Mar 3 2006, 09:46 AM
I'm building a character for my current game, our group needs a caster and I since I rarely get to play I putting a lot more time and effort into creating a realistic (or genre-listic) character. The trouble I'm having is putting all the pieces together to make sure they don't contrast to badly.
Despite the essence loss, I have this great image of a Chumash Healer with one cyber arm named Eric One-Wing. Exiled from his native lands when L.A. shifted in ownership, he now runs the shadows, especially smuggling runs from Seattle to Portland or Denver.
I was planning on giving him an Avian spirit guide (Crow/Eagle/Condor or some such) and the Shapeshift power really stood out at me. Does anyone know what would happen to his cyber-arm when he shapeshifts? I know equipment doesn't transform with him, but the arm was payed for by essence, and I thought I read something about that changing it, its now "part of him" but I can't recall where.
I one winged bird, while very stylistic, would make the shapeshift beyond worthless, taking the one point essence hit for a cyber-arm is one thing, the image I have in my head is just too cool to pass up, but blowing a spell for cool factor is just silly
Ok I've clearly gone on to long.
Mar 3 2006, 11:01 AM
AFAIK cyber changes with you and effectively vanishes. Thats how I run anyway. Any other option would IMO have been covered in the spell write up.
Mar 3 2006, 03:44 PM
So, does that mean you could sneak a cyber-sammie past a cyberware scanner by shapeshifting him into a human (or other metahuman type), causing all his cyberware to transform into meat? It wouldn't function, and he wouldn't get any more essence, obviously, but might that work?
Now I'm thinking Colossus, from the X-men, using a sustaining focus and a fully 'borged out character.
Mar 3 2006, 03:48 PM
Shapeshift specifically says you turn into an animal. Shapeshifting that sammie into a Barghest may imposing but may not help you get into a secured facility. Remember, too, that the rules is +/- 2 body for the critter into which you're transforming. The cyberlimbs increase someone's body making it more difficult to shift into a smaller animal. No trolls into mice transformations, I guess.
@ Raife
As for the cyberlimb, if you want to go for extra special flair, you could make it detachable. There's no rules in-game for it, but I don't see why Mr. One-Wing couldn't detach his arm and then shapeshift for a little flavor.
Mar 3 2006, 04:09 PM
@Dashifen Are you suggesting that metahumans are mineral or vegetable?
I honestly always just interpreted that as you can't use the spell to turn into a chair. Granted, some people like to debate that humans are somehow 'special' and aren't animals, but unless the spell description says 'non-metahuman animals' it is debatable at best. Is that what it says? I don't have my book in front of me at the moment.
Mar 3 2006, 04:33 PM
I happen to have Moon-Hawk's book in front of me. If he ever wants to see it alive again, I expect 200k certified nuyen at the usual dropoff point by midnight tonight. Come alone.
Shapechange transforms a voluntary subject into a normal (non-paranormal) critter, though the subject retains human consciousness. The subject can only assume the form of a critter whose base Body rating is 2 points greater or less than her own. Consult the Critters section, p. 285, for the subject’s Physical attributes while in critter form. Add 1 to the critter’s Base attribute Ratings for every hit the caster generates. Her Mental attributes remain unchanged.
This spell does not transform clothing and equipment. Magicians in critter form can still cast spells, but cannot perform other tasks requiring speech.
Critter form works like the Shapechange spell, but only allows the subject to change into a specific non-paranormal animal. Each critter form is a different spell (Eagle Form, Wolf Form, and so on). |
It doesn't actually say "animal" in Shapechange. Technically speaking each of the metahuman races aren't outlined under the "Critters" section. There's even a section under Critters called "Ordinary Critters," which is separate from the "Paranormal Critters" section.
It says that the caster can't speak while shapechanged, which implies that it meant "critter" as in "furry/feathered beast" and does not include metahumans. Also, the "Critter Form" version specifically says it turns you into a particular animal, and it lists a few.
Mar 3 2006, 06:17 PM
just remember, that while you may get to keep your cyber arm (you did pay for essence for it after all), you still don't get to take clothes/armor/weapons. So you may end up nakie on the otherside of a corp wall or something.
Mar 3 2006, 06:20 PM
QUOTE (Lagomorph) |
just remember, that while you may get to keep your cyber arm (you did pay for essence for it after all), you still don't get to take clothes/armor/weapons. So you may end up nakie on the otherside of a corp wall or something. |
Yeehaw! Yet another way to get your freak on in SR! SURGE, battery cables, and Shapechange.
