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Full Version: Working on a Matrix Cribsheet
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So, I'm working on a cribsheet for my GM, to make Matrix encounters easier to come up with on the fly. Eventually it'll have condensed rules for all of the Matrix stuff, but right now I'm working on adversaries. Specifically, IC. What I have so far:

Sentinel  - Watches for intrusions and summons IC.
1 - Analyze 1 (2), Defense 1, Drain 1 = 1.02 (1050)
3 - Analyze 3 (6), Armor 1, Stealth 1 (4), Defense 4, Drain 4 = 2.04 (4150)
4 - Analyze 4 (8), Defense 4, Drain 4 = 3.22 (10400)
4 - Analyze 4 (8), Armor 3, Medic 1, Stealth 4 (8), Defense 8, Drain 7 = 4.04 (16400)
6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 3, Medic 3, Stealth 6 (12), Defense 12, Drain 9 = 4.96 (24600)
6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 6, Medic 6, Stealth 6 (12), Defense 12, Drain 12 = 5.80 (33600)

Shredder - Crashes key programs (Armor, Attack, Biofeedback, Stealth).
1 - Attack 1 (2), Defense 1, Drain 1 = 1.22 (1500)
2 - Armor 2, Attack 2 (4), Defense 2, Drain 4 = 2.00 (4000)
3 - Armor 3, Attack 3 (6), Stealth 3 (6), Defense 6, Drain 6 = 2.74 (7500)
4 - Analyze 4 (8), Armor 3, Attack 4 (8), Stealth 3 (8), Defense 7, Drain 7 = 4.17 (17400)
5 - Analyze 5 (10), Armor 5, Attack 5 (10), Stealth 3 (8), Defense 8, Drain 10 = 4.95 (24500)
6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 6, Attack 6 (12), Medic 3, Stealth 6 (12), Defense 12, Drain 12 = 5.92 (35100)

Tracer - Attempts to jam open a connection and trace its origin.
1 - Track 1 (2), Defense 1, Drain 1 = 1.22 (1500)
3 - Track 2 (5), Defense 2, Drain 2 = 2.00 (4000)
3 - Blackout 3 (6), Stealth 3 (6), Track 3 (6), Defense 6, Drain 3 = 2.74 (7500)
4 - Analyze 4 (8), Blackout 3 (8), Stealth 3 (8), Track 4 (8), Defense 7, Drain 4 = 4.17 (17400)
5 - Analyze 5 (10), Armor 1, Blackout 5 (10), Stealth 3 (10), Track 5 (12), Defense 8, Drain 6 = 4.95 (24500)
6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 3, Blackout 6 (12), Stealth 6 (12), Track 6 (12), Defense 12, Drain 9 = 6.05 (36600)

Black IC - Similar to Shredder, but attempts to fry Hackers.
1 - Blackhammer 1 (2), Defense 1, Drain 1 = 1.22 (1500)
2 - Armor 2, Blackhammer 2 (4), Defense 2, Drain 4 = 2.00 (4000)
3 - Armor 3, Blackhammer 3 (6), Stealth 3 (6), Defense 6, Drain 6 = 2.74 (7500)
4 - Analyze 4 (8), Armor 3, Blackhammer 4 (8), Stealth 3 (8), Defense 7, Drain 7 = 4.17 (17400)
5 - Analyze 5 (10), Armor 5, Blackhammer 5 (10), Stealth 3 (8), Defense 8, Drain 10 = 4.95 (24500)
6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 6, Blackhammer 6 (12), Medic 3, Stealth 6 (12), Defense 12, Drain 12 = 5.92 (35100)

Formatted thusly: Agent Rating - Program Rating (dice), ..., Defense Dice, Drain Dice = Difficulty (Total Cost).

The difficulty is sort of an abstract concept. It's the square root of (cost / 1000). This gives a sort of difficulty scale of 1 - 6 (it can go higher than 6, but you're talking REALLY expensive software.)

Did I miss any key types of programs? Next I'm going to stat up some corporate hackers of different skill, and lastly, map out some different levels of systems and the security that might be expected there. Any input is appreciated.

So, I just found out that the book is wrong in some places, and you roll Response + Firewall, not Response + Stealth, for defense. I'll have to rework these a bit.

