Oct 6 2003, 12:42 AM
Tired of coming up with new names?
Try this link.
Oct 6 2003, 12:58 AM also has a good selection; don't remember where I got the link from, it may well have been Dumpshock.
Oct 6 2003, 04:17 PM
Great sites.
I was curious at how few "american" names came up on the first link, given that it pulls from US census data.
I ran roughly 60 names through it and there were no Smiths, Wilsons, or Johnsons.
Curious. Not saying it's wrong, just curious.
Oct 8 2003, 01:33 AM
Heh, it wasn't kidding about the obscuro-meter either: I ran a coupl'a testes on 50, and got "Brain Tutor" amongst others.
Oct 8 2003, 10:37 PM
Obscurity meter doesn't seem too reliable - I got more 'real' names at 99 tha at 50, and at 1 it came up with these for female names:
1. Shuck
3. Bozarth
17. Mahaffey
22. Myrtle Boggs
23. See
25. Fredette
28. Lynda Null
29. Mckoy
Not the most common names you will find...
Oct 8 2003, 10:38 PM
Oh, and I forgot...
THANK YOU!!! I love it!