Mar 3 2006, 06:22 PM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk) |
@Dashifen Are you suggesting that metahumans are mineral or vegetable? I honestly always just interpreted that as you can't use the spell to turn into a chair. Granted, some people like to debate that humans are somehow 'special' and aren't animals, but unless the spell description says 'non-metahuman animals' it is debatable at best. Is that what it says? I don't have my book in front of me at the moment. |
I've always done it (SR3 and now in SR4) that you shapechange into a critter. No implication that metahumans are not animals, just that they aren't really critters in the SR sense of the word.
Mar 3 2006, 06:23 PM
I miss the Fashion spell. It made improvised clothing so much more viable.
Mar 3 2006, 06:58 PM
I always liked buying flats and then turning them into three-piece suits myself.
Mar 3 2006, 07:16 PM
You mean I can't shapeshift into a semi truck and carry my team around?
Mar 3 2006, 07:18 PM
QUOTE (Frackula) |
You mean I can't shapeshift into a semi truck and carry my team around? |
You can if you pay me enough money.
Mar 3 2006, 11:05 PM
Hey thanks a ton for the heads up guys
Mar 4 2006, 02:01 AM
In other news, there's no reason why a mage can't turn into a porcupine and fling himself at people. If he weighs 6 kilos or less in animal form, there's no rule against it. Why anyone would want to, I don't know, because it's a -2 penalty from sustained casting and he'd be resisting the impact with low body dice.
Mar 4 2006, 03:45 PM
I've always limited Shapechange to animals as well but there is a reference in the Sprawl Survival Guide (p 49) where someone quickened a Shapechange spell to change their sex.
Mar 5 2006, 01:28 AM
QUOTE (Azralon) |
QUOTE | Shapechange transforms a voluntary subject into a normal (non-paranormal) critter, though the subject retains human consciousness. The subject can only assume the form of a critter whose base Body rating is 2 points greater or less than her own. |
Does that mean you can only change into things with a base body score within two of your race's base body score? Or within two of your character's actual body score?
Mar 6 2006, 03:54 PM
QUOTE (Johnnycache @ Mar 4 2006, 08:28 PM) |
Does that mean you can only change into things with a base body score within two of your race's base body score? Or within two of your character's actual body score? |
Your actual, race-modified Body score.
Mar 6 2006, 08:02 PM
QUOTE (jklst14) |
I've always limited Shapechange to animals as well but there is a reference in the Sprawl Survival Guide (p 49) where someone quickened a Shapechange spell to change their sex.
Oh yeah, I remember that.
So I guess there is canon backup (at least in 3rd ed) that metahumans count as critters for purposes of shapechange, and that even gender can be specified.
So then, would the cyberware hiding trick work?
Mar 6 2006, 08:35 PM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk @ Mar 6 2006, 02:02 PM) |
QUOTE (jklst14 @ Mar 4 2006, 10:45 AM) | I've always limited Shapechange to animals as well but there is a reference in the Sprawl Survival Guide (p 49) where someone quickened a Shapechange spell to change their sex.
Oh yeah, I remember that. So I guess there is canon backup (at least in 3rd ed) that metahumans count as critters for purposes of shapechange, and that even gender can be specified. So then, would the cyberware hiding trick work?
The spell doesn't say cyberware disappears, it doesn't even mention cyberware, only that clothing and gear don't change. I think people were trying to rationalize how the spell could work on characters with cyber when they claimed the cyber went away, replaced by what would normally be present in the critter.
I would rule Shapechanging to another metahuman wouldn't work for hiding cyber. Reasoning that cyber doesn't depend on race, so it is still going to look like it would on the shapechanged metahuman form. Besides, there are other spells that cover this like invisibility and mask.
Mar 6 2006, 08:39 PM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk @ Mar 6 2006, 04:02 PM) |
So I guess there is canon backup (at least in 3rd ed) that metahumans count as critters for purposes of shapechange, and that even gender can be specified. |
The "at least in 3rd ed" part is key here. It's technically not (yet) possible in this new edition.
Perhaps the "Impersonate" spell (or whatever) that would accomplish such a thing just isn't published yet for the new edition. Alternatively, the gender/subspecies swap spell could be only a twinkle in your eye until the spell creation rules come out, then it becomes fair game again.
But for now, anything that lets you impersonate someone outside of the Mask spell would be a purely a house rule and should be treated as such.
Mar 6 2006, 10:00 PM
If you're trying to sneak a sammie into a decent restaurant, I don't really have a problem with you shape-changing him into the face's seeing-eye dog. Personally, I think that'd be a sweet trick.
