Mar 5 2006, 04:39 PM
A thought from the Atlantic City thread. How about the Miss America pagent keeps going BUT, with changes.
UCAS is not going to be large eoungh so it expands to cover the whole of North America. Each state in UCAS, CAS sends hteir "best' So you still get Miss Ohio and Miss Alabama etc. CFS and the various NAN's would have sub divisions politically and they could be represented. Hawaii would drop out being more in the asian sphere. Aztlan would be boycotting it because of the fact it wanted to have a woman from each state and this would be almost half the field, something refused by the other nations.
Think of the possibities for runs. The obvious is runs against the girls "Make sure Miss New York does not win." Though why? lots of reasons. Maybe her backer didn't pay protection or someone had paid a bribe for someone else to win. Then there's the other side-body guard the girls or a girl.
rig the competion. for a boost to a region's PR. "Here is Miss tell us about your home" "Well thanks Jay, it is some great..."
Other things might be who gets to plan the music? what City gets to host it this year? with in a city which location is used- in NYC duels, maybe litterally, between Madison square Garden, Javits Convention center and the Nassau Colasium.
Endorsments? What swim suit brand are the girls wearing? or brands? "I'll pay you 10,000 if Miss Americas is wearing our brand" etc
The same for gowns, jewelry, shoes, hair and make up. Think of the fuss on "the red carpet" over what starlet is wearing what designer.
the same for celebrity presenters a la the Oscars now with them getting gift bags.
"Make sure the dress gets to Miss Cheyanne" "Make sure Miss Oklashoma does not get this dress." or even better, a war between designers- "I what that bitch trashed, her gown coming apart on live trid should do it" when the girls are collateral damage would throw off some of security.
After the competion there is a need for body guards for Miss america's on her promo tour. beyond the local head cases who think they are in love what if politics gets added? Miss San Fran would, of course, be Japanese so if she won would metas protest? Someone form a more radical NAN might not get a good recption from more nationalistic people in UCAS or CAS.
What do you think?
Mar 5 2006, 04:48 PM
Who was the first Miss America to break the Tusk Barrier?
Mar 5 2006, 04:53 PM
Very unlikely. There would probably be no orks and trolls, unless Cascade Orks get someone in. few dwarves but mainly human and a good sprinkling of elves.
Mar 5 2006, 05:12 PM
Well then, someone will have to change that. I imagine that backroom politiking and favors of various types have more to do with the competition than actual talent or beauty. So, given the choice between voting for the CHA 6(

troll or being dismembered and fed to ghouls what would the average Miss America judge choose?
Wounded Ronin
Mar 6 2006, 09:16 PM
Oh my god. I'm just imagining how this would go horribly wrong with most SR teams who waddle around with FFBA and, like, dual SAWs with grenade launchers duct taped under the and wearing beer hats that provide 2/1.
Remember the Miss America ending to "Miss Congeniality"? (Bwah, Miss New Jersey, what a great concept.) Like, it was funny because the Miss American contestants were freaking out and getting crowns ripped away from them but on the whole it was still light hearted humor?
The SR equivalent of that would be some kind of really sick grisly rage massacre that, like, condensed all the dislike of the Miss America competition that a lot of people feel. You just *know* that something's gonna go wrong and that the troll tank is going to leap into the fray with, "I fire 10 rounds full auto from my HMG; called shot at the security guard's head", he's gonna roll 4 dice, and the 10 rounds are going to spray into the contestants. Then he's gonna get frustrated and use the willie pete.
Man, what an evil, evil concept. Snow Fox, you are the evilest person I've met all day.
Mar 6 2006, 10:20 PM
Miss America is margninalized and irrelevant now, even more than the Grammys. I don't think people are going to even know it was ever real in 20 years. I barely do.
Mar 7 2006, 03:28 AM
ran it, survived it barely, ended up loosing a contact and getting a 12 million nuyen price put on my head.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 7 2006, 03:32 AM
QUOTE (warrior_allanon) |
ran it, survived it barely, ended up loosing a contact and getting a 12 million nuyen price put on my head. |
See guys? What'd I tell you about the willie pete?
SL James
Mar 7 2006, 05:45 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
The SR equivalent of that would be some kind of really sick grisly rage massacre that, like, condensed all the dislike of the Miss America competition that a lot of people feel. You just *know* that something's gonna go wrong and that the troll tank is going to leap into the fray with, "I fire 10 rounds full auto from my HMG; called shot at the security guard's head", he's gonna roll 4 dice, and the 10 rounds are going to spray into the contestants. Then he's gonna get frustrated and use the willie pete. |
So... Basically, "No Contest." With Trolls. Gotcha.
Mar 7 2006, 04:37 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Mar 6 2006, 03:16 PM) | The SR equivalent of that would be some kind of really sick grisly rage massacre that, like, condensed all the dislike of the Miss America competition that a lot of people feel. You just *know* that something's gonna go wrong and that the troll tank is going to leap into the fray with, "I fire 10 rounds full auto from my HMG; called shot at the security guard's head", he's gonna roll 4 dice, and the 10 rounds are going to spray into the contestants. Then he's gonna get frustrated and use the willie pete. |
So... Basically, "No Contest." With Trolls. Gotcha.
SL James
Mar 7 2006, 11:23 PM
Yes, it is a good thing.
Mar 8 2006, 03:42 AM
QUOTE (warrior_allanon) |
ran it, survived it barely, ended up loosing a contact and getting a 12 million nuyen price put on my head. |
I told you not to wear the red pumps with the green dress. Those fashion police are brutal.
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