emo samurai
Mar 11 2006, 02:07 AM
Would cat spirits be able to live off of the devil rat infestation? I mean, they're not literal physicl manifestations of their totems the way insect spirits are, but they'll still probaly enjoy killing them en masse. If cat spirits can't eat them, maybe tarantula spirits will.
Mar 11 2006, 02:50 AM
Sure, you can order a Beast Spirit that takes the form of a cat to go and kill devil rats. It won't stick around any longer than a run-of-the-mill spirit does, though, unless you bind it.
emo samurai
Mar 11 2006, 02:52 AM
*twitch*? What about free cat spirits? I'm sure they'd love playing with their own rampant food source.
Zen Shooter01
Mar 11 2006, 04:21 AM
If you summoned a spirit of man in the form of a cop, would it live off the donut infestation?
Mar 11 2006, 05:44 AM
I do not see where SR4 says anything, but SR3 said spirits do not require food, water, air, or sleep.
Use shapechange on the hacker and turn him into a big kitty.
Mar 11 2006, 05:56 AM
just do what I do: raise hell hounds
gets rid of devil rats and pesky cat spirits!
Mar 11 2006, 05:59 AM
In Soviet Russia, Blackberry Cats raise YOU.
Mar 11 2006, 06:01 AM
Hate blackberry cats. Little fraggers are just as likely (if not more so) to send you mousing. Talis cats are cool though. A cat with a small guy complex that can do something about it.
Mar 11 2006, 06:03 AM
They ought to compile all of the Paranormal Animals/Critters books into one source for SR4.
And they ought to make it free, but I'm not about to push my luck.
Seriously. Who doesn't love the idea of a 200 pound lobster? Drooooool.
Mar 11 2006, 06:24 AM
On a more serious note, there's a place in Shadows of North America (I'm reasonably sure it might be Quebec. Or some other place up in the north) that pays, like, a 5y bounty per devil rat hide. Now that's a darn good way to get down the population, considering, like, 1/20 of them carry friggin' VITAS.
Mar 11 2006, 06:31 AM
I love the Abrams! I did a DIY run where I snagged a few from a corp sec facility, and had 'em served up at acorp banquet. Them's good eatin'! Thank goodness you can't astrally track something once it's dead. (and the hall was warded anyways).
Zen Shooter01
Mar 11 2006, 06:41 AM
The 4th ed. D-rat has no pestilence power. In fact, there's no pestilence power in 4th ed. at all, that I found.
Mar 11 2006, 06:46 AM
It's a pestilence power? I thought they, y'know. Just HAD it. As in they were carriers of said disease.
Mar 11 2006, 07:20 AM
QUOTE (Dissonance @ Mar 11 2006, 01:46 AM) |
It's a pestilence power? I thought they, y'know. Just HAD it. As in they were carriers of said disease. |
Pestilence was a power listed in SR3 Critters book. It didn't make the cut going to the SR4 BBB. Nor did VITAs outside of the history section, it isn't mentioned at all for Devil Rats.
VITAS - 3 was in the SR3 BBB as the only disease listed with stats, just after the toxins section. Although there is some info on armor protecting from infection, it looks like any specifics about diseases, including infection, has been pushed off until a separate book.
I suppose there were things that needed to get cut to fit it all in, afterall paracritters didn't even make it into the SR3 BBB at all. Only dragons, spirits, and their powers did.
Mar 11 2006, 07:24 AM
I like dragons. I really do. But, honestly, I can't imagine why they'd be in the corebook. Frankly, if you're at the point of the game where you need to stat up rules for dragons, you might want to start anew.
Well, it's doubtful, but it'd be awesome if they did what they did with the SR3 GM screen/Critters and made it free off the site. I'm not holding my breath, but hey.
Mar 11 2006, 08:03 AM
completely random, but I like how a dragon's breath is considered an 'elemental attack' and not an 'innate spell' like it was in SR3, so I don't have to worry about players using spell defense on dragonbreath.
I also find it interesting how the G.D.'s stats are basically given the 'ok' to go ahead and break the core rules of the skill cap for sorcerey with nothing said abot it. They wanted them to be better than PC's so they simply made them better than a PC could possibly be within the RAW. Annoying. But that points been beat to death, raised, and beat down again, so I now return you to your normally scheduled thread.
emo samurai
Mar 11 2006, 03:40 PM
I'd say that tarantula spirits would be awesome. Too bad you basically lose your mind in order to summon them.
And for some reason, this reminds me of the cat-bun wars from Perfect Hair Forever.
SL James
Mar 11 2006, 07:51 PM
What the Hell? Spider is not, nor has it ever been, an Insect Totem.
But seriously, after ~60 years of magic I would suspect that if this could work, it'd have been tried already.
Mar 11 2006, 08:03 PM
Spider isn't an insect totem. It's just that the majority of these aforementioned spirits don't technically exist or are purely antagonistic.
And using an insect spirit to clear up a devil rat infestation is like using a gang of hostile, misanthropic ghouls to take care of those darn teenagers who play music too loud at night.
