going to bounce off.
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