Drain dice?
"Drain" was my shorthand for soak dice. It's their Pilot Rating + Armor Rating.

Latest cut:

Sentinel  - Watches for intrusions and summons IC.
1: Agent 1 - Analyze 1 (2), Defense 1, Drain 1
2: Agent 3 - Analyze 3 (6), Armor 1, Stealth 1 (4), Defense 6, Drain 4
3: Agent 4 - Analyze 4 (8), Defense 8, Drain 4
4: Agent 4 - Analyze 4 (8), Armor 4, Medic 1, Stealth 3 (7), Defense 8, Drain 8
5: Agent 6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 4, Medic 3, Stealth 4 (11), Defense 12, Drain 10
6: Agent 6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 6, Medic 6, Stealth 6 (12), Defense 12, Drain 12

Shredder - Crashes key programs (Armor, Attack, Biofeedback, Stealth).
1: Agent 1 - Attack 1 (2), Defense 2, Drain 1
2: Agent 2 - Armor 2, Attack 2 (4), Defense 4, Drain 4
3: Agent 3 - Armor 3, Attack 3 (6), Stealth 3 (6), Defense 6, Drain 6
4: Agent 4 - Analyze 4 (8), Armor 3, Attack 4 (8), Stealth 3 (8), Defense 8, Drain 7
5: Agent 5 - Analyze 5 (10), Armor 5, Attack 5 (10), Stealth 3 (8), Defense 10, Drain 10
6: Agent 6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 6, Attack 6 (12), Medic 3, Stealth 6 (12), Defense 12, Drain 12

Tracer - Attempts to jam open a connection and trace its origin.
1: Agent 1 - Track 1 (2), Defense 2, Drain 1
2: Agent 3 - Track 2 (5), Defense 6, Drain 2
3: Agent 3 - Blackout 3 (6), Stealth 3 (6), Track 3 (6), Defense 6, Drain 3
4: Agent 4 - Analyze 4 (8), Blackout 3 (8), Stealth 3 (8), Track 4 (8), Defense 8, Drain 4
5: Agent 5 - Analyze 5 (10), Armor 1, Blackout 5 (10), Stealth 3 (10), Track 5 (12), Defense 10, Drain 6
6: Agent 6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 3, Blackout 6 (12), Stealth 6 (12), Track 6 (12), Defense 12, Drain 9

Black IC - Similar to Shredder, but attempts to fry Hackers.
1: Agent 1 - Blackhammer 1 (2), Defense 2, Drain 1
2: Agent 2 - Armor 2, Blackhammer 2 (4), Defense 4, Drain 4
3: Agent 3 - Armor 3, Blackhammer 3 (6), Stealth 3 (6), Defense 6, Drain 6
4: Agent 4 - Analyze 4 (8), Armor 3, Blackhammer 4 (8), Stealth 3 (8), Defense 8, Drain 7
5: Agent 5 - Analyze 5 (10), Armor 5, Blackhammer 5 (10), Stealth 3 (8), Defense 10, Drain 10
6: Agent 6 - Analyze 6 (12), Armor 6, Blackhammer 6 (12), Medic 3, Stealth 6 (12), Defense 12, Drain 12

Corporate Hacker - Scrambled by megacorps or independent security agencies.

Novice: Can load up to 3 programs at a time.  Does not employ agents.
Cracking Group 2, Electronics Group 2
Response/System/Firewall/Signal 3, Willpower 3
Any Program 3 (5 dice)
Defense 6, Drain 3 (6 with Armor)

Experienced: Can load up to 5 programs at a time.  Employs agents.
Cracking Group 4, Electronics Group 4
Response/System/Firewall/Signal 5, Willpower 4
Any Program 5 (9 dice)
Defense 10, Drain 5 (10 with Armor)

Wizard: Can load up to 6 programs at a time.  Employs agents.  Specialized.
Cracking Group 6 (+2 to Attack, Exploit, or Stealth), Electronics Group 6
Response/System/Firewall/Signal 6, Willpower 4
Any Program 6 (12 dice)
Defense 12, Drain 6 (12 with Armor)

Now I need to come up with some default system layouts with reasonable defenses...
This is great. love to see what you come up with.
Whatever happened with this? THis was good stuff.
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