Mar 11 2006, 08:34 PM
A spider isn't even an insect.
Mar 11 2006, 09:08 PM
Back to the original question: Insect spirits don't "eat humans", they use living organisms to anchor themselves to the physical plane, allowing them to live here rather than constantly commute from their metaplane. If you want, you can have your cat shaman do the same thing with their spirits - it just costs a lot of Karma.
Inhabiting a living body with a spirit permanently to take up permanent residence on the physical plane is something that literally any conjurer can do - it's just that normally a magician can only do it with an Ally spirit (at least, according to the canon rules).
The effects are pretty much the same whether you are a Hermetic who is putting a spirit from the plane of water into a living host as when you are an Insect Shaman putting a hive worker into a living host. The eating of devil rats or whatever is completely secondary, the important part is the sacrifice of the living creature to your spirit so that it can merge and live here on a permanent basis.
Oddly enough, I'm not aware of any group flipping out over shamans and hermetics doing that - just insect spirits. I don't know why.
Mar 11 2006, 09:38 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
I'd say that tarantula spirits would be awesome. Too bad you basically lose your mind in order to summon them.
And for some reason, this reminds me of the cat-bun wars from Perfect Hair Forever. |
"Brindah, do dat....dat ting I rike. Yah. bun-nun-nun-nun-nun-nun-nun-nun-nun...."
"Cats-maen, what is it with you an' your heffing grooming?"
(inhale through your mouth when reading the word 'heffing' aloud)
Mar 11 2006, 09:40 PM
But getting back to the original line, I'd rather use a Talis Cat. Cat spirits might spook a few Devil Rats, maybe the younger ones, but on a whole, en-mass collection of the blighters, you need real, live kick-@ss felines.
Sic'em, Fluffy.
Mar 12 2006, 01:58 AM
QUOTE (Dissonance) |
They ought to compile all of the Paranormal Animals/Critters books into one source for SR4.
And they ought to make it free, but I'm not about to push my luck.
Seriously. Who doesn't love the idea of a 200 pound lobster? Drooooool. |
IIRC, this project would be called Running Wild.
While it may not have EVERY critter published, it's primary goal is going to be as a Critter book for SR4.
Mar 12 2006, 02:07 AM
QUOTE (Dissonance) |
And using an insect spirit to clear up a devil rat infestation is like using a gang of hostile, misanthropic ghouls to take care of those darn teenagers who play music too loud at night. |
So you mean it's the sort of over-the-top evil thing cyberpunk is built on?
Projections indicate that we're losing between twenty and twenty-two thousand nuyen per year in walk-in sales due to loiterers. It would cost only eighteen thousand nuyen to have a gang of ghouls massacre them in a way that won't be traced back to us or scare away potential sales, meaning a net gain for us over the first year.
emo samurai
Mar 12 2006, 03:41 AM
Dammit, the Shadowrun world has to be cheesier! I mean, a lot of the discussion here is about how to make things more pragmatic and realistic, but seriously, it's cyberpunk. Despite what people have to say about Neuromancer's scholarly value, it was cheesy. It had chameleon suits and inexplicably hyperintelligent AI's and people on ROM chips. There was a dehumanizing aspect to life that people constantly worked towards that permeated everything, and everything about Shadowrun should show that.
Cyberpunk's a convergence of base materialism, in which the body is meat and the spirit is 0's and 1's, and chaos theory, in which people are psychotic not simply because they're poor but because civilization just can't handle that much order. Insect spirits being used to clean up devil rats is just like that. It's cost-saving, inhuman, and chaotic.
Mar 12 2006, 05:00 AM
I disagree with almost everything you just said.
Mar 12 2006, 08:15 AM
If you take
Cyberpunk's a convergence of base materialism, in which the body is meat and the spirit is 0's and 1's |
a lot of the discussion here is about how to make things more pragmatic and realistic, |
, and just skim the rest, it's not so bad.
But hey, emo, screw it, it's your game. You want bugs going wild eating rats, sure, why the hell not. Just make at least a half ass attempt at justifying why an alien entity that has been feared throughout millenia and has literally brought empires to the the brink of oblivion, and beyond, is being used as pest control.
Ain't much money in devil rats really. Hell , in my games, not even squatters eat devil rats. More like the other way around really.
Mar 12 2006, 09:54 AM
I wonder if you can buy devilled devil rats.
Mar 16 2006, 10:10 PM
QUOTE (b1ffov3rfl0w) |
QUOTE (Dissonance @ Mar 11 2006, 03:03 PM) | And using an insect spirit to clear up a devil rat infestation is like using a gang of hostile, misanthropic ghouls to take care of those darn teenagers who play music too loud at night. |
So you mean it's the sort of over-the-top evil thing cyberpunk is built on?
Projections indicate that we're losing between twenty and twenty-two thousand nuyen per year in walk-in sales due to loiterers. It would cost only eighteen thousand nuyen to have a gang of ghouls massacre them in a way that won't be traced back to us or scare away potential sales, meaning a net gain for us over the first year.
Touche, sir!
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