If cyberwear doesn't come along, this opens up a huge world of possible suck (shapeshifting people and stealing their cyber, anyone? Turn to Goo is bad enough for this...). You paid for it with essence, tons of other things involving magic use that as the "work around" for tech and magic mixing in your body (like mages with cybereyes), so I'd say it goes with the character when he shapechanges.
The question is, of course, does your nice golden retriever set off the security alarm at the restaurant because he's got wired reflexes and a cybergun in his left paw?
Mar 6 2006, 10:52 PM
I agree with Shrike30 about the suck part if the cyber just drops out. Not just for stripping cyberware from the unconcious, because anyone unconcious is a valid voluntary subject, but because of anyone getting even a bit of cyberware effectively would no longer want to use the spell. Or there would be some goofy rule about it being held in place when changing back.
One thing I don't see suggested here as a possibility is the use of Object Resistance. This would mean that a mage would need to use a higher Force spell to convert someone with cyberware. Somthing like OR of 2, 3, 4, 5, or even 6 depending on the highest grade and complexity of cyberware or bioware you had installed. So you can convert implanted, but you really need a good mage to convert someone with something like a Deltaware Control Rig. Not so tough though with just Bone Lacing, and even less so with just Bone Density bioware.
No hard numbers on the OR in mind right now, just that bioware will have a much lower OR than cyberware, and higher grades of cyberware have a higher OR. I'm a bit torn on whether the higher grade of bioware would have a higher or lower OR.
Add 1 to the critter’s Base attribute Ratings for every hit the caster generates. |
Could it be that the extra hits are suppose to allow you change to a critter with a Body difference of more than 2? As it is adding extra Body without the chance of failure seems really powerful? Interpreting the sentence that way also makes it work a lot more like the SR3 version. Especially if you decided it was extremely poorly worded and you could go down as well as up. Limiting the difference to 2 pretty much rules out converting that beefy Troll, or even a very well developed Human, from being transformed into a dog.
Mar 6 2006, 11:26 PM
so the sammy probably wouldn't be able to transform into a dog (too great of body differential, more likely your seeing eye tiger.
I would definitely say that cyber stays in teh body when shapechanged and could even be detected but that it would be inoperative.
Mar 6 2006, 11:28 PM
I think it's mostly meant to provide a guideline. I'd probably base the -2 off of racial average (since Body is specifically written as not being body mass, exactly, but more like endurance). It gets kinda dumb otherwise... why can the big, outta shape desk jockey turn into a dog when our short, wiry, ripped street sam can't?
Mar 6 2006, 11:31 PM
QUOTE (fool @ Mar 6 2006, 06:26 PM) |
so the sammy probably wouldn't be able to transform into a dog (too great of body differential, more likely your seeing eye tiger. I would definitely say that cyber stays in teh body when shapechanged and could even be detected but that it would be inoperative. |
It doesn't seem clear to me if you are suppose to count augmentations to your Body when calculating the differenc, because of the way the word
base is placed in there.

If you used OR it would likely work best if you didn't.
Mar 7 2006, 04:52 AM
Or base could refer to the critter rating before adding 1 to base attribute ratings for every hit the caster gets.
Or it could refer to the base attribute rating of the critter before adjusting it for a large or small example of the species.
Mar 7 2006, 04:56 AM
Go vageness!
Mar 7 2006, 09:10 AM
I'm definitely gonna stick with species average, then.
Humans can be shifted into anything Bod 1-5, etc.
Mar 7 2006, 03:42 PM
QUOTE (Brahm @ Mar 7 2006, 12:56 AM) |
Go vageness! |
I've taken to calling it the "Shadowrun Uncertainty Principle."
You can understand the literal wording or the spirit of the rules, but never both at the same time.
Mar 7 2006, 06:30 PM
QUOTE (Azralon) |
QUOTE (Brahm @ Mar 7 2006, 12:56 AM) | Go vageness! |
I've taken to calling it the "Shadowrun Uncertainty Principle."
You can understand the literal wording or the spirit of the rules, but never both at the same time.
Well, what is the spirit of the rule on this one? I honestly wonder.
Mar 7 2006, 07:30 PM
QUOTE (tisoz @ Mar 7 2006, 01:30 PM) |
QUOTE (Azralon @ Mar 7 2006, 09:42 AM) | QUOTE (Brahm @ Mar 7 2006, 12:56 AM) | Go vageness! |
I've taken to calling it the "Shadowrun Uncertainty Principle."
You can understand the literal wording or the spirit of the rules, but never both at the same time.
Well, what is the spirit of the rule on this one? I honestly wonder.
I think it lacks spirit and direction.

That's why I went back to SR3 to see how it worked there because I don't recall it being that overpowered or underpowered or total bland in SR3.
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