Quick question; I remember when I played the SEGA Shadowrun game that there was a Hollywood Correctional Facility in the Redmond Barrens, but other than that I don't remember ever seeing a canon mention of prison facilities in Seattle. I have New Seattle and the old Seattle Sourcebook, are there any mention of prisons in them? If not, then perhaps other sourcebooks?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Oct 7 2003, 10:40 AM
Quick question; I remember when I played the SEGA Shadowrun game that there was a Hollywood Correctional Facility in the Redmond Barrens, but other than that I don't remember ever seeing a canon mention of prison facilities in Seattle. I have New Seattle and the old Seattle Sourcebook, are there any mention of prisons in them? If not, then perhaps other sourcebooks? |
Target: Wastelands has a blurb on arctic prisons. I don't have references handy, unfortunately, but I know someone else will provide, because those people are cool.
Oct 7 2003, 11:20 AM
The old Lone Star book talks about how prisons are set up, but I don't know if it mentions where any of the prisons are.
The Abstruse One
Pg. 63 of the Shadowland Document "The Ends of the Earth..." Subsection: High Threat Incarceration Facilities, goes into the whole premise.
Basicly Reviup made an Arc, that's fully automated and extremely isolated. And voila it is a prison that nobody smart, or at least nobody smart that has no outside help is going to try to break out. Other Corps, possibly city governments(you can read that as Seattle) send their bad boys to them for, ummm "special deportation."
(Though I don't see why you can't just use the Shadowrun Game as canon it follows the canon as far as a remember.)
2:52:16 "Yes, I don't think I want to do too much training up at this end." Rohestial Laendros Ehraun.
Kanada Ten
Oct 7 2003, 01:50 PM
In the mass listings in the back of New Seattle under the "government buildings" headers for each area you will find correctional facilities. Including a Hollywood Correctional Facility in the Redmond Barrens
Oct 7 2003, 02:18 PM
The old Seattle book also talked about each prison.
Oct 7 2003, 07:20 PM
IIRC, the new Seattle Sourcebook mentions a prison in the Barrens that got partially trashed by the Suborbital that came down in the area. Loads of the prisoners escaped and took to the local area as a new gang - the leader was called Chrome King I believe.
Metroplex Prison p42 of the Seattle Sourcebook.
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