Apr 12 2006, 05:13 PM
I have a mage who is wishing to initiate. He has the karma necessary to do so, but I'm wondering how long a training time should be for this. Also, how much (aside from the normal day-to-day costs of living) should this cost?
Apr 12 2006, 05:23 PM
There is no training time. It's an epiphany sort of thing. Also, there are no costs. Thinking is free (hah!).
If you wish to be a semi-evil GM, you can have him do an ordeal that takes a lot of time, such as a quest or week-long meditation or fast.
For costs, if he's joining an Group, there can be a fee for advancement at your discretion.
Apr 12 2006, 05:42 PM
QUOTE (Backgammon) |
There is no training time. It's an epiphany sort of thing. Also, there are no costs. Thinking is free (hah!).
If you wish to be a semi-evil GM, you can have him do an ordeal that takes a lot of time, such as a quest or week-long meditation or fast.
For costs, if he's joining an Group, there can be a fee for advancement at your discretion. |
Groups, Ordeals, and all that jazz are tucked away in SR3's advanced magic books, if you care to go digging. Your other option would be to just let him advance as listed in SR4, for which there aren't (yet) any complications.
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