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Full Version: Bored again
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Here i am at work with just over an hour to go...

So i'm wondering...
What time do you got?

Here in Austin, Tx it's 00:51

00:56 in Austin

Bored I tell ya...

01:44 in Austin, TX
yeah, apparently.....

but what the hell... 1am. Orem Utah. Don't suppose you're near San Antonio? Don't really know my Texan geography very well, but I have a friend there that's very bored and is dying to play SR.

Really bored? try getting a premade adventure that you've never read, and run your own character through it. Don't read ahead. It makes for an akward situation when you're trying t odecide if you're cheating of of OOC knowledge, and if you should penalize your self. The inner turmoil should keep you busy for at least a few minutes. smile.gif
4:18 pm.

Perth Western Australia


Edit, also bored
firtandantilus3.0 - I'm north of SA, about an hour. Between SA and Austin are New Braunfels, San Marcos, and Buda... Well there are more towns but those are the "major" towns as far as i'm concerned
Edward - Rock on

it's 02:33 and i'm going home, where i will stay up till about 06:00
09:49, Hannover, Germany. And this is a totally new level of SPAM.
I hate spam. That stuff tastes horrible.
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