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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
In previous editions, there were decent descriptions describing the rigor of airport security. Weapons and heavy chromed characters did not have a prayer in hell of making it through the metal detectors. Mages seemed to be the only ones to take flight because they could pass security rather easily. Sound familiar?

How are people running public airports now? Are most GMs finding that its easier to avoid airports entirely or are you playing it like the SR4 book suggests, that you'll need a SIN (or fake one) to fly any significant distance.

I was thinking that in 2070 you need something better than a fake SIN to get on a semi-ballistic or suborbital - especially if you are chromed. Weapons can always be drop-shipped to the location... it's a matter of whether or not to allow the metal man on the plane.



It seems to me that certain corporations would gladly transport someone without bothering with pesky cyberware scans for an inflated fee. A chromed sammie won't be able to fly out of a public airport, but should have little trouble booking a private flight through a corporation. (say, 2-3x as expensive as booking a normal private flight)
Or alternately, just get a fake SIn that says he's a security guard, or a member of the military if he's got Bane Lacing. All of the other sammie cyber is only Restricted, so it's perfectly legal for civvies to own.
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk)
It seems to me that certain corporations would gladly transport someone without bothering with pesky cyberware scans for an inflated fee. A chromed sammie won't be able to fly out of a public airport, but should have little trouble booking a private flight through a corporation. (say, 2-3x as expensive as booking a normal private flight)

Quite right. While public airports would be a suicide run. A private flight, even from a helipad to the public airport runway, with all paperwork and such handled by the firm you've hired to ensure your privacy, would be ideal if a flight is absolutely necessary.

Of course, the firm may not be able to guarantee you free passage past customs or other parties should you be crossing a border.
Just put aside 20% of your pay into a fund so that your rigger can buy a commuter jet. Then keep putting money aside so your rigger to trick it out with enough firepower to level Seattle.
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
Just put aside 20% of your pay into a fund so that your rigger can buy a commuter jet. Then keep putting money aside so your rigger to trick it out with enough firepower to level Seattle.

Pinky, are you thinking what i'm thinking?"

"that our new owner is hot?"

"no pinky, that we're going to take over the world!"
QUOTE (Geekkake)
Of course, the firm may not be able to guarantee you free passage past customs or other parties should you be crossing a border.

Certainly not, but border crossings only matter where you land and take off. Not for borders that you fly over. So given corporate extraterritoriality, you take off from corp X's facility in one country, you land at corp X's (not corp Y's) facility in another country. Unless everyone leaving that corps facility is checked, you're fine. And I would have to think that level of security would be trivial compared to what you'd be facing otherwise. (in most areas, anyway)
Paranoia about airports has caused my players to spend lots of money having themselves smuggled around. Smugglers are a Shadowrunner on the go's best friend.
I Agree that trying to smuggle anything but a plastic knife and fork through a public airport is neigh impossible without an uberL33t hacker/technomancer to fiddle with the MADs/Thermo/X-Ray. Consider, provided the weapon/cyberware/gadget is not Forbidden, you can own and transport it provided you have the correct documentation. A fake liscence for your gun, your 'ware or your autolockpick linked to the Fake SIN your using to board and pay for the flight ought to cover it.
A fake SIN will only allow you to buy a ticket and get on board with "legal" cyberware. Any weapon or 'ware listed as F or X you will need to buy a separate "permit" in order to get on the plane.

Plus you will need to be the "ID scanner" on every roll for those items plus your ID. Tough stuff.
Fake permits are your friend. Joe SINless Cyborg trying to wander onto the plane with a pair of spurs is going to have issues. Mr. Desert Wars Veteran, on the other hand, is going to get a quick ID check, a nod, and possibly asked for an autograph. The only difference between the two? A few thousand nuyen and some hacking time...
Thanks for your input gang!

I think the bottom line when considering public airport travel is this:

1. evaluate legal cyberware vs. illegal
2. evaluate a good fake SIN vs. the scanners at the airport

The players should know if air travel is a stretch or not based on the cyberware they have or by the fake SIN you have.

Thanks again.

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