Apr 8 2006, 03:14 AM
Here a question...
Page 123 talks about this skill giving sucesses on making the test to learn a new skill.
Does anyone know how this learn test works for non-technomancers?
As in advancment there is no rules talking about this.
Apr 10 2006, 01:23 PM
The instructor makes an instruction test, and the hits scored on that count as additional dice on their test to learn the new skill/ spell/etc...
This is from memory, unfortunatly so I can't clarify it.
Apr 10 2006, 09:16 PM
yeah but there's no ned for those dice (yet maybe in an upcoming supplement) except for spells and complex forms
Apr 11 2006, 04:23 AM
As near as I can tell, there are rules for helping someone learn but no rules for learning.
A little bit of a hole, there.
Apr 11 2006, 06:09 PM
The extra dice can make learning quicker, otherwise it's only purpose is so you can use practical methods of teaching (aka, your runner buddies) besides hacking a elf-help manual not to charge you for showing you how to hotwire your 'new' bike.
As far 'learning' something new, all that involves is deciding what you want to learn, then taking the steps to get the stuff needed to start out, then you 'study' for so and so time, and you roll, and you learn!
There is a time table somewhere for upgrading skills, you can probably use that time for learning a new skill.
SL James
Apr 11 2006, 06:23 PM
QUOTE (Liminaut) |
As near as I can tell, there are rules for helping someone learn but no rules for learning.
A little bit of a hole, there. |
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