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Perception Test
10 04 04 05
Low Light Vision but Colorblind.

yup I believe I've earnt a total of 12 so far and have 5 left so I'll go with gaining Car 1 (1 Karma) (should cover wheeled drones iirc) and Mechanical Arm 2 (4 Karma) if that's okay by Lindt.

Perception (once he wakes up again):

5, 11, 4, 4, 4, 3, 5, 15, 2
Fine by me.

HMHVV Hunter
Still trying to decide what to spend mine on.

And unfortunately my gorram character sheet seems to have been thrown out in the apartment cleanup over the weekend...I think I've got a substitute in the recruiting thread, but still...
Fine by me.
Got an 11 on the perception test.

Not quite enough Karma for my next expenditure yet.
HMHVV Hunter
I'm spending 12 karma on increasing my Sorcery to Level 6.

This leaves me with 0 Good Karma remaining.
HMHVV Hunter
Ok, decision time:

For a mirad of reasons, including but not limited to the afor mentioned smelling like girl, the fact that I have been roped into running a real game for some college kids, and work has been kicking my ass royal-like; Im either going to let this die, or give you an option.

I was always planning on migrating this into a much more player driven game once things got settled, and insted to dropping it all tougther, I just cut you all loose to go and have merry adventures.

Ill still be around, but acting more as damage control and answering questions then giving you all a major earth shattering cool stuff (which is why I changed the start date, as this was going to involve some of the fun times from system failure.).

So its your call.
Sorry to hear that Lindt and hope the RL game goes well *8-> I'm good either way although I'd prefer to keep playing I'm not certain how it'll go with no GM.... had some verrrrry odd un-gm'd games before *8-> If we end up breaking up it's been a pleasure and hope to game with you all again soon (never know I might get time to read the 4ed book at some point) and Lindt you been great *8-> Otherwise I'll see you all on the board as soon as we get posting in the IC thread *8->
I agree with Callidus, I would like to keep playing, but I've never done a GMless game and I'm not sure I want to see how it goes. I've had a good time and wish all the best should the group deciede to not continue.
HMHVV Hunter
I'd love to keep playing this. I was always hoping one of us would take the role of captain, so maybe this would be the perfect time for that.

My only question is, who's going to create the opposition for us on whatever adventures we do? Would you still do that?
HMHVV Hunter
C'mon guys, think of the fun we could have with this! Going on our own smuggling runs to wherever we want.

I think this could be a lot of fun.

I've never played a mostly-GM-less game before, but I vote we try it.
HMHVV Hunter
Also, to anyone else that wants to go along with a mostly GM-less game, I've got an idea: in the event we don't get everyone on board, why don't we do a recruitment thing on this board but roleplay it out? There's gotta be other people on these boards that would be interested; let's make a roleplaying session out of it (like we're picking up new crew in a port).
Sounds good hmhvv *8-> What the hey I'm in *8->
I'll do it.

You do understand that this is going to turn completely and totaly wacco, right? 'Tis the nature of a GMless game to do so.
Heheh, Waco or wacko?

Im going to put a post up to get some plot finished before I hand it over to you folks.
Yup it can do *8-> Depends on the players' self control *cough* or usually lack thereof *cough* *8-> So no PACs appearing ya hear..... well unless i can easily miji the drone before it fires *8->
HMHVV Hunter
Are we going to get more of a GM sendoff than the timestamp?
I accedently hit post with out having anything else written. Go check now.
HMHVV Hunter
Checked it. Posted a reply that should provide a good idea of where Mal is. If you need more info, lemme know.
No problem. Im going to put another one of those nifty diagram thingies up before I hand it over to you all.
Ziptide is on deck - you can put him about anywhere you want if you need more specifics, but he will probably be on the side that gives him the best view of the approaching ships.

I think I'll stick around and see how it goes. Might be fun if we can start having the characters interact more, now that most of the setup/exposition has been taken care of.
Sam is standing at the door to her cabin.

Is she aware of any high explosives anywhere on the ship?
Alright, first I want to apologise for my lack of posting over the past two weeks or so. I'm not going to make excuses for it. I would like to keep playing if at all possible.
HMHVV Hunter
No problem. Catch up with the posts and just keep on goin' smile.gif
Sorry about that guys was knocked offline for a while *8-< on the plus side figured out how to get past work's block on websites such as dumpshock *8-> hehe the IT department rules again *8->

Anyhoo more seriously, posts up and I'll have to go hunt through my files for tech specs on the boat and then figure what we can do. Think the hydrofoiling gets up to about 300 or so but that might be 1500 (as my memory tickles me for that but it seems too high and a sorta aircraft speed *8-<). I think the motorboat engines are *much* lower but again a lot less noticeable. Sailing with sheets is slowest but nets a signiture somewhere in the 18ish range.
Since no one has posted in nearly two weeks I'm going to make a suggestion. Instead of letting this game die a whipmering lonely death lets send it out with a bang in the tradition of Bonnie & Clyde and Butch & Sundance, hal the Aztlan navy vs. one smuggling boat.
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