Jr. Woodchuck
Oct 7 2003, 04:48 PM
Oh first off hi everyone, I know its like been 6 months at least since i've been on the boards. A bunch has happend since last I was here.
Okay but on to the question.
So whatever happend to that snazzy Renraku Arcology project?
The project was actually going to map out each of the floors of the Arc, making it the Uber Dungeon crawl of Shadowrun. I actually was very interested in the project. Is it still going strong or did it fizzle and die out like so many other projects of the past?
Jr. Woodchuck
Oct 8 2003, 02:30 PM
So I take it that I was the only one interested in this project?

...and that it fizzled
Oct 8 2003, 02:33 PM

Just joking. I haven't really heard anything about it, but it sounds like a cool idea.
Was this that huge, ambitious project to map the entire Arcology?
Oct 8 2003, 05:49 PM
Well I was peripherally involved, and I haven't heard any emails since it really started.
I'm still at work at other stuff and school so I haven't had much time to map out much of anything.
Oct 8 2003, 06:31 PM
I'd be willing to offer my services as a CADder if it's still active or ever gets resurrected. I use Vectorworks 9.5.3 with a moderate level of proficiency.
Oct 8 2003, 06:42 PM
I would definitely enjoy running an Arcology dungeon crawl with our groups here if the map came together.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
I'd be willing to offer my services as a CADder if it's still active or ever gets resurrected. I use Vectorworks 9.5.3 with a moderate level of proficiency. |
Well, should it ever be resurrected, a CADder would be very helpful.
Oct 9 2003, 12:56 AM
The Archology doesn't look anywhere near what it looked like before because of Deus. So any map of the Archology would be useless because Deus would change it to fit whatever he needed it to be.
The Abstruse One
Oct 9 2003, 01:00 AM
Any map wouldn't be totally accurate, no. However, odds are most of it would be, and giving the players access to a mostly but not totally accurate map would IMO increase the creepy factor of realizing that there are supposed to be about five floors where this big maze is.
[edit] If there's enough interest and no one from the original project comes forward to claim leadership, I'd be willing to help start up another group. Anyone interested?
Yes, sounds oh so very cool. How do I sign on. ::elemental in service of some mage appears carrying a bunch of contracts:: Hmmm ahh, yes ::Signs name::
Oct 9 2003, 04:46 AM
Anyone else? If I get a third I'll assume that the project will take at least two weeks to die and is thus worth immortalizing on the Community Projects board.
Oct 9 2003, 09:04 AM
Oh... hum... I'm interested, however I tend to have very little time on my hand. I guess I could work myself back into CADing again, but then again, I suck at coming up with maps.
The point in this post: I would really like to see this project resurrected and finished (eventually) but I don't think I have the time and skills.
Oct 9 2003, 09:30 AM
Anyone interested in helping, check the Community Projects forum.
Oct 9 2003, 07:55 PM
Was I jumping the gun here? Anyone interested and able to help?
The post on the Community Projects pageThe project forum~J
Oct 9 2003, 08:56 PM
Interested to help: definately!
Able to help: I don't think so. Even more so when I take a look at the criteria you posted over at the community projects forum. I do have the Canon material but I haven't even heard of the CAD program you use, let alone own a copy. I'm not as obsessed as you are, so I might lose interest a while in. And I don't have much time to commit to this, so work would be slow. I also have absolutely no experience with office or condo design. Therefore, I fit into only one of your categories: I own the canon material. Therefore, I guess, I don't qualify.
And I guess I'm not the only one who would really like to help and see this happen but simply lacks qualification. We all owe you big time if you manage to get this somewhere but it's definately gonna be hard finding the right people for it.
Oct 9 2003, 09:31 PM
At this point what I need more than another CADder is someone who knows what dimensions and layouts would be reasonable for an office or residential complex. I can toss up a floorplan, but I won't know if the doors should be .6, .8, or 1 meter wide, how thick the walls should be, how much clearance to give each floor...
Well, I'll see what I can do. I've got a long weekend coming up soon, so I might be able to hack together a few basic noninteresting rooms; maybe actually having something done will manage to attract people.
One thing I do need help with as soon as possible, though: anyone with any information as to the dimensions of the Arcology (height, approximate width and depth of floors, especially the first floor, total floor count (my copies of RA:S and Brainscan are at home), that sort of thing.
Oct 10 2003, 01:50 AM
I've been in all sorts of buildings and such but no CADer.
Oct 10 2003, 08:29 AM
* DV8 ponders his possible contribution.
Oct 10 2003, 03:07 PM
Ahh, sadly the mapping project quietly fizzled out. I'm still willing to supply any of the spare time I actually have (bloody homework, girlfriend, classes and family) to setting up a general map for use. Drop me a line if you want to continue this.
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