Mar 2 2006, 09:49 AM
I'm wondering...does anyone know if there is plans to resurrect the Shadowrun fiction line to go with the new setting?
Mar 2 2006, 10:11 AM
from what we've heard so far, there's the line of novels that are supposed to be set in the early-to-mid sixties. 6 of which are "in the line". There's nothing 'official' saying that there will be 4th edition novels so far, because the first 6 have to go through first. Besides, there was no 'official' 4th edition until a couple of months before it came out. And they have been talking about more novels as soon as the first of the 6 that were already written came out. Most likely they want to see how the first 6 do. Adam or someone will probably pop in and clarify, but it's been asked a few times before, and that's the jist of it.
Mar 3 2006, 06:11 AM
Ah. OK. Thanks.
These there any details? release dates? titles? authors?
Mar 3 2006, 06:30 AM
First 3 are a trilogy by Steve Kenson. First two are out called Born to Run and Poisoned Memories. No name that I know of on the third
4th book, not in a connected series, is by a guy that posts on here, JM Hardy. I don't recall the name, but it sounded really cool, and was about a burned out mage.
There's a bunch of lack luster reviews (IMO) on Born to Run on the site. Just run a search.
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