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Ok, simple question that may not be easy.
Can you Dikote a suit of Hardened military grade armor?

Also, does the milspec's "Cannot wear any other armor" clause include Full form-fitting body armor? Since FFBA states that it doesn't count as armor for layering etc?
You know, questions like this are how the munchkin graveyard got started. nyahnyah.gif

I'd say yes for the first. There is no reason why not. For the second most certainly no. The description specificly says no other armor. The thing is fittied to the individual and envirosealed so I doub't that there is much extra space for any type of clothing. In my mind, FFBA would just get in the way of the waste removal systems.
Heck, that milspec armor might require you be wearing nothing but underwear, if it's that custom fitted.

Or even no underwear, if that's your thing. =)

Can you Dikote a suit of Hardened military grade armor?

I don't see anything, why this shouldn't be possible.

Also, does the milspec's "Cannot wear any other armor" clause include Full form-fitting body armor? Since FFBA states that it doesn't count as armor for layering etc?

FFBA does count as armor for layering.

What it does not is affecting the character when calculating the penalities for Combat pool loss nor does it count against any Quickness test.

But there is no rule against it being counted as layer of armor in all other aspects.

Good to hear questions answered quick smile.gif

So that means, heavy milspec armor, plus dikote, plus helmet, is.
Ballistic 12
Impact 12
And hardened. Not half bad biggrin.gif
For some reason I always assumed it was dikoted in the process...
QUOTE (Leviathan)
Can you Dikote a suit of Hardened military grade armor?

Absolutely. It's the perfect armor to be dikoted. Just make sure you only put in the hard, ceramic and metal components.
And here I always thought that the only thing you could Dikote was an Ally Spirit manifested as an Ares Viper Slivergun that you intend to have sex with.

Seriously though, if you have the older books (Street Sam Catalogue or Shadowtech) there is a section where they talk about what is involved in the Dikoting process, basically a lot of high heat and pressure. From this was a recomendation that "soft" items like armor jackets not be Dikotable, but you could Dikote just the plates of an armor vest with plates. Of course this means that your hardened armor can be bypassed with a called shot.
Note that if you use those rules for called shots, the full mil-grade armor with dikote and a helmet can also be bypassed with a called shot. So can tank armor.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Note that if you use those rules for called shots, the full mil-grade armor with dikote and a helmet can also be bypassed with a called shot. So can tank armor.


Actually I believe that you cannot use the bypass armor called shot rule against vehicles. IIRC the only use for a called shot on a vehicle was to target a specific component (tires, windows, antennas, etc).

Under the SR4 rules the modifier to your pool is the target's armor rating, making this much more difficult to do against heavy armor and vehicles.

The GM has final say over whether or not a called shot is allowed or not in both versions.
To which my answer would be Hell no, concerning heavy mil spec armor. There is a point where every gm has to put his foot down ya know. "Hi, Im carrying a machine gun and wearing a small tank strapped around my body. No, you cant shoot me in the eyes."
And anyone who tried the 'well the joints must be at least flexable", please note that the person would have next to zip for reaction and combat pool because he is wearing a damm tank.
QUOTE (Lindt)
And anyone who tried the 'well the joints must be at least flexable", please note that the person would have next to zip for reaction and combat pool because he is wearing a damm tank.

And Kevlar, if not segmented plates, over the joints. wink.gif
QUOTE (Lindt)
And anyone who tried the 'well the joints must be at least flexable", please note that the person would have next to zip for reaction and combat pool because he is wearing a damm tank.

Unless the player minmaxed Quickness, so that he wouldn't. wink.gif
But would you let the call shot to a target wearing milli-grade (dikioted or not) discount the "hardened" part of the armour to represent the softer joints being the target?
QUOTE (KarmaInferno)
Heck, that milspec armor might require you be wearing nothing but underwear, if it's that custom fitted.

Or even no underwear, if that's your thing. =)

Well, it's not that big a streach to assume that, if you've got on heavy mil-spec, you're going Commando....
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc)
But would you let the call shot to a target wearing milli-grade (dikioted or not) discount the "hardened" part of the armour to represent the softer joints being the target?

No. You can put plate over joints to reduce vulnerability enough that the "hardened" part should stand against called shots.

What worked with steel and chainmail in the 14th century should work for dikoted metastable carbon nitride and neo-kevlar.

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